Scottsdale Web Design – 5 Ways to Stay Away from Google Penalties in 2019

The most frightening in the Internet world is none other than the penalties.  Your business could land in the graveyard as quickly than you can imagine. Believe it or not, penalties could actually ruin your business.

This article is precisely about how to avoid algorithmic penalties, to stay in good standing with Google, and to keep on raking the benefits.

Google reflected on the screen of a Samsung Tablet

Before I discuss about the how, let me help you understand the basics of the Google penalties:

  1. Algorithmic penalties are of two kinds of search engine penalties which are the manual and the algorithmic.
  • A manual penalty means a person decided to put a stop on your online activities. Usually, for this one, you will receive a notice from the Google Webmaster.
  • An algorithmic penalty is when you violate the guidelines. Naturally, Google will penalize your website and your ranking gets affected.
  1. This article is about prevention. Once you get an algorithmic penalty, your ranking will obviously decline. Surely, you can recover, but it will be a long journey. Now, here are 5 tips to make sure that you are safe.

Tip #1:  Understand the rules and never break them.

If you need a complete guide, Google posted them here. Whether you like it or not, Google creates the rules and every user must follow suit. No need to apply shady schemes because Google will know about it.

If you want to succeed online, then Google’s guidelines should be your ultimate roadmap.  Read it carefully and abide by the rules.

Tip #2:  Analyze your content.

Upon reading and following tip #1, then you would know that the culprit is usually spammy content. Content auditing is actually not really difficult. You just need 2 things:

  1. You must understand Google’s guidelines.
  2. Examine your content. Is it high in quality? You are not keyword stuffing? Your images have alt texts? Even the littlest details will make a big difference so carefully look through your content.

Tip #3:  Tidy up your links.

Don’t wait for a manual penalty to happen before you tidy up your links. Start early and build a strong link profile. A link profile refers to the links pointing to your website. Google ranks these links basing from these qualifications:

  • The standard of excellence of where the links came from – was it from a reputable site or not?
  • The anchor text used – what is the text used in describing the links.

To know the list of links, you can go to Google Webmaster. Hence, don’t believe everything you read online, and educate yourself on the link building myths. If you suspect any links, disavow them immediately.

Tip #4:  Develop awesome content.

 Remember, your website is nothing without your content. Provide relevant content to your audience and apply these:

  • Writing may take a day or two, but marketing is an everyday task.
  • Of course, you just don’t write. You need to edit and update what you posted.
  • Don’t just stick one type of content. Add mixing videos and inforgraphics into the page.

In the end, you would want people to react with what you publish. Make people rave about your content and links will naturally come your way.

Tip #5:  Know the latest algorithm.

Google constantly innovates. The rules before won’t be the same rules now. Of course, things will evolve. To avoid violating the algorithmic rules, check Google’s blog and the official webmasters blog.

Scottsdale Web Design – 4 Suggestions in Improving Horrible Websites (Part 2)

In part 1, I discussed two suggestions on how to revive a dying website. First, it was about listing your goals, and the second is to follow a game plan in order to achieve these objectives. Now, I shall continue on the 3rd and 4th tip.

person holding pencil near laptop computer

  1. Be the leader.

When a client goes to you to do site optimization, they direly need your help. They desire to be ushered by the masters who can inspire them to grow, to be enhanced, and be polished.

When there is a complicated and greater probable failure in optimization projects, the demand for a lead role becomes more important. When I say lead role, it could mean the SEO expert or simply just an ordinary person with enough knowledge. Managing project is more difficult when websites are disorganized. Horrible sites are a representation of the business strategy and history. Everything can change with the correct leader.

The following are the functions of a good leader:

  • One who organizes the project plans, and sticks with agreed roles, tasks, activities, and methods.
  • Collects facts and findings from key employees and guarantees that the reporting is useful and punctual.
  • Checks quickly if the calculation can be true in the strategy, to permit expertise with the methodical roadmaps, and does the change when necessary.
  • Clear client/business objectives into the optimization project plans and strategies that really works.
  • Focuses on actions, scrutinizes aftermath, and encourage people to focus on the things they are good at.
  • Puts things together and retains the comprehensibility, commitment, and expected performance.
  1. Focus on everything you think is important.

