The importance of URLs

The URL structure of your website dictates how easy it will be found. Imagine yourself commenting on the funniest meme on a social media platform only to spend hours finding it again for another look. Yes, the value of the content makes it stand out on the web, but the URL structure can sabotage the visibility, even if the content is fantastic.

Let’s take the case of Wikipedia and LinkedIn for example. For whatever term you search on the web, Wikipedia pops up on the SERPs. However, in the case of LinkedIn, their content is difficult to find. This is despite the fact that LinkedIn has a wide blog network, and some of the best content on the web.

You know what’s the difference between the two? Wikipedia’s URL is optimized based on the topic of the page while LinkedIn is filed by the person’s name or some post number. After all, we can’t blame LinkedIn. It’s an employment-oriented network that values people’s names more than others.

How users search the web

Sadly, for LinkedIn, about 80% of total queries searched on the web are what we call informational queries. These search terms include how-tos, answers to questions, and other generic keywords. Only 15% of tracked queries include actual names of people, companies, and brands. The remaining 5% in the equation is composed of transactional queries including numbers and product names.

These percentages rarely change even if the methods of SEO are rapidly evolving. In the end, users have one major goal: to get answers for day to day questions. If you’re writing a study, you won’t start by looking for people. You will search for topics and take it from there.

Why topical content rules

One reason why Wikipedia pops up on almost every search result is its approach to content. It has topical content. Its URL semantics are anchored to the topic, not to the people involved in it. This suffices the majority of users who are looking for ideas and topics rather than people they don’t even know about.

With URLs optimized based on the topic at hand, the page is then made available to the right places. Remember, URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. With locator, that means it’s the ticket to being found. With LinkedIn’s method of optimizing its pages’ URLs, it’s depriving writers and their possible audience a chance to meet.

The URL semantics

When a website submits a sitemap, it contains URLs of all the pages that the domain contains. If these URLs contain topics and keywords, the site is more likely to be crawled efficiently. But if you put the authors’ names or post numbering on it alone, the search engine will lose one important clue as to what your content is about.

Take note that Google understands content from a URL perspective among others. If you want to utilize all the ranking factors possible, it’s imperative that you make your URLs relevant to your content. This is the reason why many SEO practitioners prefer using the keywords on their links. It gives the page more edge when it comes to common query searches.

Simple steps to massively boost your SEO


It’s a constant battle to keep your website at the top of Google’s rankings. Every year Google rolls out more algorithm updates that send SEOs scurrying to keep up. SEO takes time but if you haven’t seen results after a year of working on your SEO, it might be time to consider revamping your strategies.


There is a lot to keep track of when it comes to SEO. On-page optimization, keywords, link building, bounce rates, and much more all need to be tracked, managed and improved. But even though there’s a lot to keep track of, it doesn’t mean that SEO has to be complicated. Here are several simple things you can do to improve your SEO.

Long, high-quality content

It is crucial that you publish long, deep and engaging content. All of your pages should have 1,000 words at a minimum and longer is almost always better. You need to publish consistently, too. You should blog at least once a week to make sure that you keep feeding Google and your audience with regular content.


Inbound and outbound links

Your website shouldn’t be an island. It is important that you share the love and link out to lots of other high quality, relevant websites. This shows Google that your content is trustworthy and that reliable. But don’t just link to other websites, make sure that you are also linking to other pages on your own website. This makes sure that any link juice that your pages get will be shared over your entire website.


Improve page load speed

A fast loading website is crucial if you want to succeed in at SEO in 2019. Your website needs to load in no more than a couple of seconds. Any longer and visitors, particularly those using a smartphone, will look elsewhere for information. Page speed is important for two reasons. Firstly Google uses it as a ranking factor. Quicker sites get higher rankings when all else is equal. Secondly, Google also uses bounce rate as a ranking factor. The more people who leave your website because it is slow to load, the worse your rankings could be.


Optimize your images

Website images are often a second thought when it comes to SEO, but they shouldn’t be. While it may not be written content, they can still have a powerful impact on SEO. Use alt tags and keywords to accurately describe the images on your website so that Google knows exactly what they are.


Improve readability

Complex, hard to read pages don’t rank well for a number of reasons. Firstly, Google may use readability as a ranking factor, so hard to read pages won’t rank as well. Even if Google doesn’t, hard-to-read pages will have a higher bounce rate. As we have already discussed, pages with higher bounce rates don’t rank as well. Make sure to keep your content easy to read and follow.


