Tag Archive for: 2019 SEO

SEO Elements to Closely Track this 2019

Last year, 2018 was the year of new changes. Google used Artificial Intelligence for almost 30% of the search made in their website. Additionally, links are not the top most ranking factor anymore. With these changes, I think it’s safe to say that these 4 SEO elements will be critical this 2019.

  1. Knowing Structured Data

  • I know structured data can be uncharted territory for some. To be honest, it just seems difficult at first, but you can copy and paste guides found on the net. You can make your own structured data code by following samples online.
  • Preventing Structured Data Errors
    • Did you know many websites are penalized for inaccurate structured data? Well, it’s possible that it is only an honest mistake, but that does not mean you keep doing it. So, here are a few common structured data mishaps to dodge:
      • Number 1 is, of course, utilizing the wrong structured data.
      • Second, when the published content is not the same as the structured data.
      • Next is when it defies Google’s guidelines.

Woman Listening to a Podcast

  1. Adding Podcast as a Way to Reach Your Audience

  • One popular type of content today is what you call podcast. What are podcasts? Know about it here.
    • If your circle is a fan of podcasts, then, add it on your list of content. Create podcasts that interests your customers.
    • You can invite people to join your podcast, discuss with experts, and promote products that help you fund your episodes. Since it is accessed digitally, people can easily download your audio file and listen to it on their convenient time.
    • Plus, podcasts are generally free. So, who wouldn’t want more free stuffs, right? A great way to inform and educate your audience about what you know.


  1. Centralized Content

  • When your content is all over the place, it’s still useless. Users won’t see any sense reading it. Thus, it will affect your website rankings.
  • Your content should have specific goals to achieve. Content will only get quoted only if it provides solution. So, be helpful and use plain language when talking to audience. This way, you are simplifying things for them. More and more people will link your website on their own site.
  • No content was ever quoted or shared to hundred of websites because it was able to use lots of keyword. People share a post because it was able to help them understand things.


  1. Enhance your Image SEO

  • Images are NOT there for mere beautification purposes. Images as essential as your page title, sub heading, and your URL. All these elements work together to make a web page more enticing to its readers.
    • Also, images help in improving your website rankings. How to do this?
    • It should tell a story.
      • Tell users what to do is not the best option. You have to SHOW them what to do. You can do the showing through images.
      • With illustrations, you can easily explain complicated concepts. Communication is better when you add images. Confusion between you and your users will be avoided if you convey your message using images.
    • It should guide the users.
      • Text instructions are not enough. Sometimes, you can only educate people through visual aids.
      • It is easier to teach when you provide a detailed instruction with screenshots attached. Readers can quickly get what you are trying to emphasize.

Obsolete SEO Strategies that You Should NOT Do (Part 3)

As discussed previously, SEO strategies of the past may not be applicable today. It’s 2019, and SEO has definitely experienced numerous changes. Most of changes have shaped how we do online searches. However, there are still some people who keep using the old SEO methods. To improve your website’s visibility online, follow the 4 SEO tips cited below.

  • Time to dump old keyword research methods.

    • If SEO have changed, then, keywords have also changed. A great part of SEO is the use of keywords. Many people used a wide variety keywords to test what’s effective and what’s not. Over the years, the archaic keyword research was replaced by tools that simplified advertising and promoting businesses.
    • There are tools such as Keyword Planner. This is free, and is made by Google. Keyword Planner (or Google Ads) will help you create ads so it’s easier for your customers to reach you. Because it’s a free, a lot of people use this tool up to this day.
    • Another option for you now is Google Trends. Like Google Ads, this is free. On September 27, 2012, Google Trends with other Google tools to provide a comprehensive analysis of the latest trends. It analyzes the following of top search results in Google. The website even uses colorful graphs to make it easier for users compare the search results.
  • Say no to poorly-written blog posts.Black and Gray Laptop Computer

    • Last, but not the least, try to create content for your audience. It’s time to put an end content that made no sense because it was just filled with keywords. On top of that, it was copied from another website. This method of writing mediocre content will not work anymore. Time have definitely chance. If back then trashy content would be ranked high, now, that won’t happen.
    • We know how to create quality content and that is by writing for people. Search engines can detect dubious ways of improving a website’s performance. There’s only one way to succeed: be honest by providing original content. Stolen content won’t put you at the top.
  • Stop creating pages for every keyword variations.

