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Scottsdale SEO – SEO Trends This 2019! (Part 2)

If you enjoyed reading the SEO trends on the last post, here are more tips you might want to apply:

What do THEY want?

  • No matter how AMAZING your work is, if the content you are providing is NOT for them, it is NEVER going to work. It is imperative to know what your audience wants. Know what they want to know!
  • Do they prefer video tutorials? Do they want fashion tips? It is YOUR task to find out what content they like. Also, you have to know if they prefer the information through video, through blog posts, or through images and infographics.
  • Your users are on your website because they WANT something. Be sure you are able to answer them in the easiest way. This is never about you; it is all about your audience so know what they like and how they like it.

High-Quality Content.

  • If you are posting content just to FILL an empty space, you are going to fail miserably. Your audiences aren’t dumb. Besides, Google is now focusing on how to detect quality and depth in different websites. SEO performance of websites with exceptional content has greatly increased throughout 2018.
  • So, this 2019, be sure to provide content that can actually solve a problem. Research on what is “IN” and work around it. If you think there should be more about beauty, then, create makeup tutorials of your own fashion line. Perhaps, you can also mix and match your product line and other popular brands. That way, you can introduce your products subtly introduce your products.
  • Go on and guide the user through a series of blog posts. Give them quick and easy tips that will help them get through the day.
  • Excellent results will only materialize if you exert the same effort on sharing content. Think carefully what you will post. Make sure it has substance before you click publish.
Laptop, notes, and plan

Plan carefully what to post and learn from these SEO trends

Remember to E-A-T.

  • EAT means expertise, authority, and trustworthiness, and these are important points in Google’s search guidelines. This is another trend that you have to closely monitor. Don’t just blabber what you know and your expertise. Welcome guest writers, too.
  • You can invite experts to share their opinion on your website. Do not rush because you will eventually be recognized authority in a particular field. Take one step at a time and focus on your audience first.
  • Being trustworthy is consulting the right experts for the subject. You aren’t the only expert in town. Be more collaborative this 2019, and listen to what other people has to say. Learn and apply them when producing content.

Stop relying on Google.

  • 2019 could be anyone’s game. This year, try to include other search engines as well. Do not just enhance your website for Google. That’s what SEO is all about. Know what people are looking for and giving it to them. Know what generates an action from your audience and not just give them a link your website.
  • Apps are popular nowadays. You need to make sure you are visible in the different app stores, too. Not just that! Videos and podcasts also have a huge following. The top brands are multi-faceted, and they just don’t focus on gaining a high-ranking website. You should do the same!

Scottsdale SEO – SEO Trends This 2019! (Part 1)

It’s 2019! What do you think is “IN” and “OUT” for SEO this year? Here are some SEO trends you need to know ASAP!

Strategize what SEO trends suit your business!

Strategize what SEO trends suit your business!

Apply On-Page Optimization.

  • On-page optimization is still an important trend and I don’t think it will go away because it proves to be helpful to users.
  • Here is a list of website optimizations:
    • Allocate an FAQ page to answer common questions.
    • Searching the website should NOT be a chore. Make sure the search box is visible to everyone and it can give pertinent results.
    • Provide that repeat customers can replenish often bought items simply.
    • Customer support can answer questions that have to do with the business.
    • Think of using the chatbots to reduce the load for the primary, usual questions and procedural tasks.
    • Users will have an easy time to navigate and go to other physical locations.
    • Furnish the users in the different stages of the fulfillment funnel.

Prepare for Voice Search.

  • When a new thing comes up, people will guess that it will reach its peak on a certain year just like what happened to mobile phones. Everybody was saying it will be a hit in a certain year, but it never happened. However, in 2015, it finally happened! Undoubtedly, that year was the year for mobile phones!
  • Are we saying that this is the year of the voice search? Hold it real quick. Not really. Companies are looking for its possibility next year even if it has gained enough attention last year.
  • Actually, it has already started giving answers to certain areas, and it was proven to be useful. However, it has not been said that it is useful in attaining the goal for complicated questions. For example, when a user wants an in-depth comparison of different products.
  • Marketers should be aware that when using a voice response there are NO translators. This means that the voice will vary according to its current location and social class. Despite that, it could be a game changer.
  • Marketers should be aware that voice response cannot be done by a human or machine translator. It can also vary from one country to another, one dialect to another similar dialect, and more.

Observe Machine Learning.

  • One credible person in the industry stated that machine learning will burst this year as it has an impact on search. This recent technology runs on data from users.
  • Businesses shouldn’t just observe.  They should also use machine learning to build a different content for SEO that starts with bringing into the data based on particular variables. This, along the required analysis, reporting, experimenting, and implementing, will surely help you know your failures and successes.

Enhance Featured Snippets and Google SERP Features.

  • It’s important to optimize for your own website, and to optimize for Google browsing experience this year.
  • Do everything and provide quality content. Sharing your answers, tables, graphs, research will be vital for a more natural surge of traffic. This way, you will be more visible in different SERPs and you will gain more clicks because you provide knowledge.
  • Feature boxes that are helpful for the users like “word for the day,” or “quick tips for the day.” Provide help to users by explaining highfalutin vocabulary. This could result to a sharp increase in traffic.
  • This only mean that Google search features and optimizing featured snippets will remain to be a vital tendency this 2019!