Don’t forget about other forms of media

You shouldn’t just use written content if you want to rank highly. Videos, infographics and other forms of multimedia are a fantastic way to attract readers and links. Content should form just one pillar of your SEO strategy, expand your horizons if you want to rank highly.



Use your corporate history to create new blog content


Everyone is looking for more blog content. But more blog content doesn’t have to be new content. If your company has been around a long time, longer than your website, then you probably have a deluge of old press releases and product launches that are just waiting to be brought back to life.

“Does this risk incurring the wrath of Google?” I hear you ask. The good news is that as long as you are honest, it shouldn’t matter. The trick is to accurately timestamp your post using the original date. While you can’t reposition old content as new content, there is nothing wrong with posting old content as old content. And it still has tons of positive benefits.


Nothing is off limits

If you are thinking about using this strategy, there is no content that is off limits. Seriously, old press releases, articles, product news, anything can be added just as long as you timestamp it accurately.


Make sure you use Google Webmaster Tools

If you’re in any doubt about accurately time stamping your content, Google Webmasters Tools is essential. By using Google Webmaster Tools you can teach Google to parse your content accurately. Never assume that Google will do what you want without telling it exactly what you want to do. By using Google Webmaster Tools you can ensure that Google recognizes when your content was published and how it should be crawled.


You’ll help Google fill in its history

Google doesn’t like having gaps in its history and by adding in old content you will help fill in any voids that it has. Even if you are filling in voids before the World Wide Web was created, Google will appreciate it. Even previously published web content should be re-posted. The Wayback Machine is a great source of old content that is no longer published. By scouring through it, finding relevant content from your previous websites and re-uploading it, Google will start sending you more traffic. Once again, just make sure that you correctly timestamp your post.


It will make your site so much deeper

Most company websites are superficial. This is especially true of the websites of companies that have been in existence for several decades. So much of the company’s history is not online. But that can change. By re-posting old content you’ll be able to make your website much, much deeper to the point where it accurately reflects your company’s history. Again, by adding more content and making your site much, much deeper than it actually is, Google should give you a slight ranking boost.


Hire a team if you’re serious

If you are serious about adding your old content to your website, you’re going to want to hire a team to take care of it. Finding, adding and timestamping old content can be incredibly time-consuming. That’s why you’ll want to get a team of interns on board to get the job done efficiently and effectively.


Scottsdale Web Design – Web Design Tips from Amazon (Part 3)

We’re down to the last post! If you missed the first 2 articles about Amazon strategies, part 1 is right here, and part 2 is posted here. For the first part, I’ve discussed how Amazon’s categorizes its items and how it uses the power of colors. Meanwhile, the second part is about how Amazon uses the “add to cart” button. Now, there are 3 more tips below:

  • A picture is worth a thousand words.
    • Amazon is marketplace for different sellers. Not everything is sold by Amazon, but every product carries the Amazon brand. Even if a product is not sold and shipped by the company, a lot people trust because it’s on Amazon.
    • One unique feature about Amazon is that it uses superior quality photos that you can zoom in. Products, like books, are actually viewable. You can take a sneak peek through its “look inside!” option.
    • It gives the customers confidence on the product they are buying since a preview is provided by Amazon. Same is true for your website. If you provide sharp photos, people can preview it down to the littlest details.
    • Naturally, you would not buy a product you have not seen. So, it’s important for your website to provide high resolution photos. Choose a photo that can make customers take action. An image should be able to connect with your web visitors and should subtly tell them “hey, check me out.”
      One of Amazon strategies is providing a convenient rating system.

      One of Amazon strategies is providing a convenient rating system.

  • Make reviews easier to make.

    • Customers trust other customers. That’s why Amazon is making sure that their customers can easily rate their products. A rating system is provided by Amazon so customers can just review a product using stars.
    • Seeing a 5-star rating will surely make you purchase a product. As a seller, you don’t need to say much because the 5-star review already says everything. It is an effective way to persuade people to give this product a try.
    • As a customer, you are very meticulous, and every detail is important. You run to people you trust. You seek their advice on what works better. So, Amazon focused on sustaining relationship and not marketing its product. It wanted to gain the trust of its audience.
    • As a seller, learn from Amazon’s strategy. Don’t tell your customers to buy your products. Let 5-star rating do the talking. If your products need exposure, reach out to digital influencers. They might be able to help you spread the word. Their positive review will give your products a much needed boost.
  • Everyone loves anything with the word FREE!

