3 Tips on How to Effectively Use Photos in Increasing Your Conversion Rate

As what I’ve discussed previously, photos help in conversion. This time around, I will give some specific examples for you. I will be sharing some tips on how to choose what photos to include and not to include.

Numerous Photos on the Table

Numerous Photos on the Table

Photos bring color to your website so do not undermine their ability to convert window shoppers to actual customers. Choosing the right photos can definitely help you interact better with your audience, and help get your message across more clearly. Here are some tips for you to follow:

Choose a photo that shows emotions.

  • Humans are emotional beings. We smile if we see a smiling photo. Whether the emotions is happy, sad, angry, or scared, choose a photo that clearly expresses the emotion you want to convey.
  • If you want your customers to take action, encourage them through powerful photos. They will definitely work. How can people ignore a smiling photo? Trust me; it’s hard not to notice. People will surely not ignore it.
  • In fact, a lot of people buy items just because it made them feel good. It’s as simple as that.
  • When you are adding an emotion to a photo, you are making your customers experience what it’s like to use the product. People will buy your product because there’s an emotion attached to it.

A mascot is a pretty good idea.

  • Your favorite team probably has a mascot. However, mascots are not exclusively for sports teams. Websites, now, have mascots too. Did you notice the fox on Firefox? The famous browser has a fox circling the globe. Mailchimp has a chimp (or chimpanzee) for a mascot. These brands are definitely popular in their own respective fields.
  • These mascots are part of a website’s branding. People can easily identify your website through your mascot. How does a mascot exactly boost your conversion rate?
    • It can make your website more notable, and it will definitely stand out.
    • It easier to invoke emotions. Because your mascot has a face, you effortlessly add the much needed emotion.
  • Consider having one in your site too! It’s not expensive, and it will greatly impact your brand.

Add a human touch.

  • When people see a human face on your photos, there’s an immediate connection. You don’t need to explain further because they can clearly see a familiar face.
  • For example, Beyonce is your product endorser. I’m pretty sure sales will skyrocket because it is Beyonce we are talking about here. No matter what the product is, loyal fans will buy the product right away.
  • Look, you don’t need to get a famous celebrity to model for your brand. The point here is that your product feels tangible, real, and attainable when you add photos of people.
  • When you feature people using your product, other people can immediately see the connection. They would be like, “Oh, that looks useful. I need that product in my life.”
  • You might think it’s not much, but adding a face to a photo will definitely increase your website’s conversion rate. You will surely click on a photo of a smiling baby over a photo of a quilted blanket.

More tips regarding the use of photos are posted here. Do check it out if you want to learn more about the topic.

How Images Help in Boosting Your Conversion Rate

Images play an important role in converting mere web visitors to loyal customers. It shouldn’t be on the sidelines. If you are not putting some thought on the images you use on your website, then, you are making a huge mistake.

Photo of Woman Looking at the Mirror

Images should be able to entice people to come and check out your site. If it’s unable to move people, then, you are wasting valuable resources. In this post, I will explain further on how images can help increase your conversion rate. Read the 2 main reasons below:

  • There’s a sense of warmth.

    • When you post pictures of people, web visitors can’t help but empathize. It’s seems easier to connect or relate if you see a person’s face.
    • According to one research that studied the relationship between patients and doctors. The doctors shared that they felt connected to patients who had their photos attached than to patient who had no photos. Moreover, the doctors revealed that they changed for the better. They treated patients with more understanding.
    • Same is true with online businesses and customers. So, as a business owner, ask yourself, “How can you interact with customers from around the world?” Unlike the doctors in the research, you won’t be able to see your customers one by one.
    • The solution for this is to communicate through images. It’s difficult for your customers to you relate to you if they don’t see something familiar.
    • So, whether you are selling a product or you are promoting a service, add images that will encourage them to your interact with your brand.
    • If you look clearly at numerous sites, you will notice that they add pictures of their staff. Perhaps, they will also feature pictures of customers browsing their shelves.
  • Photos make you believe on something!

