Ineffective SEO Strategies That You Need to Discard Now (Part 2)

Like what I said previously, there are tons of old SEO strategies that still linger online. I’m going to list of more them in order to stop these out-of-date SEO strategies from being ever used again. These should be avoided forever.

wrong way sign

You are headed the wrong way if you are following outdated SEO strategies.

Here are 3 more that you totally stay away from.

Horrible Mistake 5: Having duplicate content.

Based on a SEMrush research, more 100,000 websites are guilty of publishing duplicate content. To address this issue, there are plagiarism detection tools you can use. For one, there’s a website called Copyscape that will check the originality of your content. Ideally, your article should have a zero percent match. If the percentage is high, you should rewrite that particular page.

Horrible Mistake 6: Buying links.

Having links is a sign of approval and encouragement. Google sees backlinks as a “vote of confidence”. If practice buying links, then, you will be accused of vote buying. In this Google help page, it states that links that are manipulated are considered a direct violation of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.

Number 1 on their list of examples is the “buying or selling links”. This practice might be bribing someone for links. Sending a FREE product in exchange for an article with links. It could also be giving away money for links.

What you can do is never practice buying links. Instead, you write an article worthy of links, likes, and shares. Connect with respectable sources and do not trust shady sites that guarantee you links for your website.

There is NO easy way to do this, but you need to pour out every ounce of patience and determination you have. You can be successful without buying links. Just prioritize link quality, pertinency, and ingenuity.

Horrible Mistake 7: Neglecting customer reviews.

Nowadays, it’s impossible not check for online reviews. 70% of online customers admit to checking reviews before deciding to shop online.

The solution to this is to interact with your customers. Take time to say thank you when a satisfied customer leaves a 5-star review. From time to time, encourage your customers to leave a positive review on their social media accounts. Perhaps, they can also leave add their review on reputable review sites such as BBB, TripAdvisor, Yelp, Trustpilot, and many more.

Horrible Mistake 8: Publishing fake reviews.

What worse than ignore customer reviews? It’s the proliferation of fake ones. In fact, Washington Post even published an article saying that 61% of reviews posted on Amazon are indeed fake.


To recap, both part 1 and part 2 reminds SEO agencies and marketers to participate in shady tactics like link buying. Be careful when posting duplicate content. Moreover, always consider quality more than quantity. Follow a blogging schedule, and post longer articles. Try to extend your content and include statistics, research, and other relevant numbers. Most importantly, do not overuse keywords and stop writing too many articles around a certain keyword. Lastly, learn from customer reviews and take time to interact with your satisfied customers. Aim to always make them happy and do not deceive them. Never fake reviews just to lure more people into buying your products.

Ineffective SEO Strategies That You Need to Discard Now (Part 1)

With the advancement of technology, you would think people have abandoned obsolete SEO strategies. Nope, many old SEO strategies still linger on the World Wide Web.

Careless Mistake of Spilling Coffee

Worse, people use it as if these tactics would make a difference to their website. No, these out-of-date SEO tips and tricks can bring danger to your web traffic, conversion rate, and rankings.

Horrible Mistake 1: Targeting the same keyword.

Creating too many related articles that target similar keywords are not recommend. If this happens, these web pages will fight over the same keywords. Thus, more chances of keyword cannibalization. So, this practice should end.

Years back, it is a common practice among many websites. However, times have changed and search engines can detect whether or not a keyword is repeated multiple times. Google have upgraded and it can detect an article’s relevancy to the keywords used.

What can you do?

The easiest remedy to this is to add synonyms of your keyword in one page. If you search for cappuccino on Google, it will suggest topics related to cappuccino such as, “cappuccino recipe”, “cappuccino vs. latte”, “cappuccino ingredients”, and so on. These suggested keywords are a great addition to your blog post. Maybe you can share a cappuccino recipe and list all the ingredients needed.

Related: Great Tools That Will Assist You to Write a Better Content

Horrible Mistake 2: Writing brief and content.

Short updates have no place in the world of SEO.

A possible solution is…

  • To create lengthy content. Try to extend the number of words to 2,000 words.
  • If you look at the top results on the search engines, these search engine sites would rank those content, with 2,000 to 3,000 words, higher.
  • This was proven by BuzzSumo and Backlinko. Both of these companies analyzed articles, and the results were conclusive. The blogs that topped the list according to Goggle were the long-winded articles that had at least 1,900 words.