    • I love FREE stuffs. Who doesn’t? Amazon is aware of that! If your order is more $25, you get FREE Shipping. Thus, you are inclined to put more items in your cart just to avail the FREE shipping option.
    • Doing the same will definitely help you gain more customers. They will stick around and browse the daily deals just to reach the minimum amount of the “Free shipping” offer. (I talked about the importance of adding a FREE shipping feature here.)
    • Whatever it is you are selling on your website, try offering something for FREE to convince more people to transact with you. It may be a FREE sample, FREE 15-day trial, or FREE ebook. Business Insider conclusively declared that out of all the freebies, free shipping remains supreme.

Scottsdale Web Design – Web Design Tips from Amazon (Part 2)

Person Using an Amazon Kindle.

One of Amazon’s best-selling product: Kindle.

This is the 2nd Amazon post of the 3-part series. If you need to refresh your memory on part 1, you can view it here.  For this blog post, I will discuss the importance of building an exclusive circle, of consistent to your brand image and more. So, here are the 3 tips you can learn from Amazon.

  • Welcome to the club.
    • When all your customers give out honest reviews, they gain a following for impartial opinions on the products. These relationships draw more traffic to your website.
    • Since customers know these reviews are genuine and trustworthy, they don’t mind allocating $12.99 a month to exclusive clubs like Amazon Prime. Once customers are part of it, they have eligible to utilize faster shipping options.
    • There’s a one-day shipping, a two-day shipping, and FREE same-day delivery. Other than that, customers have an unlimited access to selected books, albums, and movies.
    • How can you apply this to your website? Ask your followers what they want to see on your site.  Offer concrete solutions to pressing issues. The great thing is that your solution does not need to be a product. You can help them through providing high quality content. You can offer them these exclusive contents via email. Your email list will be the only one to read these exclusive content and videos.
  • Strive to be consistent.
    • If there’s ONE word to describe the top brands, it would be consistent. These popular brands do not focus on short-term goals. Hence, they always look to the years ahead. You are best representation your brand. You have to be consistent in what you share to your customers.
    •  If you are arbitrary and capricious, no one will ever trust your actions. If you constantly change your image, it will just confuse existing customers. Potential customers won’t trust you because you are unsure.
    • To be more convincing, you need to be certain of your plans, goals, and aspirations for the company.  Amazon has been consistently offering free 5-8 days shipping for orders over $25. Amazon Prime members enjoy same-day delivery, release-date delivery, and two-day shipping.
    • Another concrete example is Facebook. The company logo has been consistently blue. The company wasn’t eager to change its logo because Facebook is known to be blue. The words trust and strength are associated with the color blue.  If you need help regarding colors, these guidelines might be useful for you.
  •  “Add to Cart” is better.
    • Proimpact7, a web optimization agency, analyzed the user experience of different websites. They specifically studied the call-to-action (CTA) buttons that had captions like “buy now,” “shop now,” and “purchase now.” The results were conclusive and proved that these buttons are NOT effective.
    • If you have noticed, Amazon uses “add to cart” button. There is NO “buy now” on the website even if you do a thorough search right now. Follow the suit and apply the “add to cart” button instead. Customers click it often because they are sure that they are NOT handing over their hard-earned money yet.
    • So, people have no problem on clicking “add to cart” because they know that sales are not final yet. They don’t hesitate in clicking the button even though it’s practically the same with its “buy now” counterpart.  “Add to Cart” is subtle yet powerful CTA button.

Scottsdale Web Design – Apply These Psychological Tricks on Your Website (Part 3)

Psychological tricks of colors and more.

Psychological tricks of colors and more.

We have finally are down to the 3rd part of the different psychological tricks you can use on your website. If you want to catch up, you can do so by clicking part 1 here, and part 2 is posted right this way. Reminding everyone that these concepts are not my own. This is based on a book called Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.