    • When there’s an attached photo, people would most likely believe it.
    • For example, when you say Michael Jackson is alive and attach an old photo of him sitting on the couch, people would believe it. If not, they would be curious enough to click the article.
    • In a snap, people would believe something especially if you add photos. People won’t read the facts; they will immediately study the photo. At first, they will ask, “Is this true?” When they see a photo, they will change their minds and say, “Oh yeah, it looks true. It must be true!”
    • If you apply this principle to your website, you need make it a point to create realistic looking photos of your products. It will help in gaining your customers’ trust. If see they see clear and vibrant photo of your product, they will most likely click it.
    • Have you notice that the ebooks on Amazon have covers like physical books? When you try to look inside, did you notice that the page curl animation is similar to flipping an actual book? It makes you imagine that a digital book is like a real book. It’s easy to convince customers now because they can picture the products. The idea doesn’t seem farfetched anymore.

Adding images of the smiling faces, cute babies, and beautiful people really help in encouraging people to click. Take time in developing product photos, banners, and posters for your website because it will definitely increase trust. That would mean plus points for you!

Obsolete SEO Strategies that You Should NOT Do (Part 3)

As discussed previously, SEO strategies of the past may not be applicable today. It’s 2019, and SEO has definitely experienced numerous changes. Most of changes have shaped how we do online searches. However, there are still some people who keep using the old SEO methods. To improve your website’s visibility online, follow the 4 SEO tips cited below.

  • Time to dump old keyword research methods.

    • If SEO have changed, then, keywords have also changed. A great part of SEO is the use of keywords. Many people used a wide variety keywords to test what’s effective and what’s not. Over the years, the archaic keyword research was replaced by tools that simplified advertising and promoting businesses.
    • There are tools such as Keyword Planner. This is free, and is made by Google. Keyword Planner (or Google Ads) will help you create ads so it’s easier for your customers to reach you. Because it’s a free, a lot of people use this tool up to this day.
    • Another option for you now is Google Trends. Like Google Ads, this is free. On September 27, 2012, Google Trends with other Google tools to provide a comprehensive analysis of the latest trends. It analyzes the following of top search results in Google. The website even uses colorful graphs to make it easier for users compare the search results.
  • Say no to poorly-written blog posts.Black and Gray Laptop Computer

    • Last, but not the least, try to create content for your audience. It’s time to put an end content that made no sense because it was just filled with keywords. On top of that, it was copied from another website. This method of writing mediocre content will not work anymore. Time have definitely chance. If back then trashy content would be ranked high, now, that won’t happen.
    • We know how to create quality content and that is by writing for people. Search engines can detect dubious ways of improving a website’s performance. There’s only one way to succeed: be honest by providing original content. Stolen content won’t put you at the top.
  • Stop creating pages for every keyword variations.

    • Always consider your users and the reason why they are searching. However, back then, when websites are doing it for keywords and search engines, various content farms spread like wildfire. They would only aim for website visibility.
    • Thus, the user and their intent would be satisfied. Negative user experience is the biggest downside of this strategy. Besides that, Google now skips this practice so you better not apply it on your website.
  • Stop stuffing keywords in your URL.

    • Yes, adding relevant keywords in your URL is important, but not to a point that the chosen domain name becomes inaccurate and ambiguous.
    • Always strive to keep the URL coherent to your brand. If your chosen brand name is short, simple, and substantial, then, do the same for your URL.

So, that ends part of the old SEO tactics you should stop using. SEO has evolved into greater heights. It’s futile to keep using these obsolete ways of promoting your business. In case you are curious, there are other strategies discussed in a previous blog post. You can read part 1 right here, and part 2 is over here.

Obsolete SEO Strategies that You Should NOT Do (Part 2)

Some obsolete SEO strategies just keep coming back from the dead. Like anything else in this world, things are bound to change. SEO has evolved, and the SEO practices below are not applicable anymore. In fact, SEO underwent extreme changes over the years. So, it’s pretty useless to bring back these old SEO tricks:

  • Stop writing for search engines.

    • Like what I previously discussed, you are writing for people and not for search engines. When you try to rig the system and stuff keywords, these search engines will know it. They are program to detect unnatural behavior.
    • When your page is crawled or scanned, they can see if a keyword is repeated over and over. Thus, the search engines won’t prioritize you if they notice something fishy.
    • Note that search engines have evolved too, and they can definitely know if certain keywords are repeated excessively!
  • Stop article marketing, and distribution.

