Tag Archive for: psychological tricks

Scottsdale Web Design – Apply These Psychological Tricks on Your Website (Part 3)

Psychological tricks of colors and more.

Psychological tricks of colors and more.

We have finally are down to the 3rd part of the different psychological tricks you can use on your website. If you want to catch up, you can do so by clicking part 1 here, and part 2 is posted right this way. Reminding everyone that these concepts are not my own. This is based on a book called Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.

  • The price is right.
    • Nowadays, consumers don’t buy something at first glance. They utilize internet and research for the product that offers value for money.  Before deciding to buy an item, they look at the best available deals out there.
    • One way to stand out from the rest is by using the classic example of the “.99” price tag. For example, competitors priced their items at $25.00, but you priced yours at $24.99. This pricing strategy convinces customers that the product is only $24 even though it’s a cent away from $25.
    • It’s a way of telling the customers that are saving some bucks.  In reality, the price difference is not that huge to be honest.
  • Find the right timing.
    • Amazon always knows where to put things and when to offer them. For example, when you put an audio CD in your cart, Amazon gives you more music recommendations. Once you are about to pay for the CDs, it will tell you that some customers also purchased these albums.
    • Similarly, if you are selling mobile phones, why not offer accessories while they are reviewing their cart? Perhaps, you can suggest phone cases, earbuds, or portable speakers.
    • Do not them these accessories while they’re still pondering on mobile phone brand to pick. It’s unnecessary to bombard them with add-ons. Once they’ve actually bought something, that’s the time you can introduce the compatible accessories.
    • You can do this by sending a “thank you for your purchase” email. In this email, you can include a list of products they might enjoy based on their latest purchase.
  • Colors of the wind.
    • When you are selling a product, you have to master art of persuasion. One way to convince people to purchase is through color choices. Did you know by changing the appearance of your CTA buttons, it can actually help your website gain more clicks?
    • In one survey, 93% of customers bought a product just because they liked how it looked. The remaining 7% said that they bought it because the product smells nice and feels nice as well.
    • Furthermore, 85% of customers revealed that they bought a product just because the color appealed to them. This proves that choosing the right color is important in brand recognition. Aside from color, design and word choices play an important role too.
    • If you are selling food products on your website, avoid a blue color scheme. No popular fast-food chain ever used blue because it is a color for weight loss. Blue, however, calms the mind and encourages trust. So, it’s ideal for services like banks, high tech products, and more.
    • Top brands like McDonalds, KFC, Popeyes, Chick-fil-A are using a blend of red. The color red and orange brightens your website. It exudes a live and fresh vibe.
    • If need a guide on choosing the right colors for your website, this post will help you a lot. If need details on many uses of different colors, it is all here. Lastly, I’ve also discussed the role of color contrast in web design.

Scottsdale Web Design – Apply These Psychological Tips on Your Website (Part 2)

The psychological tips and tricks presented on this posted below are based on Robert B. Cialdini’s book. If you want to read part 1, you can click this link. For this 2nd post, I will still discuss the importance of personalization, recommendation, and other ways invite more web visitors:

  • Tailor-made for every user.

    • Don’t make everything about business and money. Take time to get to know your audience, too! Interact with your followers. That’s why social media is there. It’s an avenue for you to connect with your existing customers and future ones.
    • When they see how much you take time to answer their questions, they will appreciate it. When you are active on social media to address issues, they will know that you are dedicated on giving the best to your customers. You are NOT just another website that’s after the money. Your customers will consider you a friend that’s definitely worthy of their trust.
    • When replying to inquiries online, be personal and address them by their names. You are talking to someone needing help. This is not the time to speak formally. Don’t be afraid to show your personality because it makes the company less generic and more human.
    • You don’t need to follow a template because it’s ends up pretty unconvincing. This is you, and you don’t need to act like this website because they are well-known. Go through your social media posts and blog posts and check if it seems fabricated. If you can’t see yourself saying it, then, don’t include it.
  • The power of a positive review.