A substandard site can drain your finances, your time, and your enthusiasm to work. Improve what you can and continue to work for what you want to achieve. You need to learn how to prioritize your tasks.

  • Google Docs is an awesome way to allow people to have access to same information. Your team does not have to be in one location. Using an online tool like Google Docs, anyone in the team can freely edit and update the needed documents. Any authorized personnel can access documents wherever they may be in the world.
  • Not only that, online tools help destroy geographical barriers. Everyone in the team will know what to do because there will be a task list for everyone to see. Plus, there will be excuse to be late for work or missed the bus.
  • Trello and ToodleDo are other free tools you can use. These websites can make your life easier in managing your website repairs. When you have done this, everything is in its place and the only thing left to do is to make sure that everything is working well. Additionally, set exact anticipated time to complete each task.


Websites are not the same. There will be distinction between one and another. You may think that website optimization projects are hopeless from the start. There could be potential risks and dangers. When faced with a horrible site, all you need to do is apply these tips:

Scottsdale Web Design – 4 Suggestions in Improving Horrible Websites (Part 1)

If you are active online, you would noticed some websites are utterly horrible. When you are about to begin something and start your research, then a website does not perform the way you want it to be. It could simply be an outdated website that the owner abandoned it without no plans of reinventing it.

person shocked upon seeing his laptop computer

Well, sites are not intrinsically horrible, and they can still be rescued. On the other hand, it is better to start fresh all over again. Here are the four suggestions to revive a dying website.

  1. Don’t go to the technical details just yet!

Usually, you would want to work on a site and fix crucial SEO concerns, but that shouldn’t be the case! The first important phase is to address any customer concern. You are there to serve their needs.  Help them attain the things they need and you will be rewarded by Google with brownie points. Thus, you need to catch up on some tips Google provided here: Interpreting ‘Quality’ According to Google (Part 1)

Aside from that, it also best to evaluate the whole scenario. Talking with the clients will give you the opportunity to know their problems with the website. You will also find out anything that was not helpful in the past. So, there’s no need to make the mistakes again. Focus and give more importance to the strategies that worked before.

Now, if you are a technical person, do not allow yourself to carelessly edit or alter because getting technical at this point may affect the higher ranked pages. Plus, this not the time to do that. At this point, you need to look at the bigger picture. Create a roadmap of this project to make yourself aware of the progress and to complete it in the most organized way. Here are examples:

  1. Be realistic and follow the plan.

Create an attainable objectives and key performance metrics from the start. You can jot down the progress and do this on a weekly basis. Progress could be mundane like added CTRs to more sizable gains like web traffic, ranking, or conversion rates.  Keep your head on the game. Below are the things that could help:

Other goals could keep you away from the more important actions. Usually, this happens when there is too much excuses and demands on various activities. Thus, it is important to use boards and other means to keep track with the project. It helps if you use interactive boards to visualize your progress. There is a clear distinction between what needs to be done and what are already completed.

For now, I will stop here. Don’t worry because I will continue the discussion on 4 Suggestions in Improving Horrible Websites (Part 2)

Things to Know About Regional SEO (Part 2)

In part 1, I discussed about how to improve your regional SEO and I gave you two of the tips you will need. Today, I will add more tips.

So, let’s begin!

  1. Build a Finer Regional Pages

Building a regional page need a little bit more details. To assure the user a significant experience, be sure to add the essentials like NAP (name, address, and phone number), photos, directions, and specific description of the business location.

Incorporate Unique Description

If you want a well-thought of region page and a doorway page, your description should be exceptional.

The following are things you should consider in your business description to build the worth of your region page:

  • The history of your company in a particular region.
  • The reasons why your businesses are pertinent to people in the area.
  • Include noteworthy projects in the said area and add pictures as well.
  • Products or services presented that are favored by many in the area.
  • Illustrate the physical area denoting significant landmarks.

people having a meeting

Acknowledge local clients and testimonies

If you are a B2B business owner, incorporate known and respectable clients in the particular area that people can surely be identifiable to users. Talk about what type of job you accomplished for the said clients and then add pertinent photos of the service you have done. If you can ask for a testimonies from these clients, that too will be such an effective way to be felt. Do a video and post it.

