Tag Archive for: email tips

Scottsdale SEO – Boosting Online Ranking Through Email Marketing

When about half of the global population uses email, you start to realize that email marketing is crucial to your business’ success. Email marketing also affects the growing number of mobile users.  So, if you have used this to your advantage, it’s time to start doing so now. Read the 5 tips below:

  • Be active on social media. Emails won’t increase your ranking. However, the content will! Email your subscribers to promote engagement and interaction. These emails will motivate people to share your new content on social media. Emails will help if you consider…
    • Emailing when you have something new to share to your followers.
    • In these emails, include share buttons that your subscribers can easily click. Encourage them to share the new content to their social media accounts.
    • Add the appropriate links to your emails so the subscribers can easily share what piqued their interest. Once they share, acknowledge their efforts and constantly interact with your followers.
  • Redirect your web visitors to lessen your bounce rates. It is NOT enough for people to visit your website for their view to count. They have to stay and linger for awhile. If a visitor just leaves your website, they are just “bouncing.” Thus, the term bounce rate.
  • To lessen your website’s bounce rate,  give your visitors a reason to stay for a bit. Maybe there’s a discount for their first purchase. Any incentive would surely entice visitors to stay and check out what your website has to offer.
Person checking emails.

Improving Your Online Ranking By Email Marketing.

  • Rehash your old content.  Email newsletters do not need to be always new. You can use old list of interesting finds or highlight an important post you created back then. Most likely, you have produced quality posts or lists so send them out again. Some people may have not seen it yet. Just think of new ways to present them in a different manner.
  • Remind them to review.  One of the most search items online are product reviews. Generally, people will likely search for online reviews before deciding to purchase. This is why reviews are crucial in boosting your current ranking.
  • Email customers to remind them to leave a review on the products they recently purchased. Provide links that can easily bring them back to the review page. Be polite in asking for suggestions and reactions.
  • Organize your email list. Now that you have a list of people subscribed to your email list, make sure to use this data to your advantage. Send tailor-made content your subscribers based on their:
    • Their gender, age, including their education.
    • Their latest purchase.
    • Particular hobbies and interests.
    • Current location.
  • This will ensure that emails are tailor-made for them and they are more likely to open and react to these emails.

I hope this post has guided you to the right direction. Tweak the tips to your own preference and test what works for you.  Take note of the most effective email campaigns so you can repeat it once in awhile. Try and try until you see a positive change in your rankings.

3 Ways to Make Money with Your Email List

What do you do the moment you wake up? You look for your phone to check the time. After, you proceed to check for any urgent messages. We all do it, right? Email messages are a part of our morning routine. In this day and age, email has become a necessity because it is where important notifications are; be it on our personal social media or on our digital workspace. By the end of 2018,  email accounts in the US are expected to surpass the 248.7 million mark.

Website showing new products

Promoting products to your email subscribers.

Everyone is using an email account especially when it’s their first time to log in on a website. Hence, it is not wise for you to NOT invest on email marketing. Is it really true that you can find money in your email list? Yes, it is possible!

How to make magic? Well, I have listed below 3 ways to help you advertise your products to your email subscribers .

  • Promote a product on your confirmation (or thank you) email!

    • When a customer buys from your website, your initial reaction would be to say thank you. You will acknowledge that you have received their order and this email is the official confirmation.
    • Included in the email, you will list details of the order, the items bought, the price they paid for each item. To transform this email into something that generates income, you should promote your other products on the side. Remind your customer of the other existing offers.
    • Add a call-to-action button that redirects the customer to the product page directly. To convince the customer even more, you can add 5-star product reviews. Surely, the customer will be curious to check out what the fuss is all about.
  • Repeat successful promos.

    • Did you start a 3-day sale that went viral or you had a previous promotion that was avidly loved by many? Either way, you should definitely do it again. If it works for you, then, make it a yearly event.
    • Email your subscribers the same time each year regarding your annual Christmas sale event. Inspect all your offers and promotions and repeat those successful ones. People think they’re saving a lot of money when the say a huge discount advertised on emails.
    • Just make sure to NOT overdo it. Like I said earlier, an annual SALE event is not bad a strategy. In fact, it’s a great way to make money instantly.
  • Group your email subscribers.

    • What do I mean when I say organize? You should learn to divide your email subscribers. Study your email stats carefully and take a look at how many clicks one campaign garnered. This way, you will have an idea how many exactly are interested in the product  and how many are just mere bystanders.
    • You can group it by the number of click-throughs, page views, and purchase made. By segmenting, you can focus on the email campaigns that work and ditch the ones that don’t. Easy peasy!

As a way to end this post, I will redirect you to another email marketing related post about the different ideas to include in your email list. If you want to know tips in selling your products, I shared 8 important tips here. Just remember, whether you have 5 subscribers or 5,005 subscribers, you should always be thankful for these people. Each subscriber will help you on your way up. Never break their trust!

