Tips in Reducing Your Website’s Bounce Rate (Part 2)

Last time, I discussed bounce rate, why it’s important to keep the bounce rate low, and the different tips to avoid increasing bounce rate. For this post, I will add more tips. Be sure to apply these on your website:

Add Newer Posts on the Sidebar

  • Aside from adding related posts as discussed in part 1, another way to convince people to stay is to add your latest posts the sidebar.
  • They might find something interesting especially if they don’t like what they are currently reading. Instead of abandoning the page, then, find new articles on the right side.Person Holding Turned-on Silver Laptop Computer
  • You are giving your readers more options to stay. You can add you most-read articles aside from highlighting the newer posts. The bottom line is that you should utilize the maximum potential of your sidebar.
  • Whatever they are reading on your blog, the sidebar widget will always be there to give them option. This entices your readers to explore other articles too.
  • For WordPress users, WordPress Popular Posts is a plugin you can use to highlight popular posts. This plugin will display the articles with the most visits. You can also manually any blog post you wish to be included. Creating your own personalized list is a superb idea too!

Link Up Old Articles

  • As much as possible, when you post something new, make sure to promote your old articles too!
  • If one topic is related to another, link it up. So, if you want to review part 1, simply follow this linkSee what I did there? I added a link so that people can jump from part 2 to part 1.
  • It basically creates a domino effect. If one starts reading a blog post, he will probably read 3 more because you  were able to connect similar articles together.
  • It’s best to not depend on the related post widget. Insert links within the body of your blog post.
  • Old articles will now resurface, making it visible to more people, and at the same time, lowering your website’s bounce rate.

Speed Up Your Website

  • You know what’s something that will definitely annoy your web visitors? A website that takes forever to load.
  • When a website is slow as a turtle, it will surely affect your bounce rate. Without a doubt, web visitors will instantly leave.
  • So, is there a way to test a website’s speed? You can visit Google’s PageSpeed Insights. Don’t worry because the service is free.
  • All you need to do is paste the URL and click analyze. PageSpeed Insights will give you a detailed analysis after. If you get 90 or above, it’s fast. However, if you get below 50, then, it’s slow.

Make Website Navigation Easier

  • When your website is clean and clutter-free, web visitors know where to go. It would not be a chore to find something so they will stay and browse some more. Clear navigation is important if want to keep people in.
  • Stop complicating the navigation! Provide only the essentials: home button, about us, contact us, and blog. If people won’t learn important details on a page, then, it’s time to delete it.