Related: Blog Writing Tips

Horrible Mistake 3: Posting articles randomly.

Google likes things to be even and in order. Same applies for your content. Thus, it is better if you schedule your post rather than posting them intermittently. HubSpot studied more than 10,000 SEO agencies and the results showed that those websites that posted more than 16 times received more web traffic on a monthly basis. Hence, schedule your blog posts ahead of time, and regularly publish new articles.

Related: 10 Secrets In Writing Content

Horrible Mistake 4: You think the number of articles matter.

Just because it was mentioned on number 3 that Google ranks blogs that regularly posts updates, it does not mean that the “quantity” will be your priority. More than anything else, Google looks at the quality first. Several mediocre articles won’t win over 1 excellent article.

If you look into the Google Quality Rater Guidelines, Google affirmed that a page should have a goal. Once this purposed is achieved, there’s a chance for it to rank higher. It also needs to have credibility, proficiency, and certainty. Look into search results on the first page Google and use them as your inspiration when you create your next blog post. Need more? I’ve listed more “DO NOTs” on this page.

Ways to do Your SEO Research and Study Your Audience

SEO are not just numbers, it is comprehending our audience and taking it into consideration in creating an SEO campaign. This accelerates the traffic and has chances of converting more people.

person doing research on a laptop computer

There are ways to research and study our SEO audience and there are tools that can help you accomplish your goal for each step. Here are the list:


It is the heart of SEO. Your product should use keywords that has something to do with the brand or service. Soon as your list is completed, choose 5 top ones that could very well embody your product. Through this approach, you will know the demographics that are linked to the words or phrases. Demographics.i0 is a tool for this purpose. Google Trends can likewise give you the demographic information that you need complete with location and data on how it managed to trend.

With the information you have – gender, age, and current location should be able to help you in finding the local link possibilities in the places where the questions transpire. This will give you an idea with regards to this group’s interests, hobbies, and other jargons they use.

Related: SEO Keyword Tools That Are Free to Use


Knowing who your visitors are, will tell you if they are the right audience for your brand or service. Google Analytics can help get what you need. You just have to enable the Interests and Demographic reports. Once this is done, all the pertinent details such as location, age, and interests will be given to you. This awareness will assist you in the content and target areas. If the insight does not match with your market, review your keywords and your content and see where the fault lies and how to correct it.


You can collect all the data to know your target audience by just look at your website and study the different brands. Collect as many data as you can by using tools like Quantcast, Alexa, or YouGov. You might even stumble upon link building ideas that comes from their interests.


 This is the easiest strategy on the list! This is an honest communication between you and your target audience. What comes to mind here is email, right? Ask simple questions like interests, needs, and insights to get good returned surveys. This is such a big help to distinguish content options like videos, images, and many more.

Related: 5 Ways to Get Your Emails Opened


Google has intensified in presenting answers in SERPs that determines the usual user questions. And that has become more vital. For sure, you would also want to know the various questions of your would-be audience so you can prepare for the right timing to connect with them.

You can use different tools to help you like BuzzSumo, AnswerThePublic, and SEMrush. Check them out and see what it can do for you.


 The minute you know the details of your target audience, do additional research. Your goal should be to find key features of your audience. When you do, go to Google Scholar and get information on your demographics, may it be Gen Y, Gen Z, Baby Boomer, or Millennial. This will make everything clearer as to who you are targeting through your SEO efforts.

Social Media & SEO (Part 2)

On my last blog post, I talked about the link between social media and SEO. For this post, I will still continue discussing the tips in order to use social media to your own advantage. Read the tips I listed below:

Facebook social media

#1: Don’t focus on social media!

Remember that focusing on social media for your SEO is a definitely a wrong move. Why? Because social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter have their own goals. They also want to promote their own website.

So, this should be a lesson for you: promote your own website. Stay on your own turf! Besides that, links on social media get buried easily. Imagine the thousands of tweets sent every minute. You think out of the all the 10—- tweets sent your 1 tweet will stand out? Of course not! Don’t place all your bets on social media. It’s a pretty crowded place with a lot of competition. Surely, it would be hard to stand if you don’t have something important to share.

Related: Social Media Traction and the 8 Ways to Develop It

#2: Build your own tribe.