    • For a time, article syndication was “in.” In broadcast syndication, TV programs are traded or sold for a fee. When you think the internet works like print and TV media, well, you are wrong.
    • Google was able to stop this trend when it released the Panda update in 2011. The update was able to delete websites with poor content. Whether it was a poorly written article, or an article copied from another site, Google was able to identify these.
      Google search engine.

      Google search engine.

    • In this digital age, the bar is higher than expected. So, make articles not for article banks and forums. Create original content that showcases your trustworthiness.
  • Stop article spinning.

    • This is usually done with a help of a software. Article spinning is a way of recreating a certain post, but using a different keyword, name, and business organization. It will basically have the same points as the original source.
    • With the technologies advancing, especially AI, these fabricated articles are easily detected. Nothing beats an article creatively written by a person because it’s definitely something unique, fresh, and useful.
  • Say no to buying links.

    • Back then, it’s common practice to pay in order to get numerous links redirected to your website. However, now, if you are having too many links that redirect to site, it may be deemed unsafe.
    • If these backlinks are shady, it’s dangerous for the pointed website. So, it’s better not to engage in buying links.
    • Like the previously mentioned tactics, Google can detect websites that are linking other websites at an incredible rate. Google can identify where links should be and should not be.
    • Write high quality content so people will link your website in their articles. Write something helpful and something new so people will be encourage to share and link. You should not pay someone to do so.
  • Stop stuffing keywords on link labels.

    • Link labels, or anchor text, are the clickable text in a hyperlink. It will tell readers what to expect if they click on a specific link.
    • Before, the ideal SEO practice is to add keywords on the anchor text. However, when Google released the Penguin update, it was able to identify overly used keywords even in hyperlinks.
    • Therefore, take time to write for people and not for search engines. A well-thought of article is a sure winner!

Obsolete SEO Strategies that You Should NOT Do (Part 1)

It’s 2019! Naturally, there would be new things in store for us this year. The same goes for SEO. It has continually evolved and experienced various changes over the years. For some other strategies, they may not change much. However, for SEO, it’s quite the opposite. Changes are drastic.

White Alphabet Dice

With that being said, I discuss the SEO practices that are quite obsolete now. There’s no need for your online business to follow these strategies.

  • The overuse of keywords.

  • A lot of people still do not understand the proper way of using keywords. There are a number of posts adding irrelevant keywords. They just write in order to stuff the specific keyword to an article.  Most of the time, beginners are limiting their content to the selected keywords.
  • The article will, in the end, lose its essence because the keywords are given priority over the quality of work. High-volume keywords are added to fill the space, and not to communicate an important message.
  • If the chosen keywords are favored, the post will be useless because it will not attract any attention. Remember that your readers are your customers here. They won’t care about the keywords.
  • It would be such as a shame to mislead them into an article that just stuffed with a bunch of keywords and no depth.
  • Just so you know, Google has taken action regarding keyword abuse so they will definitely sense if your article is there just for visibility and not for high quality content.
    • Keyword density.
      • This happens when an article needs to have a particular density. The number of keywords is the priority to increase visibility of the article.
      • Sadly, Google does not count the usage of a specific keyword. So, there’s no need repeat the same keyword over and over.
      • To determine whether a webpage is helpful or not, Google has a herd of sources to check the search results.
      • This does not mean that you would not add keywords. They are still important, but adding a lot of keywords does not make you number 1 in the search engine results. Therefore, you should not ignore the quality of the content you are posting.
    • Keyword stuffing.

      • SEO is all about keywords. That’s why the oldest SEO trick back then is to stuff keywords into unnecessary places like the website’s footer, background, and others. They hide the keyword by blending it with the website’s background color. Thus, no one would see it because the keywords have the same color as the background.
      • Literally, no one will see it, but search engines are not stupid. It will read all those hidden keywords and links. Don’t try to cheat the system because you are not writing for search engine. You are writing for your customers!
      • So, if you think adding a bunch of keywords all over your website will help you outrank other websites, you are totally wrong. Search engines will know that there are an unusual number of keywords stuffed in a site. Trust me, they know. Once they notice your website is doing such a thing, they will demote your website and you will be at the bottom of the SERPs!

