The importance of microcopy for your website’s conversion rate


A lot of clients come and ask us the best ways to improve their conversion rates. Often they are a little shocked when we suggest adding a tiny bit of text to their site. It may seem small and insignificant but microcopy can make a huge difference. Here’s what it is and why it is important.


What’s microcopy?

Microcopy is the tiny bits of informational text that you see on sites that help guide you through the signup process. A great example is the one below from MailChimp which pops up when users click on the username box and tells them exactly what their username can and can’t be.

If it wasn’t for this bit of microcopy users could become annoyed or confused at why their username wasn’t being allowed.


There are plenty of other cases where microcopy could be used such as in:

  • Buttons
  • Error messages
  • Reassurance
  • Form fields


You may miss them when you sign up to a service, but they can make a big difference when you need them.


Why is microcopy so important?

Here are the reasons microcopy is so important for your site.


It adds information

Your microcopy should add information that users may need to continue on the conversion journey. It they are likely to get refused or worried to the point where they quit, microcopy should be added to eliminate confusion and help the user complete the process.


It adds trust

When completing the sign up process, you are asking users to put a lot of trust in your brand. They could be concerned about the way in which you will use their data but microcopy can be used to put an end to those worries.


It adds a human touch

Your site is in danger of feeling cold and inhuman without a touch of microcopy. Often sign up forms can be sterile and demanding (you’re asking for a lot of information, after all). But with a touch of microcopy you can create a conversation between your business and potential customers, offering tips to help them complete the process faster.


It boosts conversion rates

Microcopy can be huge in boosting conversion rates. As you can see from the post so far, it can add trust and eliminate confusion so that users are more likely to continue through the conversion process and complete it.


How to start writing microcopy

It’s easy to get started writing microcopy. Before you start writing, however, you need to identify places where microcopy is needed in the first place. Start by going through your site as if you were a customer, trying to get lost and making note of places where you think a little guidance could be added. Once you’ve done that, you can start creating short, informative and easy-to-read messages that offer all the advice users need.


If you need help adding microcopy to your website, our team are here to help. Get in touch today.