With so many social media websites available today, you would be confused on where to focus your attention. Don’t be swayed the quantity of followers. Instead, you should think about the quality of followers. What will do with 20,000 people if none of them engages with your content?

Being followed by 50 loyal customers is totally better than having 50,000 followers. If you got 10 digital influencers as your part of your 50 followers, then, you are guaranteed with regular social media interactions and user engagements.

To get the attention of the top digital influencers, it is important to:

  • Build genuine relationships. Stop bothering them with promo posts. Interact and engage with their content as well. Remember, relationship take time to grow.
  • Once you have gain their attention, learn to value relationships. Don’t just think of them because you need help promoting your products. This is NOT just a “one time thing.” Be consistent when engaging with them.
  • If you need help sharing your content to the world, they need help with theirs as well. Take time to share their content. It’s not merely sharing it to your followers, but try to come up with a personalized caption as well. This will make a bigger impact because it is not some generic caption that you just conjured.
  • Help these influencers by providing backlinks. You can ask them to do a guest post on your blog. This helps promoting their blog and your blog as well.

Related: Tips in Achieving Success in Guest Blogging

Harnessing social media to your advantage will surely take time. Along the way, it could also influence your SEO. So, never settle with just blogging. Instead create useful and engaging content, build genuine relationships on social media, and don’t always expect something in return.

Just be true to the people you will meet on your journey to the top and they will support you whenever you need a little boost. Soon, you will definitely notice the fruits of your hard work.

Social Media & SEO (Part 1)

How do social media affect search engine results? Do all the retweets, social media shares, and user engagements really have an impact on your SEO? The short answer: yes.

 For the longer explanation, let us look the researched conducted by HootSuite. They have a found a strong link social media shares and web rankings. That is why, it is no surprise that a specific content that has higher rankings also has hundreds of shares, retweets, and likes.

person using social media

However, experts remind the public that web rankings are not directly affected by social media activity.  So, how do we explain this phenomenon? Why do popular posts that get shared more and get higher rankings too?

It’s connected, but it is not the main cause.

Social media shares might help boost rankings, but it is not guaranteed. Your content could be liked and shared on Facebook, but that does not mean you would automatically gain a spot on the first page of the search engine results.

What is really happening when someone chooses to share your content? Here’s the breakdown:

  1. For one, if it gets shared more, it will be seen more.
  2. When a content is more visible, it has a higher chance of getting picked up by other websites. They would link your content to their content.
  3. It will now create more backlinks for you, and these links could directly improve your website ranking.
  4. So, when you have a better ranking, of course, people will engage more to what you are sharing. Thus, the cycle continues.

At the end of the day, social media activity won’t matter. It’s the result of the activity that makes a huge impact. For the best results, we should look for ways to effectively use social media in improving web rankings.

So, let us focus on the important things. What can you do right now to take advantage of the power of social media?

It’s should be worth it!

When your content is utterly boring, who would want to share that? How can you move people to share and talk about your brand if your website is NOT doing a job in posted interesting, catchy, and practical articles?

  • Don’t promote too much. Adverting your own products is given. Of course, you would do that. So, find other forms of content aside from promoting your products.
  • Self-promos won’t gain much social media shares. Instead, try to write about something educational rather than making it a sales pitch. One concrete example of an informative post is a tutorial. Write about the different ways your readers can use your products.
  • For example, your products are beauty and make-up kits. So, try to do a tutorial on how to upgrade their daily skin routine. Teach how to do a light and simple everyday look.
  • Doing this won’t cost you money. You just need time to strategize what content you will be putting out. Focus on writing in-depth articles like the make-up tutorial example. Go into details on what each post should have.
  • Think of a particular audience, season, and trend. Since it is already summer, you won’t have to write about winter clothes and activities. It is beach season once again. So, share some tips on how to perfect the beach attire and share some fun summer activities. More tips are discussed right here.

No Budget? Follow These Easy Tips from Our SEO Experts (Part 2)

Now that I talked about the 2 basic principles to need to apply, l will now proceed on the 3 easy tips that will have great results. SEO tips that won’t need little to no budget. It just requires your patience and dedication.

Tip #1: Get more traffic on the content you already have.

Writing more does not always guarantee more traffic for your website. More articles will increase your chances, but if all your write-ups are of poor quality, then, it’s all useless.