Tips on Writing Compelling Product Descriptions

In the previous post, we have defined what classifies as compelling product descriptions. This time, I will give you more tips on how to write product descriptions to help you effectively sell your product. Read all the 4 helpful tips below:

  • The tone is dependent on your brand.
  • Don’t try to copy others because it is important for the product description to sound like you. Is your brand more casual, homey, and laid-back? Is it rather elegant, opulent, and exquisite?
    • If you are selling shirts to millenials, there’s no need to sound like you are selling Louis Vuitton. Shirts prioritizes comfort and convenience more than anything else so you should use words that are suitable for everyday use. Find words that are simple and appropriate.
    • Because the materials aren’t top of the line, focus on describing the feeling of the shirt. For example, wearing this handmade shirt will make you feel cozy. 
    • However, if you are selling a modern headpiece,  words choices should be more exquisite. It would be described as “spectacular,” “signature,” “intricate,” and “highest quality.” Of course, when it’s a tiara worth $3250, the expectations of your clients are high.
  • Your chosen text and your brand are closely associated. Whatever you choose, there should be coherence. Make sure that the words are connected to your brand.

Text on Shelf

The power of words.

  • Make your descriptions easy to scan.
  • Reading online text is different from actual printed text. Scannability is important in this digital age.
  • People won’t read the entire thing. All they want to do is skim and go directly to the important points.
  • If you have the habit of adding flowery words, don’t expect them to buy from your website. You just have to accept the fact that people won’t read every little detail. So, provide a list and summarize long descriptions. 
  • If the important details are quite lengthy, use numbers or bullets to list them all down. The bullets will provide a clearer explanation over slabs of texts.
  • So, whenever you are not sure what to add, use bullets. Rather than talking about gibberish details that only a few will understand, you should list the product’s features and benefits.
  • Add influential words to the mix.
  • Yes, bullets are important, but don’t forget to add words that will entice people.  Here are 10 of the most influential words according to David Ogilvy:
    • Easy
    • Amazing
    • Sensational
    • Announcing
    • Introducing
    • Miracle
    • Magic
    • Offer
    • Bargain
    • Hurry
  • Just a little side note: David Ogilvy is a famous English advertising tycoon, dubbed as the “Father of Advertising”. He is the founder of an award-winning creative agency called  Ogilvy.
  • Adding any of these words will make your pages extra special  because words have the power to convince people in just a snap.
  • Don’t for forget to optimize for search engines.
  • Words don’t just make product descriptions better. It also makes your ranking better!
  • Placing keywords in product descriptions and product titles really helps in terms of SEO.
    • According to Shopify, you should add words on the following places:
      • page titles
      • meta descriptions
      • product descriptions
      • alt texts

In conclusion, product descriptions are important too. Make time to write effective product descriptions. Additionally, use a minimal number of words. Just go and hit the point immediately. Don’t beat around the bush just to describe a basic product. In the end, if the descriptions work for your brand, then, don’t change it. 

How to Write Compelling Product Descriptions

Aside from product photos, another factor that urges customers to click that buy now button is the product description. Because we cannot physically grasp the product, we highly rely on words when shopping online. According to a research, around 20% of online transactions do not push through because the product information is found to be incomplete or lacking.

Person Browsing for Products on the Internet

Person Browsing for Products on the Internet

Good vs. Bad Product Descriptions

Just because product descriptions are lengthy does not it is automatically “good.” The number of words does not matter, it’s the word choices are actually waht matters.

A good product description will distinctly tell you 2 things:

  1. why you need to buy it.
  2. how it will help you in your everyday chores.

When you’re selling something common, like shirts and dresses,  it’s  easy to write product descriptions because everyone uses it on a daily basis. However, if you are selling something unique, like a multi massager, that’s when product descriptions are really compulsory. You need to detailed in explaining the products to erase doubt and confusion.

On your website, product descriptions should:

  • evidently state the use of the product.
  • highlight the benefits, and unique product features.
  • add other important information like if needs batteries or if the needs a specific charger to operate

A product description should be able to clearly tell the customers what they need to know.  Avoid anything that causes confusion. If a customer still has questions about a product after you have given a description, then,you terribly failed at writing effective product description.

Tips on writing product descriptions.

To prevent doubts, I’ve listed a few tips on how to write effective product descriptions.