Add Photos

Well, your competitors could be doing the same thing but the difference could be that they are using stock photos while you are doing original photos that are professionally done. Smart, huh?

Do such wonderfully taken photos and follow these suggestions:

  • Make sure that you show your logo eminently.
  • Add an alt text and image name.
  • It is good to present images of your products or services in full action. That has power.
  • Consider to put distinct landmarks from that region.

 Incorporate a Map

Produce a custom-made map of the particular region with highlights to point out where your service area is. It would be wise to have an interactive map to make sure it lead users to the right place.

Location of your Physical Office

It is not practical to have an office in every region you cater. A physical office for some may not even be an option.

  1. GMB or SAB?

 If you have a physical office for answering calls and sending service members, having a GMB or Google My Business profile is such a good way to go. It is an online profile that has your name, address and phone number.

If your business cannot handle many offices in different places, then having a SAP or Service Area Business in GMB may be the ideal setup. Take note that Service Area Business or SAP are businesses do not have a local office instead they go around to present their services at the client’s location. Convenient isn’t it?

  1. Build Links Within Your Niche

 There are several building schemes that can be done but it is best create custom built links to reach your SEO goal. Below are ways on getting distinct links for your regional pages:

  • Engage in different business events and local charities.
  • Join organizations and submit to your links to directories.
  • Feature testimonies and reviews, and use them to gain more customers.
  • Blog about your works on other websites as well.

Things to Know About Regional SEO (Part 1)

There are some businesses that prefer to rank for a bigger region instead of optimizing for a specific location. This is more practical because they give services in different areas and may not be able to have actual customers visiting the store.

Performing a well-planned regional SEO approach can assist broaden the many times your content is shown and the number of users that read your content devoid of straining your bank account to finance physical offices in a small city in the region. If you do this the right way, you can definitely rank in the SERP for the desired “near me” searches which are the usual places to get suggestions.

man standing in front of people sitting beside table with laptop computers

What is the distinction between Regional SEO and Local SEO?

There is a crucial distinction. Brian Harnish said, “Local SEO is a strategic process that focuses on emphasizing the optimization efforts of local brick-and-mortar businesses.”

  • A lot of physical stores, also called service area businesses, try to perform local SEO and put up a virtual office which also need its own set of employees. However, it’s basically operating via the internet. This is done to boost the online presence in the local SERP.
  • This is permissible by Google’s guidelines for as long as there are people doing the job during business hours. However, if a user complains and Google thinks that you are defying the law, then Google could suspend your listing. Of course, you can always ask for a reinstatement but that certainly will take a long time. So, always make sure to follow Google’s guidelines.

How do you Improve your Regional SEO?

To avoid the downward surge of your online visibility despite your intense SEO efforts, here are 5 suggestions to improve your regional SEO approach.

  1. Investigate Your Area

  • It is always wise to know your area by means of investigating. Do your research before you do anything. Find out the cities that gets the most organic attention for your services or goods.
    • Do a Local Keyword Research
      • Do this comprehensibly and don’t forget to add geo modifiers, also called geo tag or geographic modifiers, to your keywords.
      • Differentiate this with the report of the Google Analytics. Find out if there are identical (or diverse) data. When you are done with your city list, try to position them starting from the highest to the lowest search.
    • Classify Your Cities
      • The next step is to classify them in lone regions so we could lessen the number of the regions pages as we go on.
      • An example would be, if you want to rank in Dallas in your SEO services, then aim for business districts like Frisco, Irving, and so on. Take note that Fort Worth is only less than 40 miles away from Dallas and it could be wise to put them in just one area. Perhaps, your Dallas, Fort Worth page can focus on most areas of North Texas.
  1. Maximize Doorway Pages

  • Google describes this as “sites or pages created to rank highly for specific search queries.”
  • Further described as a set of identical or dualistic pages and goes to the same destination and that could hurt the user’s experience. Building doorway pages is the latest thing that should stop. Funny thing is that there are times that they work. In 2017, John Mueller said during a Google Webmaster Hangout that a well thought of doorway pages is a great scheme if done the right way.