Google has changed how they look at content. With billions of blog posts available online, quantity will not win you tons of viewership. Focus on the quality and it is all up to Google now. We just have to follow the guidelines and that is to publish premium content.

Instead of using all your resources to writing more, you should just improve on the content you already have. You will get more views this way rather than publishing more pointless articles.

If you already have content that ranks well and get enough web traffic, just work on it more so that you get double or triple the views.  You will see noticeable results within 30 days or so. If not, give it around 60 days, and you will surely notice improvements.

laptop showing stats

Tip #2: Enhance not for web traffic.

Wait, what? Are you serious? Your website is there for traffic. Yes, that is true. You write blogs to get more views, but what about your revenue?

Yes, views are important. However, the more important question now is, “As your traffic increased, did you revenue also increase?”

For example, web traffic went up by 200%, but the revenue only increased by 20%. That’s not good. Remember, you are doing all these things to increase revenue. If you just aim to have better rankings, that’s a great goal to aspire. However, it all goes to waste if your revenue stays the same.

More than the views and rankings, you need check if web pages generate the needed revenue. Start using Google Analytics and they can help you with goal setting and tracking. This way, you can concentrate on the pages that bring in traffic and money.

Tip #3: Do it for page clicks.

I have a quick question, “What will happen if users click on the 3rd result instead of the top result?”

The answer is simple: Google will promote the 3rd search result to 1st place. It will take the cue from its users and bump up the page with the most number of clicks.

This serves as a lesson for everyone. No matter how great your content is, if people do not click your page, it will affect your ranking. So, stop doing it for rankings.

If users click your page more, then, that would be better rankings for your website. So, what can we do to boost the click-through-rates?

For one, edit your title tag and meta description. Try to formulate catchy title and engaging page descriptions. Give your readers an overview on what to expect once they click your page. If people see that the description is NOT what they looking for, then, they will find something better. Be specific when writing titles and descriptions.

Related: 3 Ways to Write Your Meta Description

No Budget? Follow These Easy Tips from Our SEO Experts!

If you are in a hurry, I can tell you the tips in right away.

  • Start with content and write them excellently.
  • Next is content optimization.
  • Third tip is to consider the user experience.
  • Lastly, add backlinks to your website.

To be honest, that’s pretty much it. It seems easy to do, but it will need your patience and hard work.

people with laptop computers

Yes, it is not difficult to apply, but it will take time to bear fruit. Thus, you have to be patient with its slow progress. If these SEO tips are done correctly, you can outrank even top companies. How do we do this? Let’s start with 2 things:

Speed IS extremely important.

Want to know a secret? Being a small company has its advantages. Top companies are enormous and they are gigantic enough that they can’t name each of their employees. There’s just too many departments under one business empire.

What does this tell?  The huge companies are slow. One small action may need the approval of several department heads.

What do they do to compensate for their slow process? They let money do the work. The truth is that spending more money does not guarantee top rankings and faster outcomes. They won’t gain results quicker just because they allotted more money to their business venture.

As a small business, swiftness your advantage. You don’t have to go to multiple steps to get things done. So, remember that speed should be your priority.

Once your company expands, things will be slower.

For bigger companies, they can’t assure speed because huge companies have thousands of employees to pay and they have numerous offices around the world. Website speed and SEO trends are not on their priority list because they have to run multiple offices and pay their employees.

Thus, they spend hefty sums of money in the hopes that money solves everything. They pay people to get backlinks and they subscribe to premium SEO tools to keep up with the changing times.

Of course, money is not the answer to everything.

So, while speed is on your side, take advantage of it. Move fast if you still can.

Resourcefulness > resources.

When you think of content writing and link building, you might to yourself that you need a lot of money.

No, not really. You can use your connections. That’s why, it is important to build long-lasting relationships along the way. People can help you grow.

If you need help with content, collaborate with other marketers in the field. They can do a guest post on your blog. You could always ask a friend to write for you because they might know something that you do not.

These things are something you can do. AND THEY ARE FREE BECAUSE YOU PERSONALLY KNOW THESE PEOPLE! Thus, learn to value relationships because they can help you whenever you need a boost. These guest writers will serve as your foundation.

Once you start to get traffic from all their backlinks, you can now ask people to contribute or write for you. Seeing that credible writers are contributing on your website, it will definitely convince other people to write as well.