  • Think of your potential buyers first.
    • These descriptions are for your customers and not about you. Consider these points before writing specific product descriptions:
    • Age, Gender, Location
    • Education and Income standing
    • Language(s) spoken
  • This is not about you. You are just the seller. Follow this guide on what to write. For example, your target audience is the middle class, you don’t go on writing flowery words and filling the space with highfalutin terms. That’s why you need to know your target buyers so you can personalize the descriptions for them.
  • Include the benefits and special features
  • Encourage your customers to buy your products by highlighting the features and benefits.
  • Make it sure that your products answer a problem, that the products provide a solution for the customer.
  • Anticipate what your customers questions. So, if you are selling dresses, the customers will probably ask about the available sizes (S, M, L), feel (is it made of wool, cotton, or fleece?), and level of comfort (is it airy? is it ideal for summer or winter?)
  • Here are some important notes for you:
    • A long list will just bore your customers so include only 3 to 5 important benefits.
    • Elaborate why your product is unique. List the advantages.
    • Think of your buyers when listing the advantages. If you know they’re buying a product because it’s very affordable, then, highlight that you are selling the product at a cheap price.
    • Explain how it is the perfect solution to a particular problem.

What Makes a Product Page Impressive?

Creating an impressive product page is important for your website.  It should not just be a dump of information. Instead, these product pages should be convincing enough to invite people to click. For it to be effective, the page should be able to attract attention. Nowadays, most websites make it a point to make their product pages are more interesting, inviting, and irresistible.

Person Shopping for Watches Online

Person Shopping for Watches Online

Let’s discuss specific elements on another post. First, I will discuss the basics. What makes a product page impressive?

An effective product page should have…

  • A product photo: 

    • I think this the most important aspect of a product page. A customer wouldn’t buy a product without a preview of it. Like shopping in real life, buyers should be able to see the product first. Providing a product photo allow potential customers to look at it. So, make sure that these photos are sharp and crisp.
  • A bulleted list: 

    • With the product photos available for customers to view, they won’t be needing long product descriptions. Most of the time, they even skip reading. Preferably, add a bulleted or numbered list for them to easily look through the descriptive words. If the product details are organized in a list, your customers can easily find the products he actually wants. For example, in online bookstores, sellers usually provide the publication date, book dimensions, publisher name, genre, and ISBN in a list format.
  • A general overview:

    • Not every description is brief. You also have to provide 2 to 3 sentences about the product you are selling. For books, the ISBN and genre would not suffice. It doesn’t give the customers an idea on what the story is. Of course, you have to provide the book’s synopsis. When there’s a synopsis given, they can easily decide if the story appeals to them or not.
  • Call to action button, and social proof

    • It depends on you if you want to add a shop now, buy now, or add to cart button. Lastly, there’s should be proof that you are selling high-quality product. Don’t forget to feature customer reviews too.

Basically, these elements constitute an impressive product page. Don’t just solely focus on improving the product. Give importance to the product descriptions because it will help convince customers to check it out. Let’s continue to use the book example. Without adding an overview or synopsis, customers would not know if this book is enjoyable for them.

Allocate time in getting to know your customers, and design creative descriptions that appeal to them.  Personalize product descriptions for your customers and not for you. Write about the different features and benefits of the product. Experiment unitl you find the perfect mix!

Learn from Amazon.

Let’s take a look at the different strategies you can learn from Amazon: part 1, part 2, and part 3. Learn how they design their product page. Being the largest e-commerce retailer in 2017, Amazon is definitely an authority in the field. Companies such as Apple, Wal-Mart, and Macy’s were next in line. It’s only natural to grasp what they know, and learn from what they do best!

Product Page Essentials (Part 2)

If your online store is not so much clicks, most probably, it’s not the product that needs to be replaced. Perhaps, it’s the product page. Your product page needs a little spring cleaning. It’s time to delete old web elements that’s not working anymore, and add certain elements that will help convince people to buy your products.

Two Women Looking at their Smartphone

Two Women Looking at their Smartphone

For this blog post, I’m going to share 4 product page essentials to covert more lurkers to customers. Previously, I already shared 4 tips so this post is basically a continuation.

