How To Come Up With Blog Post Ideas Whenever You Want

If you write content on a regular basis, then chances are you have experienced having a writer’s block where you just run out of ideas to write. We’ve all been there. It can sometimes be unnerving to write fresh content because you don’t know how the people will react to it.

To combat this problem, here are few tested techniques you can do to come up with blog post ideas.

Keep A File Of Ideas

Sometimes you can’t predict when a blog post idea will hit you. A simple walk in the park might inspire you to write about gardening. To prepare for this sudden surge of creativity, keep a notebook and write it so you won’t forget.

You can transfer the contents of your notebook on a document or a spreadsheet. Keep this file with all the list of your blog post ideas in a place where you can access it easily, like Google Drive or Dropbox. When the time comes that you run out of blog post ideas, then refer to your file and choose any topic you want.

Ask Your Customers

Your customers can give you an idea of what to write on your blog. Ask them what they need help with and write a solution. It’s that simple.

You can gather blog post ideas by listening to your audience talk and reading your own comments section. You can also directly ask them on social media and in emails.

Stretch On Your Blockbuster Content

Check your analytics history and determine what your most popular posts are. These are called your blockbusters. Next, think about how you can expand the topic. You can write more detailed steps or simply do a follow-up.

You can also refresh the content in your post with an improved version. Just remember to edit the old post to incorporate a link at the end.

Look At Your Competition

Another way to get an inspiration on what to write is to look at your competition. You should know all of your competitors on social media and check their blogs to see what they’ve been posting. If you have the luxury of time, get deeper and cross-reference your topics with theirs.

Find out if there any popular topics they’ve posted that you didn’t do on your own blog. The idea here is not to copy your competition but to get inspiration for their work. If you’re friends with any of your competitors, you can brainstorm a topic or collaborate a blog post together.

Exercise Your Idea Muscle

Now, coming up ideas is like a muscle that needs training. Your muscle becomes stronger when you use it more often. Come up with blog posts every day and you’ll soon begin to realize that it becomes a habit.

You’ll get a lot of ideas in each situation you are in. Answer a question asked of you. Think out of the box when you at a meeting. If you need money, come with great ideas to earn them.

If you want help creating killer content for your site, our team are on-hand to blog for you. Get in touch today to find out more.