Now, you have an idea on how to improve your regional SEO. But wait, I have more for you coming up on the second part.


4 Possible Reasons Why Your Content Didn’t Rank Well

If you are slightly familiar with SEO, surely you have heard the adage, “content is king.” Well, that is not what we are going to discuss today. Perhaps you have done market research, looked into different web pages, and applied what you have learned to your content. With all the knowledge and confidence, you posted thinking it will do well. However, you waited and waited for months, and the numbers aren’t high as expect. Page rankings still remains poor.  Frustrating doesn’t even begin to describe the situation.

Person Shooting Arrow from Bow

Missed your target?

Don’t despair because not everything went down the drain. Having said that, let us go to the possible reasons why you did not rank.

  1. What is your topic?

There are many ways search engine algorithms look at to position your website. It varies from link profile to page speed. But do not start thinking of doing something about those things, focus on the content first.

  • What is your content about?
  • Does it provide solutions to the questions asked by users?
  • Is your topic pertinent to a bigger audience?

These are the queries you should answer to know the applicability of the content.Your content has to have various assets so that search engines can appraise it as useful. Your content should be reliable, innovative, and associated to the webpage where it will be shown. Search engines do not want to entertain plagiarized copy of any article, duplicated, or useless content.  If you need a concrete basis, just look at the Google’s search results page. The top-ranking pages are creative, unique, and straightforward.

Research first before you write your own content. The important thing is not to rush things because the users will always go for a well-thought of content. So, make it easier for audience. Write something relatable and understandable to the public.

  1. What are the keywords you are utilizing?

Keywords enable you to have a web subtopics. And then what? This is where you might have to audit the kind of keyword research that you are working on.

You need to be specific because that is where you will get your customers. Go for long-tail keywords and not just general and broad keywords.

  1. Continue to improve!

We may be discussing for hours but remember that ranking happens when your content is applicable! In the same light, content even keywords that were pertinent in the previous months can be irrelevant today.

Check the keywords of your content and update when need be. Make use of a keyword research tool and learn the latest changes. Search your keywords and take a look at your competitors and know the following:

  • Would the presence of a strong contender have an effect on your ranking?
  • Were they there when you built your site and make your first keyword research?

These questions will assist you think on how you will consistently update your content.

  1. Link profile is not strong enough.
  • Inbound links matters a great deal. It will not rank without a strong link building scheme. Think of links from the viewpoint of the users.
  • Links come from other websites that believe in your website. They saw that your website is worthy and reliable.

To summarize, let us remember that a lot of technical SEO problems could have something to do with your rankings. At the end of the day, content creation is important. However, updating them is more important. Thus, take time to update your keywords, webpages, content, and links to address the concerns of your users.

Watch Out for These 5 Indications of Black Hat SEO

Black hat is a practice that defies search engine guidelines to gain high rankings in Google. These results to a penalty from search engines. Most of the time, a site is not aware that they are afflicted. While it is true that in the beginning, a site will really rank high in Google. Eventually, search engines will downgrade it for such unethical practices.

man carefully looking through monocular

What does Black Hat SEO mean?

  • SEO is a procedure of designing a site with the aim of ranking high in search engines like Google. It is an imaginative means of “optimizing” content to gain organic traffic as oppose to paying advertising fees, which could be expensive.
  • When you do website optimization, there are two kinds: the white and the black hat SEO. The white hat SEO utilize lawful means to rank high. Black hat SEO intend towards search engines and not people which could misguide the algorithms and the users.

Today, Google and the other search engines has advanced algorithms to help find black hat SEO. Here are some black hat SEO schemes you should know:

Paid links

  • Google defines a paid link when it is paid by either goods or money. Nowadays, Google gives a considerable resources to close paid links and link farms. To determine this, take a look at the “anchor text,” the text or phrase that contains the link.
  • If text is irregular with no association to the link, it could be a bought link. Take a look at the number of links on each page.  “Keyword stuffing” happens when a keyword is used in an excessive number of times. These keywords they used may be a popular so this ensures that Google search ranking is high. If you repeat the same keyword on the title, the meta description, or anywhere in your content, that is keyword stuffing. To not be penalized for keyword stuffing, avoid using the keywords multiple times.