Some websites even have a contribute section for people to sign up and write for free. It’s a strategy that everyone can do. You just need expand your network and reach out to people.

Organic promotion from actual people have more impact than paid promotion. So, don’t be discouraged that you don’t have money.

Click here to redirect to the 2nd part of the SEO tips!

Examples of an Impressive and SEO Friendly Alt Text

Previously, I talked about the importance of adding the correct alt text and how it influences higher SEO scores. This is a continuation of that alt text topic. The purpose of an alt text is to tell the readers what the image is about. When they can’t view an image, this is where an alt text comes in handy.

Keep the alt text short and concise.

  • Be direct and explain what the image is about. There’s no need to craft a paragraph long description. Use keywords as primary image descriptions and add other texts if needed.
  • 125 characters is the recommended length of an alt text. For some browsers, they only provide 1 line of space for the alt text.
  • If you add a lengthy alt text, it can result to a search engine confusion. It will also confuse the readers. They have NOT read the full images description because browsers opted to truncate it.
  • If you composed an alt text of more than 125 characters, please cut it short or make another one that’s short and sweet.

person blogging and adding alt text

The format of an alt text.

Before we go into specific example, I’m going to show you the correct source code for the alt text:

<img src=”insert_image_name_here.jpg” alt=”add_alt_text_here”>

In the code above, the “insert_image_name_here.jpg” is the image location. Inserting the correct location will ensure that the readers can properly view the image. If not, readers will see the text added on the “add_alt_text_here” section. Below are 3 concrete examples of a good alt text to give you a better understanding on how to create one for your website:

Example #1:

You own a bookstore and you decide to add a picture of your bestselling book, which is Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. Your code should reflect something like:

<img src=”AliceWonderlandBook.jpg” alt=”Woman Reading Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll”>

Clearly, you are being direct to the point here. You specified what book the woman is reading. It’s not some vague description that someone is reading a book.

Example #2:

For this example, you sell beauty products online. You have a variety of makeup available such as lipsticks, lip tints, setting powders, BB creams, eye liners, eye shadow palettes, bronzers, and so on. You can add something like this on your product page:

<img src=”lipsticks.jpg” alt=”Complete Lipstick Set and Other Beauty Products”>

In this example, you mentioning that you have beauty products. Also, you are focusing on people looking for different shades of lipsticks.

Example #3:

Lastly, let’s say you are a streaming website like YouTube or Netflix. You are selling, of course, videos and other digital media to your audience. You would list the anticipated movie releases for the year so they would eagerly await it on your website. Thus, you would include something like:

<img src=”MoviesThis2019.jpg” alt=”Highly Anticipated Movies This 2019″>

Wrapping Up

Don’t just focus on the body of your content. The images and alt texts included in your blog post also play an important role in your website SEO rankings. The correct word choices matter even in the smallest things like an alt text.

Remember the alt text tips I posted on this article, and take note of the 3 examples I mentioned above. If you are still confused on what to do, just keep your alt text short and relevant to the content you are posting. Ultimately, do not undermine the ability of your alt text to increase your web rankings. It may not be the top ranking factor, but the alt text is one of many.

Importance of Adding SEO Friendly Alt Texts

If you read my article on Martin Splitt’s episode of SEO Mythbusters, you would know that he stressed the importance high-quality content. Content isn’t just the right word choices, but it also refers to the videos and images attached.

Alt text for images may appear unimportant, but search engines scan these alternative texts. Majority of websites do not even find time to add the proper text. When an image fails to load, it is just replaced by an X icon, or a blank box will appear. Too bad, websites forget the benefits of providing an alt text when it comes to SEO.

plan your alt texts carefully

A smart move would be add SEO keywords to the alt text portion of your images. Describe these images using relevant keywords, and it will usefully boost your web rankings. How to write the right alt text that’s both appropriate and SEO-friendly for the given content.

Do your research first.

Look into the different keywords you can use in your content including the alt texts of your images. For a free keyword tool, you can always run to Google’s Keyword Planner. When you searching for the right keywords, always go to for the words with low competition yet has a high search volume.

Obviously, you would want a “low competition” because popular sites would go for the medium ones. Top websites dominate this portion, but no one dares to go for the low search keywords. This is a great opportunity for you to have an advantage.