  • The price is right.
    • Nowadays, consumers don’t buy something at first glance. They utilize internet and research for the product that offers value for money.  Before deciding to buy an item, they look at the best available deals out there.
    • One way to stand out from the rest is by using the classic example of the “.99” price tag. For example, competitors priced their items at $25.00, but you priced yours at $24.99. This pricing strategy convinces customers that the product is only $24 even though it’s a cent away from $25.
    • It’s a way of telling the customers that are saving some bucks.  In reality, the price difference is not that huge to be honest.
  • Find the right timing.
    • Amazon always knows where to put things and when to offer them. For example, when you put an audio CD in your cart, Amazon gives you more music recommendations. Once you are about to pay for the CDs, it will tell you that some customers also purchased these albums.
    • Similarly, if you are selling mobile phones, why not offer accessories while they are reviewing their cart? Perhaps, you can suggest phone cases, earbuds, or portable speakers.
    • Do not them these accessories while they’re still pondering on mobile phone brand to pick. It’s unnecessary to bombard them with add-ons. Once they’ve actually bought something, that’s the time you can introduce the compatible accessories.
    • You can do this by sending a “thank you for your purchase” email. In this email, you can include a list of products they might enjoy based on their latest purchase.
  • Colors of the wind.
    • When you are selling a product, you have to master art of persuasion. One way to convince people to purchase is through color choices. Did you know by changing the appearance of your CTA buttons, it can actually help your website gain more clicks?
    • In one survey, 93% of customers bought a product just because they liked how it looked. The remaining 7% said that they bought it because the product smells nice and feels nice as well.
    • Furthermore, 85% of customers revealed that they bought a product just because the color appealed to them. This proves that choosing the right color is important in brand recognition. Aside from color, design and word choices play an important role too.
    • If you are selling food products on your website, avoid a blue color scheme. No popular fast-food chain ever used blue because it is a color for weight loss. Blue, however, calms the mind and encourages trust. So, it’s ideal for services like banks, high tech products, and more.
    • Top brands like McDonalds, KFC, Popeyes, Chick-fil-A are using a blend of red. The color red and orange brightens your website. It exudes a live and fresh vibe.
    • If need a guide on choosing the right colors for your website, this post will help you a lot. If need details on many uses of different colors, it is all here. Lastly, I’ve also discussed the role of color contrast in web design.

Scottsdale Web Design – Apply These Psychological Tips on Your Website (Part 2)

The psychological tips and tricks presented on this posted below are based on Robert B. Cialdini’s book. If you want to read part 1, you can click this link. For this 2nd post, I will still discuss the importance of personalization, recommendation, and other ways invite more web visitors:

  • Tailor-made for every user.

    • Don’t make everything about business and money. Take time to get to know your audience, too! Interact with your followers. That’s why social media is there. It’s an avenue for you to connect with your existing customers and future ones.
    • When they see how much you take time to answer their questions, they will appreciate it. When you are active on social media to address issues, they will know that you are dedicated on giving the best to your customers. You are NOT just another website that’s after the money. Your customers will consider you a friend that’s definitely worthy of their trust.
    • When replying to inquiries online, be personal and address them by their names. You are talking to someone needing help. This is not the time to speak formally. Don’t be afraid to show your personality because it makes the company less generic and more human.
    • You don’t need to follow a template because it’s ends up pretty unconvincing. This is you, and you don’t need to act like this website because they are well-known. Go through your social media posts and blog posts and check if it seems fabricated. If you can’t see yourself saying it, then, don’t include it.
  • The power of a positive review.

    • Whether it’s from a from a popular internet star or from an ordinary citizen, a positive review will boost your credibility and trustworthiness. Never undervalue its ability to motivate other people to try your products.
    • These reviews will push the undecided to go and try your products. They don’t have to worry because a great number of people vouched for the usefulness and quality of your products.
    • If someone famous mentions your product and puts in a good word for you,  spread it on social media. Highlight positive reviews on your website so new customers will immediately feel confident when transacting with you.
    • Whether the review is from a celebrity or not, make it a habit to share the review, and to respond to these positive reviews. A simple thank you is nothing compared to the boost they have given your brand.
    • To be honest, no amount of sales talk can compare to the reviews given by actual people. So, gather all the promising reviews and share them the world!
Paper Bags Near Wall

Of course, no one can resist the word: SALE!

  • Limited-time offers.