Hidden Links

  • Just how like the name suggests, it is a type of link that you cannot see. Google emphasizes on these things:  putting a hidden text behind an image, adding a text with a 0 font size, inserting a series of white texts on a white background with white text. Basically, you are being sneaky adding texts or links that can’t be easily detected by the human eye. More on 9 Bad Links That Can Get You in Trouble.

Cloaking and Redirects

  • When websites present two distinct content to search engines and to users, that is clocking. Meanwhile, if you have experienced clicking on a website and ended up in another website, that is called a “sneaky redirect.”
  • For cloaking, let’s say that search engine will see plain texts while the user can clearly see images. So, there is a clear difference between what the search engines and users see on your website.

Black Hat SEO will harm your Google Rankings in the long run.

Three things you learned here: 1) hire a good SEO firm for your website, 2) build educative content, and 3) follow Google’s guidelines at all times. Apply these three tips and you will never go wrong.

Make Your Search Listings Exceptional on Google in 4 Easy Ways

There is one way of having a lot of CTR that can drive additional traffic to your site. Rivalry in SERPs is tough ever since Google has done a lot of changes in its algorithms. You owe to greatly increase the size of your listing, and here are four tips that can assist you to do just that.

smartphone showing Google Search

Step 1: Create a full and captivating meta description

Meta descriptions are disregarded in SEO. It may not be as essential in search ranking as compared to backlinks or social signals. The question now is, what comprises an awesome meta description? How do you create one that will be exceptional enough to garner a good results in Google?

Here are some strategies:

  • Stay away from few meta descriptions – You have 160 characters to write and create the substantial description and keep it in two lines only which depends on the volume of the words you will use.
  • Do not forget a gripping CTA– influence people to click through:
  • Begin with an action word to compel people to action.
  • End your piece with another action word to affect people to another action.
  • Always ask a question to induce thinking right away.
  • Utilize a cliffhanger – if it did well in novels and soap operas, it will likewise do the same with meta description.
  • Make use of keywords – If your title or description matches a word query, this will be highlighted and that will bring more awareness to your listing.

There is nothing wrong in adding more strength, weight, and power just to be excellent on Google.

Step 2: Aim for two results in the SERPs.

If you can, aim on having 2 or more search results in the first page of the SERPs. You see, Google links pages that came from the same domain if one and the other are in the same SERP.

The following is a good scheme:

  • Begin with the title and then the meta description– Fit together keywords that are on the lower ranking page and words in the higher ranking page. You must not make a duplicate. Instead, make sure your content is one of its kind but pertinent to the keyword.
  • Assess page optimization- Again, no duplication here. Assess the higher ranking pages, and take note of the headers and keywords used.
  • Use outside links – Do blog posts on other sites. You can also find dead links on a website that could lead to your page. Then, inform the web admin that you found broken links so they can correct it.

Step 3: Add snippets.

Snippets is beneficial to your search listings. But know that there are reasons why:

  • Keyword is highlighted in every portion.
  • Star rating can add a line to the listing, this means that even if it has low rating, it would still be noticed.
  • A rating list can be noticed due to the location lists.

Step 4: Obtain sitelinks

Google tells us that sitelinks are self-regulating and will be shown if it is functional to the search users.

    • Present URL
    • Send a site map
    • Rethink your site

Other techniques you can do:

How to Boost a Content That Is NOT Doing Well? (Part 2)

In part 1, I discussed the two ranking essentials for landing on the 1st page of the SERPs. I gave some tips in pushing content to the highest portion of Google’s search results. Today, I will share the rest of the tips.  So, let’s start with…

Enhancing Your Content for Your Audience

  • While it is true that possessing a high organic search ranking is vital, the most important task now is building the needed user experience.
  • The prime focus of the content is to be able to reply to the user inquiries and challenging the appropriate action. Build one of a kind content that responds to as much user inquiries as possible. At the same time, it should contribute practicable solutions. Writing a content with the users as the major concern is crucial in developing organic ranking.
  • Your content must be extraordinary, original, and distinct.

