Why Is Your SEO Strategy Ain’t Working?

With the many people desperately working on their online presence and ranking, competition has become very hard.

Now, websites need more than basic SEO repairing. When will you know if the SEO tactics are good enough? Give it more or less three months. So, if it doesn’t work, then you need to find out why. Perhaps, you have overlooked some things. Walk with me to know which one you did terribly wrong.

Man Looking Frustrated While Staring at his Laptop

  1. Your site does not have a good content

  • If your content has no meat in it, then that will cause your SEO failure. The percentage of the viewership from your audience is a major determinant factor. If your content is worthless, do not expect your site to be visited.
  • A well-written content is worth reading. People will keep on going back to your site because what you are offering them something that has value.

Related: 10 Secrets In Writing Content

  1. Your web host is not capable

  • The host provider establishes the search engine performance of your site. So, if you selected a provider that is not capable, then expect a sudden death of your search engine ranking.
  • It is wise for you to check the best host provider you can find. Deciding hastily could only cost you damage.
  1. You have an error on your link profile

  • The link profile is a big factor for your website’s existence due to the changes. Developing the correct link profile and possessing hyperlinks that can engage the users to come to your site.
  • Also, having backlinks from authoritative websites will surely bring you success. However, stay away from buying backlinks because Google will surely catch you using such schemes.

Related: 3 Backlink Tools to Assess Link Quality

  1. You are not abreast with the latest updates on Google’s algorithm

  • There are too many changes on Google’s algorithm that will leave SEO professionals perplexed. However, we all can’t do anything about. If we don’t follow, our SEO schemes will not be successful.
  • Just make sure that you follow the guidelines of the major Google Algorithm updates like Penguin, Hummingbird, Panda, and many more.
  1. You have a huge bounce rate

  • If the bounce rate is high, then it could contribute to the failure of your SEO campaign. Check Google Analytics and see your page metrics. If people leaves your site page immediately, that is an indication of a huge bounce rate.

Related: Tips in Reducing Your Website’s Bounce Rate (Part 1)

  1. You are using an old-fashioned SEO approach

  • If you are using flat URL structure, reciprocal linking, link and article directories, keyword stuffing, you are still using the old-fashioned SEO approach!
  • That is the reason why your SEO campaign is not working. Start using the current SEO strategy and see how your SEO improves.

Related: Ineffective SEO Strategies That You Need to Discard Now (Part 1)

  1. The time spent on your site is low

  • If your website visitors does not stay for a period of time, then something is wrong. If they leave the moment they arrived on your site, your SEO campaign is not good. Remember to check the duration a visitor stays on your site.
  1. You are impatient to wait a little bit more

  • Everybody knows that SEO success takes time. To gain noticeable results, you need to give it three months or so. So, if you are too eager and raving for results in just a month, then you need to be more patient.