Dominating the “high volume” section is NOT an easy task, and you may not win in this area because of the tight competition among various prominent websites. You won’t even stand a chance if you are pitted against these websites who have power. Gaining the top spot will be very difficult so it’s important to start small. Eventually, you will build your way to the coveted first page of the search engine results.

The alt text should blend well with the primary keywords.

Alt text is important, but it should be your first prioritize. You should always prioritize the currently implemented SEO strategies. Do not rearrange your keywords just to suit your alt text. It should be the other way around.

Ideally, you should select images that will blend well with the keywords you chose. Because if you would focus on the alt text, you end up concentrating on the images instead of your website’s overall content.

Find a connection between the content and the chosen image text.

One SEO mistake that marketers often make is that that they do not link the alt text and the content.

Like I said earlier, alt texts should be able to clearly describe the images used. If you want your alt text to be able to explain what is in the image, relevant keywords should be used to ensure a strong connection among all the web elements.

For example, if you are writing about song writing and composing, your content should include keywords such as “Expert Songwriters”, or “Process of Composing a Song”. You need to add an image that stresses your main point. Your alt text should be able to explain the image, and it should contain the appropriate keyword. If you need examples of effective alt texts, refer to the blog post here.

2019 SEO Trends that Would Still Be Relevant Next Year (Part 2)

The SEO tactics I shared previously are just the tip of the iceberg. As SEO and its ranking factors are gradually evolving, it is important to note how Google sees content. These new shifts will help you create better content for your users.

Moving forward, it is a must for companies to invest to the correct SEO trend. It’s time to ditch old ones, and invest on these instead.

  1. Personalize Content for a Better User Experience.

getting to know your customer

Content personalization is heading towards an upward trend. In fact, take a look at this survey from Evergage. If you read it carefully, it will tell you that 93% of SEO marketers personalize their content in at least one of their channels.

Content are tailor-made for your web visitors, email subscribers, and so on. You can ask for your users’ basic information such as age, interests, hobbies, and other preferences. Basing from the same Evergage survey, majority of SEO marketers share the same opinion. Content personalization greatly helps in:

  • Increasing brand loyalty.
  • Improving customer relationship and shopping experience.
  • Developing a measurable ROI.

Remember, one content may appeal to a customer, but it won’t be interesting to another customer. Your loyal customer will look for different items as compared to a fist-time customer. You can suggest other items similar to their last transaction. For new customers, you can suggest reading through your buying guides or take a look at the bestsellers section.

Content personalization allows each customer to have different item suggestions. The content on their respective page should appeal to their own hobbies and interests.

  1. Develop Brand Loyalty with Your Customers.

In 2019, Stackla released a survey that indicated, 90% of online customers agree that authenticity is an important factor when looking for brands to support. This is why, many websites strive to be as authentic as they wish to be.

92% of websites and brands think they are overflowing with authenticity, but the problem now is that only 51% of online customers think so. Yes, only 51% are convinced that brands are able to successfully channel their authenticity.

Customers gives utmost importance to brand authenticity and brand loyalty. They give their all-out support to the brands they trust. According to survey by Cohn & Wolfe, nearly 90% of online customers are willing reciprocate the authenticity. In fact,

  • 52% of them stated that they would definitely recommend the said brand to people they know,
  • And 48% shared that they would be willing to give their loyalty to the brand they trust.

So, websites should learn from this and honestly ask if they indeed show authenticity to their potential customers, or if it’s just mere overconfidence that clouded their judgment. Consumers voiced out their opinion on the 100 Most Authentic Brands, and you can view the list right here.

  1. Don’t Settle with Just Blogging.

Lastly, you should remember that blogging helps, but blogging is should not be your end goal. You should go where audience it at.

Two people hosting an online show

Blogging is great, but did know that an average adult in the U.S. spend 6 hours on video content? According to a survey by Nielsen, people over 18 spend more than 11 hours reading, listening, and watching content. However, most people like to watch their content.

This is not a surprising news as streaming sites such as YouTube Red, Netflix, Hulu, and others are gaining immense popularity over the recent years. People love multimedia, and sticking to just blogging make you a thing of the past. Cope up with the recent trends and try your luck with YouTube videos, online podcasts, live streaming, and webinars. You don’t have to do all; start with something small like making your own YouTube channel.