    • Whether it’s from a from a popular internet star or from an ordinary citizen, a positive review will boost your credibility and trustworthiness. Never undervalue its ability to motivate other people to try your products.
    • These reviews will push the undecided to go and try your products. They don’t have to worry because a great number of people vouched for the usefulness and quality of your products.
    • If someone famous mentions your product and puts in a good word for you,  spread it on social media. Highlight positive reviews on your website so new customers will immediately feel confident when transacting with you.
    • Whether the review is from a celebrity or not, make it a habit to share the review, and to respond to these positive reviews. A simple thank you is nothing compared to the boost they have given your brand.
    • To be honest, no amount of sales talk can compare to the reviews given by actual people. So, gather all the promising reviews and share them the world!
Paper Bags Near Wall

Of course, no one can resist the word: SALE!

  • Limited-time offers.

    • When products are only available for a limited time, people feel like they shouldn’t miss this “once in a lifetime chance.” As a result, the demand for a product increases because everyone has the same mindset.  Everyone is compelled to participate and grab this exclusive offer.
    • Everyone is buying it so I’m buying it! It may be silly reason for some, but it’s still an effective marketing strategy. People don’t want to miss out on what’s popular.  They want to do what others are doing.
    • So, if there’s this sale ends in 48 hours, I should shop now because other might beat to it. It’s human nature; there’s always a need to be constantly updated.  If there’s a sense of urgency, then, definitely, it will motivate everyone to shop before it’s over.

Scottsdale Web Design – Apply These Psychological Tricks on Your Website (Part 1)

You would probably be wondering how psychology is used in designing a website. In this post, I will discuss psychological tricks to help you promote your online business. The concepts discussed are based on Robert B. Cialdini’s The Psychology of Persuasion.

This post will be the 1st of 3 articles. Below are 3 tips on how to design your website in order to get more traffic and engagements from your followers:

  • Exchange of information.

    • What’s the first thing you need from your web visitors? It’s their email address.
    • You need to entice them to hand over their email address in exchange for FREE items. Why do you need their email address? Because this is where you will send vital information of your various products. Purchase isn’t necessary at this point. You just need their email so you can slowly introduce your company and market your products.
    • Through email communication, you can also send them freebies like FREE ebook, webinar, or access to exclusive content. Now that you’ve share something, your audience will indebted. They will likely listen to you because of the freebies you shared.
    • Remember Newton’s third law of motion? For every action, you can expect an equal or opposite reaction. You can’t expect your web visitors to interact with you when you haven’t given them anything. Once you get their email, you can make the first move and offer them something first.
    • After sending a bunch of free items, they will most likely notice your future emails. When the time comes that they need your products or services, you are the first on their list. They wouldn’t choose a website they’ve never heard about. They would choose you because you’ve established a certain connection already.
    • If you’ve noticed, every website you visit, there’s always a pop-up to invite you to sign up on their email list. Aside from that, before you can access a specific website, you need to sign up using your email.  You need to register first to shop at different websites like Target, Macy’s, Amazon, and Ebay.
    • With so many products available online, people always ask, “If I buy this, what’s in it for me?” If you are selling online tools, write a blog post about it to educate your customers. If it’s their first purchase, offer a FREE shipping voucher. Don’t be afraid to be first one to reach out and propose a trade!
Woman Holding Smartphone

Offer freebies to entice people.

  • A pledge of loyalty.

    • If people are subscribed to your email list, or if they have followed you on your social media accounts, they have decided to include themselves into your world. They’ve told the world they support you.
    • They can now easily read your tweets or status updates. Human beings are always there to do a favor or kindness. So, once you give them exclusive deals, they will also assist you by choosing your brand.  They will promote you and share your updates via Facebook, Twitter, or email.
  • A ripple effect.

    • The 3rd is related to the previous. One follower can indirectly recommend your brand to their family and friends. A concrete example for this is Facebook. If you have noticed the various product pages on Facebook are promoted in a way that you are told that a friend likes this particular page. Perhaps, you may want to visit their page and give it a “like” too!
    • Influence is a used by a lot of websites, and not just Facebook. These websites use the power of social influence. They know that when a friend recommends a product, it’s hard to say no. When a friend raves about something, you’d probably join the band wagon. It’s a power of peer pressure!