    • Always consider your users and the reason why they are searching. However, back then, when websites are doing it for keywords and search engines, various content farms spread like wildfire. They would only aim for website visibility.
    • Thus, the user and their intent would be satisfied. Negative user experience is the biggest downside of this strategy. Besides that, Google now skips this practice so you better not apply it on your website.
  • Stop stuffing keywords in your URL.

    • Yes, adding relevant keywords in your URL is important, but not to a point that the chosen domain name becomes inaccurate and ambiguous.
    • Always strive to keep the URL coherent to your brand. If your chosen brand name is short, simple, and substantial, then, do the same for your URL.

So, that ends part of the old SEO tactics you should stop using. SEO has evolved into greater heights. It’s futile to keep using these obsolete ways of promoting your business. In case you are curious, there are other strategies discussed in a previous blog post. You can read part 1 right here, and part 2 is over here.

Obsolete SEO Strategies that You Should NOT Do (Part 2)

Some obsolete SEO strategies just keep coming back from the dead. Like anything else in this world, things are bound to change. SEO has evolved, and the SEO practices below are not applicable anymore. In fact, SEO underwent extreme changes over the years. So, it’s pretty useless to bring back these old SEO tricks:

  • Stop writing for search engines.

    • Like what I previously discussed, you are writing for people and not for search engines. When you try to rig the system and stuff keywords, these search engines will know it. They are program to detect unnatural behavior.
    • When your page is crawled or scanned, they can see if a keyword is repeated over and over. Thus, the search engines won’t prioritize you if they notice something fishy.
    • Note that search engines have evolved too, and they can definitely know if certain keywords are repeated excessively!
  • Stop article marketing, and distribution.

    • For a time, article syndication was “in.” In broadcast syndication, TV programs are traded or sold for a fee. When you think the internet works like print and TV media, well, you are wrong.
    • Google was able to stop this trend when it released the Panda update in 2011. The update was able to delete websites with poor content. Whether it was a poorly written article, or an article copied from another site, Google was able to identify these.
      Google search engine.

      Google search engine.

    • In this digital age, the bar is higher than expected. So, make articles not for article banks and forums. Create original content that showcases your trustworthiness.
  • Stop article spinning.

    • This is usually done with a help of a software. Article spinning is a way of recreating a certain post, but using a different keyword, name, and business organization. It will basically have the same points as the original source.
    • With the technologies advancing, especially AI, these fabricated articles are easily detected. Nothing beats an article creatively written by a person because it’s definitely something unique, fresh, and useful.
  • Say no to buying links.

    • Back then, it’s common practice to pay in order to get numerous links redirected to your website. However, now, if you are having too many links that redirect to site, it may be deemed unsafe.
    • If these backlinks are shady, it’s dangerous for the pointed website. So, it’s better not to engage in buying links.
    • Like the previously mentioned tactics, Google can detect websites that are linking other websites at an incredible rate. Google can identify where links should be and should not be.
    • Write high quality content so people will link your website in their articles. Write something helpful and something new so people will be encourage to share and link. You should not pay someone to do so.
  • Stop stuffing keywords on link labels.

    • Link labels, or anchor text, are the clickable text in a hyperlink. It will tell readers what to expect if they click on a specific link.
    • Before, the ideal SEO practice is to add keywords on the anchor text. However, when Google released the Penguin update, it was able to identify overly used keywords even in hyperlinks.
    • Therefore, take time to write for people and not for search engines. A well-thought of article is a sure winner!

