(MORE!!!) Psychology and Web Design

On my previous post, I talked about the importance of adding specific parameters and customer labels. This time, I will discuss more topics regarding psychology and web design. I will give more tips on knowing your customers. I will discuss the benefits of highlighting your company values, the usefulness of instant gratification, and many more.

A group holding a trophy!

  • Instant rewards.
    • Your customers will surely love the feeling of instant gratification. Once they have successful completed a transaction, they are concerned on long they will have wait to receive their order. Of course, it’s their hard-earned cash we are talking about.
    • According to a research, the frontal cortex of the brain is busy and determined when we are waiting for something. Moreover, our brains glisten when we see phrases like INSTANTLY removes blemishes,” FAST shipping,” or IMMEDIATELY eradicates dirt.” These bold words trigger our brain and it makes us want to buy these items makes us so prone to buy.
    • As a matter of fact, “instantly” is a powerful word that you should always use. If you are selling digital merchandise like vouchers, virtual money, and ebooks, you add “quick” to your sentences.
    • Researchers concluded that using words like “instantly,” “fast,” and “quick” help the customers foresee that their problems are being solved immediately. Whatever the product is, we always want our purchase to help solve a problem. It’s more favorable if it provides an instant solution.
    • The bottom line is that human brain loves anything instant. Products that offer an immediate solution will surely win the heart of the customers.
  • Stand up for something.
    • Your brand should impart a meaningful message. Your customers are also concerned on your role to the society.
    • Having a clear plan with regards to social responsibility makes an impact to your customers. People love to patronize companies who share the same principles.
    • According to a survey, 64% of the consumers shared that they have the “same values” with the company they subscribe to.
    • People aren’t loyal to companies, but they are loyal to what the company exemplifies. A notable example would be TOMS Shoes. The company follows the “One for One” model. For every pair of shoes sold, they are giving another pair to someone in need.
    • They have been donating shoes since 2006 and they have been investing $5 million to different organizations. TOMS believes in building a better community; that’s why they are funding
    • So, talk to your audience. Stand up for what you believe and you will surely attract like-minded people. Share your company values and make it easy for your customers to see what know more about you and your principles.

Related: How to Create an Urgent Need for a Product?

  • Create a sense of urgency.
    • According to  Robert Cialdini, urgency is one of the backbone of influence. When the prices go down, the demand for the products will definitely go up. Since the product is now affordable, people will take advantage of the price change and immediately buy it.
    • Creating “scarcity” is the oldest psychological trick yet it is still powerful up to this day. When the demand for your online goods go up, it would mean sales would go up, too!
    • Don’t forget to add limited-time offers on your website. It will surely entice people to instantly click that BUY NOW button.