How to Sell Your Products Via Email

Of course, growing your email list isn’t just for fun! You’re working hard to learn the different ways to get your emails opened and ways to write captivating emails. You have a business to run so it’s only normal to advertise your products from time to time. I’ll help you turn your email subscribers into buyers. Let’s get down to business and learn 8 ways to promote your business through your maximizing your email list:

  • Emphasize the benefits. Don’t try too hard in selling your products. Instead, list all the benefits so your customers can clearly conclude that your products are indeed helpful.
  • Educate your customers about the product’s key features and how it is different from the similar products available in the market today. Let its unique functions stand out from the crowd.
  • Take their fears away. Some are apprehensive to buy because they don’t want complications and they don’t want to deal with the product’s maintenance and repair.
  • Clearly indicate they will miss if they don’t take advantage of the current promotion. Rephrase the benefits you’ve previously pointed out.
  • Put a certain deadline. When your readers see a time limit, they will hurry and take advantage of this limited-time offer.
  • Don’t just point the sales, but point them to other existing offers as well. Lead them to the different parts of your website: the bestsellers section, the bargain bin, the weekly deals, and the helpful buying guides. Provide links so they can be immediately redirect to the website.
  • Add a straightforward call-to-action button.  This is not the time to be vague so keep it simple. Remind them that this is the best time to buy because it is your biggest sale yet, and so on.
  • Don’t forget to include a postscript. Adding a short message really helps if you are reminding them about the number of stocks left. Remind them of what they will lose. Giving them a nudge that once a product is sold out, they won’t be able to get another chance. You won’t restock them anytime soon.
Shopping bags

Shopping like crazy!

The reality is that growing your email list can be challenging. Everyone is subscribed to different platforms to a point that their inboxes are full of unread messages. Some even opt to not open their email accounts anymore so you should be very grateful for the people in your email list. Each subscriber is important to your online business.

Never take their trust and confidence for granted.

Every time you send out an email, you have to prove your worth to your readers.  Don’t send out an email until it is final. Your subscribers trust you. It would such a waste if you break their trust. Research about your plan, verify your sources, and then, that’s when you execute the email campaign. Don’t make rash decisions because you’ll be throwing your customer’s trust out the window if anything goes wrong after.

If you want to know how to convert email subscribers to regular customers, I’ve also compiled a list of email marketing ideas. In order for your business to grow, you need to find creative ways to convince your audience to check your website or better yet make an offer that’s very hard to resist.

10 Tips in Writing Captivating Emails

On the previous post, you’ve read about the 5 ways to get your emails opened. You’ve also figured out how to construct emails that generally likable. So, this time around, I will give you tips on how to create engaging emails. Read on below to know how to make emails more appealing and less boring.

Follow these doable steps that’ll surely attract readers:

  • The power of YOU.
    • When you include the word you, you are compelling your readers to take action. You is a favorite of the non-techie people. It’s easier to be understood by the general public than rambling highfalutin words.
    • According to the book Sin and Syntax: How to Craft Wickedly Effective Prose by Constance Hale, the second-person point of view literary grabs the reader, and makes them feel as if they’re in an conversation. It makes them trust more.
  • Keep ’em short as much as possible.
    • The length is not important. It will just drive away potential customers. Email subscribers will lose interest that moment they see a long-winded paragraph.
  • Focus on editing.
    • Again, it’s not the length that matters. Instead, you should focus on proofreading. There is nothing worse than sending an email with grammatical errors.
    • Your emails represent you and your website so it’s crucial to make a good first impression. Don’t waste your reader’s time. Try to cut down the huge chunk of text next time you decide to edit.
  • Analyze and remove the errors.
    • When you are done proofreading, repeat the process. Why so? Because people like to read shorter emails. So, “Trim that fat” and go straight to the point! Every time you are re-read your post, look for the unnecessary fat and remove them.
  • Ask yourself if what you wrote is something you would actually say in real life.
    • Try to read the contents of the email aloud. Does it sound natural or too scripted? Can you imagine yourself saying it to another person?

A Person Checking His Email and Smiling

  • Just write your heart out!
    • When you plan things, it gets too formal, too artificial, and less lively.  Don’t be afraid to show your own personality. Who cares about what others will say?
  • Don’t restrict yourself.
    • The cookie-cutter emails will never work , and it will definitely bore your readers. Add your personal signature. Your email subscribers trust you because you showed them the unique you. If you add idioms, expressions, and humor, you sound more human.
  • Personalize the emails.
    • Stop being too formal and too broad. No one wants to read a generic salutation, such as “Hello,” “Good morning,” “Thank you for shopping,” and so on. When you add their name instead of just writing a bland hello, of course, they’ll be motivated to read.
  • Mix things up.
    • Experiment with what you have. You don’t have to speak formally at all times. Sometimes, you just have to drop everything and show the bubbly side of you. Stop thinking about the number of subscribers, promoting your products, and thinking of ways to advertise your website. It makes your content less robotic, and more special.
  • Don’t focus too much on the business side of things.
    • Nurture relationships by sharing a bit about yourself and by sincerely caring for your email subscribers. In return, they will trust you. They will consider you a friend because you’re not foreign to them anymore.