    • When products are only available for a limited time, people feel like they shouldn’t miss this “once in a lifetime chance.” As a result, the demand for a product increases because everyone has the same mindset.  Everyone is compelled to participate and grab this exclusive offer.
    • Everyone is buying it so I’m buying it! It may be silly reason for some, but it’s still an effective marketing strategy. People don’t want to miss out on what’s popular.  They want to do what others are doing.
    • So, if there’s this sale ends in 48 hours, I should shop now because other might beat to it. It’s human nature; there’s always a need to be constantly updated.  If there’s a sense of urgency, then, definitely, it will motivate everyone to shop before it’s over.

Scottsdale Web Design – Apply These Psychological Tricks on Your Website (Part 1)

You would probably be wondering how psychology is used in designing a website. In this post, I will discuss psychological tricks to help you promote your online business. The concepts discussed are based on Robert B. Cialdini’s The Psychology of Persuasion.

This post will be the 1st of 3 articles. Below are 3 tips on how to design your website in order to get more traffic and engagements from your followers:

  • Exchange of information.

    • What’s the first thing you need from your web visitors? It’s their email address.
    • You need to entice them to hand over their email address in exchange for FREE items. Why do you need their email address? Because this is where you will send vital information of your various products. Purchase isn’t necessary at this point. You just need their email so you can slowly introduce your company and market your products.
    • Through email communication, you can also send them freebies like FREE ebook, webinar, or access to exclusive content. Now that you’ve share something, your audience will indebted. They will likely listen to you because of the freebies you shared.
    • Remember Newton’s third law of motion? For every action, you can expect an equal or opposite reaction. You can’t expect your web visitors to interact with you when you haven’t given them anything. Once you get their email, you can make the first move and offer them something first.
    • After sending a bunch of free items, they will most likely notice your future emails. When the time comes that they need your products or services, you are the first on their list. They wouldn’t choose a website they’ve never heard about. They would choose you because you’ve established a certain connection already.
    • If you’ve noticed, every website you visit, there’s always a pop-up to invite you to sign up on their email list. Aside from that, before you can access a specific website, you need to sign up using your email.  You need to register first to shop at different websites like Target, Macy’s, Amazon, and Ebay.
    • With so many products available online, people always ask, “If I buy this, what’s in it for me?” If you are selling online tools, write a blog post about it to educate your customers. If it’s their first purchase, offer a FREE shipping voucher. Don’t be afraid to be first one to reach out and propose a trade!
Woman Holding Smartphone

Offer freebies to entice people.

  • A pledge of loyalty.

    • If people are subscribed to your email list, or if they have followed you on your social media accounts, they have decided to include themselves into your world. They’ve told the world they support you.
    • They can now easily read your tweets or status updates. Human beings are always there to do a favor or kindness. So, once you give them exclusive deals, they will also assist you by choosing your brand.  They will promote you and share your updates via Facebook, Twitter, or email.
  • A ripple effect.

    • The 3rd is related to the previous. One follower can indirectly recommend your brand to their family and friends. A concrete example for this is Facebook. If you have noticed the various product pages on Facebook are promoted in a way that you are told that a friend likes this particular page. Perhaps, you may want to visit their page and give it a “like” too!
    • Influence is a used by a lot of websites, and not just Facebook. These websites use the power of social influence. They know that when a friend recommends a product, it’s hard to say no. When a friend raves about something, you’d probably join the band wagon. It’s a power of peer pressure!

Scottsdale Web Design – Web Design Tips from Amazon (Part 1)

If you read the previous post, it was about Amazon’s convincing powers to upsell, cross-sell, and pre-sell. Now, this blog post is still about Amazon. I will be carefully breaking down the things that make Amazon a leader in the eCommerce industry.  Below are 3 web design tips you can learn from Amazon:

  • Colors.

    • Amazon gives importance to colors. If you study Amazon’s product page very carefully, you will notice that hyperlinks are blue. You will easily notice these clickable links. On the other hand, the product details are black so it’s very readable and scannable. The only details in red are the price and discount. You can’t ignore the details because the color red highlights how much you will save and how much is price now.
    • Based on studies, consumers click blue links more. The color blue is associated with trust and confidence. It’s no wonder why the different sellers/brands on Amazon are all blue. You are encouraged to click these brands and check out their products.
    • Red is the color of bravery. Amazon prices are indicated in red because they want customers to be brave and take the leap. It’s subtly suggesting to be brave and add that pink dress you have been eyeing for days! It’s whispering to you to take courage and add the items you want in your shopping cart!
    • People opt to choose colorful products over monochromatic ones. However, color is matter of personal preference. Different colors evoke different reactions from people depending on their taste. To understand the different usage of colors, I’ve posted about it here. If you need useful color scheme tools, there’s a useful list over here.
Rainbow Design Decoration

Choosing the colors the works well with your website is extremely important.

