The Five Most Common Web Design Problems

With the recent popularity of mobile browsing and trendy design options like parallax scrolling, many websites have received upgrades over the past couple of years. It also caused a lot of web design problems that keep the brands from connecting with their consumers. From weak content to poor user experience, outdated homepages, and limitless mistakes, there are five most common web design problems that you should know.

Your Site Doesn’t Work On All Devices

With the surge of smartphones and tablets, it’s important that your site is designed to display properly on these devices. However, only a few websites have taken heed of this call. Your visitors are more likely to find a better site if they have to constantly pinch and stretch to read your content.

You need to make your site responsive to all mobile devices because it can generate more leads and Google penalizes poor performing sites. To make your website seamlessly work on all devices, make a responsive web design that responds to the device and size of your screen.

Using A Free Website Builder

A lot of companies offer templates for website building. Yes, they’re convenient but the problem is they can make the site load slower because of too many lines of code. This can lead to serious performance issues over time.

If you have no budget to create your own website design, you can buy a premium theme that offers the look and style that you want. You can ask the service of some talented developers on online job sites.

Outdated Design

If you’ve got a header, several sidebars, and a large lump of information moving down the center, then your site is pretty much outdated. Time to update with the recent design thinking. Lately, the best sites disintegrate content into smaller, comprehensible bits.

Using an outdated website design may hurt your reputation because people might assume that your business must be slow that’s why you haven’t touched your site in decades. This could also make your products or services look questionable and make your competition look great.

Designing For The Wrong Purposes

Always start by determining your target audience and customize your website design and content according to their needs. You may want a modern looking site or follow the design of another site, but if you fail to recognize your target audience needs and wants, then you can fail tragically.

No User Engagement

User engagement is vital to the success of your website and social Web apps. It can help build loyal customers by answering queries and fixing problems. Not only that, getting in touch with your customers and visitors means you care for them.

However, a lot of websites still don’t provide visitors an easy channel for communicating with the company. Many websites don’t even provide an email address, only an automated FAQ. If you’re afraid that putting your email address will attract spam, use contact forms.

If you think your website design isn’t working, get in touch with us today for a free consultation on how we can improve it!