5 Ways to Get Your Emails Opened

What are the chances that the email you sent is at bottom of the pile? Was it purposely ignored? Perhaps, your email subscribers did not notice it? Whatever the reasons may be, the bottom line is that your email was NOT opened. With all the different online retailers out there, how can your email stand out from the rest? How will you convince the readers to open the email that took you forever to compose? I’ve listed 5 tips for you.

  • Ignite their curiosity.

    • For some reason, humans are naturally curious. If you included an unusual word on the subject line, they will definitely click the email to know more the juicy details. Because of your unique word choice, the readers are now compelled to take a peek on the contents of the email.
  • Promise that it’s worth their time.

    • Another way to get noticed is to the promise your readers that they will read something helpful. Obviously, no one would like to waste their time on something trivial.  However, if you indicate on the subject line the gist of  what they will learn, for sure, they will click it right away.
    • If it is about a sale, it will definitely make them happy. They would want to know when the online sale will be so they can get first dibs on the items they have been waiting for so long.
  • Use numbers, not words.

    • You want to know the magic of numbers? They stop wandering eyes! Whether it’s 13, 25, or 9653, numbers have the power to stop the meandering.
    • For example, “Clearance Sale: Fifty Percent off on ALL items!” is not as appealing as “30% off on 5 or more books!” The first one gave a higher discount. However, you are drawn to the second headline. You find the second subject line noticeable than first. Am I right?
words on scrabble

The power of words.

  • Add some POWER.

    • How do we do that exactly? Don’t worry because you don’t need to punch someone on the face. Power words invoke emotions. Moreover, emotional words are tempting and demand your immediate attention. Thus, making your email stand out in a messy inbox.
    • There are 400+ power words. I can’t list them all here so I’ve search them for you. Just click this link and you will be redirected to a multitude of power words. One example I can share is the word impressive. So, you can either use memorable or unforgettable.
  • Stop being so technical.

    • Yes, they are plenty helpful tips out there, and sometimes, we follow everything down to the littlest detail.
    • According to an article, the ideal length of an email subject is between 40 and 50 characters. On the other hand, your email draft is not yet sent because your subject line is 2 characters over. There’s no need to make a fuss on things like this.
    • Focus on building relationships instead. No matter how horrible your subject line is, your readers will still click that email.  Why? Because they trust you. That’s what’s most important!

In today’s busy world, inboxes are easily filled with emails in a matter of seconds. I hope this post has helped you in planning your future emails. If you missed the first part, you can read about the tips on how to construct emails that are loved by many.

How to Construct Emails that Are Enthusiastically Anticipated

handwritten letters

creating a personal email.

For your website to gain more customers, you need to reach out to your email subscribers. Encourage them to check out your website. Through your emails, you can update your subscribers about the latest deals, new products, and buying guides on your website. How do you create an email that is highly anticipated? The 8 important tips below will help you in building a more friendly, more conversational, and less generic emails.

  • Be reliable.

    • People trusted you with their email address. Do not take it lighty by giving out mediocre content. Be transparent and let them know what to expect when you send out emails. Yes, there will be marketing emails, but reiterate what lies ahead.
  • Talk to your subscribers directly.

    • Like letters, emails should be personal. Construct an email that does not seem very generic. Do not write as if you are writing to the general public. Instead, write an email as if you are talking to one person. It’s important to note the usage of the 1st person point of view. For example, “As a way of saying thank you, I would like to offer YOU a discount voucher.
  • Time is gold.

    • We are all busy adapting a fast-paced life. Don’t waste anyone’s time. If you constantly send emails, it gets annoying. Your readers would definitely hit that unsubscribe button out of sheer annoyance. Send out emails when you truly have some important to share.
  • Be a true friend.

    • Don’t just talk to your email subscribers every time you need something from them. Be friendly and talk to them by sharing something useful or helpful. Listen to their suggestions. It’s not all the time you would do talking. A real friend knows how to listen. They will eagerly anticipate your emails if they know that their voice is being heard.
  • Put your name.

    • Why is this important? People like to know who they are talking to, and they would absolutely know if they are interacting to a chat bot. If your emails feel like handcrafted personal mails, it feel close, personal, and something made for especially for them. Your readers would look forward to getting more emails in the future. Adding a name at the end of the email just makes it more special.
  • Be natural.

    • Don’t try to be someone you are not. It will make the email appear scripted. Feel free to be yourself. You don’t need to sound like a sales agent in order to sell a product or convey an important message.
  • Break the barrier.

    • Reach out to your subscribers and tell them you understand what they are going through. Identify with their struggles, and offer a helping hand.  This how you get more ideas to post on your blog. Provide tips and solutions that will be beneficial to your readers.
  • Reward your subscribers for reading your emails.

    • People should receive a token for reading. How should you do this? Give useful tips. Teach them something valuable. Brighten their day. Give out discount codes. Make them feel good about themselves. Share an inspirational quote.

In conclusion, I would to emphasize on the importance of relationships. Don’t treat your email subscribers as mere customers. Instead, treat them like family. Be there for them and talk to them. For the next topic, I will discuss tips on how to get your emails opened. For now, you can read on the different email greetings you shouldn’t use. I’ve also listed 5 email marketing ideas here.