Time to revamp the product page into a better version:

    • Product descriptions are extremely important, and they’re just there to fill an empty space.
    • According to OneSpace’s detailed research, websites gained an 84% increase in web traffic by redoing their product description. The survey only stated editing 10% of the description. Imagine, if you would  edit more than that, the potential of convincing web visitors to buy would be higher.
    • Try to be different, and don’t just add a generic description given by the manufacturer. This is your chance to give a thorough description about the product you are selling.
    • Make it easy for your customers to imagine your products using the right words.
      • Pro Tips:

      • In a previous post, I already discussed how to write product descriptions.
      • Product descriptions should not follow a certain structure. Instead, it should follow your brand’s voice. Whatever you decide, please make it scannable for everyone’s convenience.
      • Customers will always be doubtful because there hard-earned money is at stake.
      • If you answer all the commonly asked questions on your product descriptions, it will just make it long, boring, and uninteresting.
      • So, dedicate a page strictly for the frequently asked questions. There, you can address your customers’ question. Erase their doubts by explaining how you do business.
      • As stated on the photo on this post, there’s an huge increase of mobile users. People are shifting to using their mobile for online shopping. With that being said, over 34% of web revenues were all thanks to shopping on mobile devices. This data is only in 2017 alone so it’s expected to greatly rise in the coming years.
      • It’s going to be a shame if your online store is only optimize for desktop computers. Time to give priority to your store’s mobile version. Both desktop and mobile versions should ensure clarity, readability, and scannability.
      • In this digital age, people have developed a fear of missing out. When people see that you have an ongoing a flash sale that’s only for 12 hours, they will surely hurry and move the items on their wishlist to their shopping carts. Add a sense of urgency so that your website will invite more people and more sales.
      • People can feel the urgent need to shop if you add countdown timers too. Remind them through timers and banners that the sale will end soon so they better buy the items now. If you are looking for more psychological tricks, you can view them here and add them on your site.

Product Page Essentials (Part 1)

Sometimes, you are wondering why a website is not gaining much attention. Perhaps, it’s time to revamp your product page. Sales are affected by how to you design your product page so I will share web design tips. These suggestions are pretty easy to do and it will make your product page stand out.

Men's Assorted Dress Shirts

Men’s Shirts Available in Different Colors

Read the 4 tips below:

    • No customer would buy something they haven’t seen. So, on your product page, try to add high-resolution images of your product. As an online store, you need to provide a satisfying shopping experience by providing a preview of your product.
    • You can also provide the exact dimension of the item along with the product photo. Attach pictures from different viewing angles.
      • Pro Tips:
      • Keep the background white because your colorful products will definitely stand out more on an achromatic background.
      • Include photos of people using your product so buyers can anticipate the size. The picture may give the wrong impression that a product is large when, in fact, it is just tiny and pocket-size.
      • If a product is available in multiple colors, provide product photos on the all the available colors.
      • If you read my previous post regarding Robert B. Cialdini’s book, I shared that people respond to offers when you give out a freebie. Surely, they are more likely to buy from your website when they receive a free shipping voucher from you.
      • So, offer a limited-time offer discount or a free item on their first purchase. People can’t say no to FREE items. You can use this as leverage for people to take action. To prevent abuse, you can limit the number of freebies. For example, there is a maximum of 3 freebies per customer.
      • Whatever you say, web visitors will not instantly believe you. They will only trust fellow buyers. So, they don’t really care about your “outstanding product.” They are interesting on reading what other people are saying. Allocate a space for your top-rated products and thorough reviews. For sure, other customers will be curious on why this person recommended a particular product.
      • If you read BrightLocal’s survey, it reported that 73% of the customers agreed that they’re most likely trust online stores more when they see positive reviews on their website. This 2017 report just proved how affects that behavior of consumers online. Just remember to not share too many 5-star reviews because it’s obvious you’re selecting only the positive ones.
      • When people click on your products, there’s a chance they might not like what they click. To avoid dead ends, try to suggest related products at the bottom of the page in case they don’t like what they just viewed. Suggest other items they might like.  They wouldn’t immediately leave your website because of your interesting suggestion. You might end up recommending a product they actually want.
      • Learn from Amazon’s strategy! They always remind their customers that you might want to add this in your cart. There’s a section that says, “Customers also bought this item.” So, don’t forget to your share recommended products on your own product page.