Woman About to Write

The Significance of Link Building

  • The quantity of backlinks to a page is associated to a towering organic rank that is greater than any other element.  In one SEMrush research, it tells us that there is a humorous drop on the quantity of the referring websites in high volume of keyword searches for the search results on page 2 until 15.
  • Although backlinks are vital, the quantity of links more vital. From a wider point of view, backlinks turn out to be an affirmation of your content. The more unique domains linked to your content, the more users will recommend your content.
  • Your approach should zero-in on gaining pertinent and authoritative backlinks. The directory links, or links that came from the same website because they are simpler to spam, are NOT counted.
  • The dilemma is, without your presence felt, how do you then entice back links to your website the natural way? This will entail link developing scheme. A lot of approaches will be used here.
  • The first step is to build an outreach template which is your way of getting in touch with different people you like to get links from. Actually, there are a lot of sources for you to have backlinks if you have an idea where they can be found. Read below to guide you:
    • Analyzing the rivals’ links.
    • Guest posting on other sites.
    • Repairing broken links.
    • Getting shares, links, or mentions.
  • The above mentioned are simple outreach schemes to push not mechanically links returning to your site.  The more reference you get, the more chance your rank goes up for a particular keyword search.
  • It is important to put your attention on potential sites and influencers.

Branding and Further Campaigns

If you supply a high-quality article, there is a possibility that when they do an identical search in the future, they could click on your content to make sure their question is fulfilled. To finance a campaign, companies resort to paid promotion. This will bring your content to your influencers and preferred audience.

Doing a marketing campaign to encourage users who engaged with your site. Obviously, the concept is to build your presence and the media exposure of your brand as well.

So, you need to optimize and enhance basing from the feedback you get. Then, realign content to your desired way. This will result to a bigger organic presence in the SERPs.

How to Boost a Content That Is NOT Doing Well? (Part 1)

The harsh reality is content is not enough to make your presence felt to progress. Even if you spent many hours doing research, writing and editing. There’s still a HUGE chance of  being unnoticed on Google. Everyone knows that the top 2 ranking essentials are as follows:

  • The content should always be relevant to the users.
  • The quality of links pertaining to a website.

Although link development and content are the center of SEO, do not forget that you are actually creating something that is hard to obtain. Google’s main core is still their own users’ journey.

Woman Typing on Laptop

If users does not click, engage, share, or goes back to the content on your website, no big numbers of  links and blogs will not be adequate. So, what else can you offer the search engines that your competitors does not? Here are some tips that you should bear in mind when boosting content towards the top of the SERPs.

Know Your Capabilities

Perhaps, your content has poor ranking because you’re challenging well acclaimed brands. The keyword research strategy usually zeroes in on unjustifiable niches. It could also be keywords that has a huge search volume and few oppositions in the space.

Link development and upgrading content will be useless if you are going against a known brand. Nevertheless, you cannot create extensive topics. They are vital for creating pillar page and other sub-topics. You are actually supplying user value, and at the same time, adding to your indexation rate.

Question, how can you gain larger organic visibility? Go for exhaustive strategy, and impart data that your competitors are not giving. What is really a better approach is to push content on fall back topic having high search volume.

Gaining backlinks are easy. Additionally, if you click a content that has 300 to 400 words, it will not be reputed as a niche subject matter.

It is vital for you to know these constraints before you consider manual link campaigns. So, you do not have to waste your budget, time and effort.

Big brands does not have to work as hard as you. They are officially recognized and trusted by users as well as the search engines. Google knows that users will be clicking on these listings which is a part of why they rank on top. Knowing this, you now comprehend how you could push content to the first page ranking so that your brand will be seen, and eventually, be trusted by your audience.

How to Jump Start the Process?

Perhaps, you have done a comprehensive link building campaign and has gotten many exposures and shares to your content. And you ask yourself, why it hasn’t gone to the top result? Perhaps, it is not ranking on page 1. There are many essential factors that are not seen on the outset that could be stopping your content to rank.

Check the arrangement of the web pages, and analyze the overall structure of your site if it is optimized. This will assist your content to rank. You could also check the following:

  • Enhancing page speed.
  • Making responsive site.
  • Disavowing links.
  • Making sure pages are indexed by Google.
  • Taking away duplicate content.