  • Urgency.

    • Amazon has mastered the art of creating a sense of urgency. If a customer has been following a certain product, then, you indicate on your website that there’s ONLY 3 items left. This will convince him to purchase the item immediately. It’s powerful strategy when you need to give your customers a friendly nudge to finally buy it.
    • In order for you to create a huge demand, the first thing you have to do is identify the NEED. Ask your followers what products/services they want see in the future. You can collect their suggestions through an online form. You can create your own survey using tools such as limesurvey, jotform, and ninjaform.
  •  Categorize.

    • Try to group similar products together. Amazon is pretty good in doing this strategy.
    • If you find yourself needing a point & shoot camera for your trip to Italy, you see a lot of cheap digital cameras on Amazon. Upon browsing for the perfect travel camera, Amazon suggests that you may need an extra memory card for storing photos. Oh, maybe you need a travel charger too.
    • Amazon is being subtle, yet it’s very effective, right? You only wanted a camera when you started your search. However, you ended up adding 2 more items to you cart.
    • Plus, when these items are bought together, you may save on costly shipping, or you are eligible to get the items for a special bundle price. Customers will easily conclude that they’ve managed to save some bucks by buying a bundle.

Scottsdale Web Design – 3 Amazon Strategies You Can Apply on Your Website

Amazon strategies that are helpful to your business.

Amazon strategies that are helpful to your business.

In 2017, Amazon revealed that their 4th quarter income for the year was $60.5 billion. This humongous 11-digit earning is an attestation that people spend a lot of money buying gifts for Thanksgiving and Christmas. It’s no doubt that Amazon is a major player in the retail industry, and they can easily convince practically anyone to buy from their store. So, now, I will list a few strategies that Amazon uses in selling a wide array of products.

  • Going Up!

  • If Amazon is known for something, it would be upselling.
    • By the way, what is upselling? I’m sure you are familiar with this strategy when you are buying at fast-food chain. The crew would normally ask you if you would like some flavored fries instead of the regular fries you ordered.
    • Basically, upselling is a seller’s way of convincing the buyer of spending more on products that would enhance or upgrade main product, which is already is on the customer’s shopping cart.
    • It’s not just that food industry that uses this strategy. In fact, a lot of online retailers practice upselling. No matter what industry you are in, there’s an endless possibility on how you are going to upsell. If you part of the hospitality industry, you can suggest upgrading the room or changing the room type.
  • Cross-sell.

  • Cross-selling happens when you suggest similar products to what’s already in the cart. It involves proposing a product that works well with the existing purchase.
    • For example, when you search for a portable speaker on Amazon, one of the choices is the DOSS Touch Wireless Bluetooth V4.0 Portable Speaker. Amazon, then, reminds the customer that the speaker is “frequently bought together” with a shockproof carrying case, and a 3.5 mm aux cable. The customers won’t have trouble adding these 3 items because in just one click they can easily add it to their cart and buy them together.
  • Since your customers are sure that they are buying something, this is the perfect timing to sell more items to them.  This would mean more profit for you, of course! In 2006, it was reported that almost 35% of Amazon’s income is due to cross-selling similar items.
  • As consumers, we always want to take part of a great deal. We can’t say no to an item especially if we know that we can save a lot when buying in bundles.
  • The pre-sell strategy.

  • What is this? Pre-sell is when you are going to sell your goods in advance.
    • What can you pre-sell to your customers? The top answer would be books. Amazon sells print copies and digital copies of books that aren’t even published yet. Numerous New York Times bestselling books are selling like hotcakes long before they hit the shelves!
    • Aside from books, workshop and concert tickets are easy to pre-sell. Before the said event, tickets are sold-out. Excited fans are buying them the moment they are available in various ticket booths.
  • Usually, when items are for pre-order, retailers like Amazon encourage their customers to buy by offering a pre-ordering discount. If you’ve notice, books are 10% off, 15% off, or even more when are not yet available. As soon as books are released, books are sold on its regular price.