Obsolete SEO Strategies that You Should NOT Do (Part 1)

It’s 2019! Naturally, there would be new things in store for us this year. The same goes for SEO. It has continually evolved and experienced various changes over the years. For some other strategies, they may not change much. However, for SEO, it’s quite the opposite. Changes are drastic.

White Alphabet Dice

With that being said, I discuss the SEO practices that are quite obsolete now. There’s no need for your online business to follow these strategies.

  • The overuse of keywords.

  • A lot of people still do not understand the proper way of using keywords. There are a number of posts adding irrelevant keywords. They just write in order to stuff the specific keyword to an article.  Most of the time, beginners are limiting their content to the selected keywords.
  • The article will, in the end, lose its essence because the keywords are given priority over the quality of work. High-volume keywords are added to fill the space, and not to communicate an important message.
  • If the chosen keywords are favored, the post will be useless because it will not attract any attention. Remember that your readers are your customers here. They won’t care about the keywords.
  • It would be such as a shame to mislead them into an article that just stuffed with a bunch of keywords and no depth.
  • Just so you know, Google has taken action regarding keyword abuse so they will definitely sense if your article is there just for visibility and not for high quality content.
    • Keyword density.
      • This happens when an article needs to have a particular density. The number of keywords is the priority to increase visibility of the article.
      • Sadly, Google does not count the usage of a specific keyword. So, there’s no need repeat the same keyword over and over.
      • To determine whether a webpage is helpful or not, Google has a herd of sources to check the search results.
      • This does not mean that you would not add keywords. They are still important, but adding a lot of keywords does not make you number 1 in the search engine results. Therefore, you should not ignore the quality of the content you are posting.
    • Keyword stuffing.

      • SEO is all about keywords. That’s why the oldest SEO trick back then is to stuff keywords into unnecessary places like the website’s footer, background, and others. They hide the keyword by blending it with the website’s background color. Thus, no one would see it because the keywords have the same color as the background.
      • Literally, no one will see it, but search engines are not stupid. It will read all those hidden keywords and links. Don’t try to cheat the system because you are not writing for search engine. You are writing for your customers!
      • So, if you think adding a bunch of keywords all over your website will help you outrank other websites, you are totally wrong. Search engines will know that there are an unusual number of keywords stuffed in a site. Trust me, they know. Once they notice your website is doing such a thing, they will demote your website and you will be at the bottom of the SERPs!

Scottsdale SEO – SEO Trends This 2019! (Part 2)

If you enjoyed reading the SEO trends on the last post, here are more tips you might want to apply:

What do THEY want?

  • No matter how AMAZING your work is, if the content you are providing is NOT for them, it is NEVER going to work. It is imperative to know what your audience wants. Know what they want to know!
  • Do they prefer video tutorials? Do they want fashion tips? It is YOUR task to find out what content they like. Also, you have to know if they prefer the information through video, through blog posts, or through images and infographics.
  • Your users are on your website because they WANT something. Be sure you are able to answer them in the easiest way. This is never about you; it is all about your audience so know what they like and how they like it.

High-Quality Content.

  • If you are posting content just to FILL an empty space, you are going to fail miserably. Your audiences aren’t dumb. Besides, Google is now focusing on how to detect quality and depth in different websites. SEO performance of websites with exceptional content has greatly increased throughout 2018.
  • So, this 2019, be sure to provide content that can actually solve a problem. Research on what is “IN” and work around it. If you think there should be more about beauty, then, create makeup tutorials of your own fashion line. Perhaps, you can also mix and match your product line and other popular brands. That way, you can introduce your products subtly introduce your products.
  • Go on and guide the user through a series of blog posts. Give them quick and easy tips that will help them get through the day.
  • Excellent results will only materialize if you exert the same effort on sharing content. Think carefully what you will post. Make sure it has substance before you click publish.
Laptop, notes, and plan

Plan carefully what to post and learn from these SEO trends

Remember to E-A-T.

  • EAT means expertise, authority, and trustworthiness, and these are important points in Google’s search guidelines. This is another trend that you have to closely monitor. Don’t just blabber what you know and your expertise. Welcome guest writers, too.
  • You can invite experts to share their opinion on your website. Do not rush because you will eventually be recognized authority in a particular field. Take one step at a time and focus on your audience first.
  • Being trustworthy is consulting the right experts for the subject. You aren’t the only expert in town. Be more collaborative this 2019, and listen to what other people has to say. Learn and apply them when producing content.

Stop relying on Google.

  • 2019 could be anyone’s game. This year, try to include other search engines as well. Do not just enhance your website for Google. That’s what SEO is all about. Know what people are looking for and giving it to them. Know what generates an action from your audience and not just give them a link your website.
  • Apps are popular nowadays. You need to make sure you are visible in the different app stores, too. Not just that! Videos and podcasts also have a huge following. The top brands are multi-faceted, and they just don’t focus on gaining a high-ranking website. You should do the same!

Scottsdale SEO – SEO Trends This 2019! (Part 1)

It’s 2019! What do you think is “IN” and “OUT” for SEO this year? Here are some SEO trends you need to know ASAP!

Strategize what SEO trends suit your business!

Strategize what SEO trends suit your business!

Apply On-Page Optimization.

  • On-page optimization is still an important trend and I don’t think it will go away because it proves to be helpful to users.
  • Here is a list of website optimizations:
    • Allocate an FAQ page to answer common questions.
    • Searching the website should NOT be a chore. Make sure the search box is visible to everyone and it can give pertinent results.
    • Provide that repeat customers can replenish often bought items simply.
    • Customer support can answer questions that have to do with the business.
    • Think of using the chatbots to reduce the load for the primary, usual questions and procedural tasks.
    • Users will have an easy time to navigate and go to other physical locations.
    • Furnish the users in the different stages of the fulfillment funnel.

Prepare for Voice Search.

  • When a new thing comes up, people will guess that it will reach its peak on a certain year just like what happened to mobile phones. Everybody was saying it will be a hit in a certain year, but it never happened. However, in 2015, it finally happened! Undoubtedly, that year was the year for mobile phones!
  • Are we saying that this is the year of the voice search? Hold it real quick. Not really. Companies are looking for its possibility next year even if it has gained enough attention last year.
  • Actually, it has already started giving answers to certain areas, and it was proven to be useful. However, it has not been said that it is useful in attaining the goal for complicated questions. For example, when a user wants an in-depth comparison of different products.
  • Marketers should be aware that when using a voice response there are NO translators. This means that the voice will vary according to its current location and social class. Despite that, it could be a game changer.
  • Marketers should be aware that voice response cannot be done by a human or machine translator. It can also vary from one country to another, one dialect to another similar dialect, and more.

Observe Machine Learning.

  • One credible person in the industry stated that machine learning will burst this year as it has an impact on search. This recent technology runs on data from users.
  • Businesses shouldn’t just observe.  They should also use machine learning to build a different content for SEO that starts with bringing into the data based on particular variables. This, along the required analysis, reporting, experimenting, and implementing, will surely help you know your failures and successes.

Enhance Featured Snippets and Google SERP Features.

  • It’s important to optimize for your own website, and to optimize for Google browsing experience this year.
  • Do everything and provide quality content. Sharing your answers, tables, graphs, research will be vital for a more natural surge of traffic. This way, you will be more visible in different SERPs and you will gain more clicks because you provide knowledge.
  • Feature boxes that are helpful for the users like “word for the day,” or “quick tips for the day.” Provide help to users by explaining highfalutin vocabulary. This could result to a sharp increase in traffic.
  • This only mean that Google search features and optimizing featured snippets will remain to be a vital tendency this 2019!