Scottsdale Web Design – 3 Tips to Follow for You to Gain Google’s Favor (Part 3)

Let’s recap because I already did 3 Tips to Follow for You to Gain Google’s Favor (Part 1) and 3 Tips to Follow for You to Gain Google’s Favor (Part 2). So, this will the final post of this series. Today, I will list the last 3 most important rules that will get you on Google’s radar. Being the world’s leading search engine, we all need to earn Google’s favor if we want our websites to be clicked and visited. The question now is… How do we do that?

Google Search Displayed on a Macbook Air

So, here are the rules you need to follow:

  1. Update your website.

  • If there is something Google loves, it is an update websites. From time to time, try to provide new and relevant content for your audience.
  • One thing that will take your website stand out is by giving regular updates. Be on the lookout for the newest trends and write about it.
  • A fresh content will definitely look good on Google’s eyes. So, you might be wondering why your well-researched content did not perform as expected. Read the 4 Possible Reasons Why Your Content Didn’t Rank Well.
  • Additionally, you should know your audience. If you know them, you will know that words grab their attention. Research on the popular keywords using these content curation tools.
  1. Build your link profile.

  1. Advertise on social media.

  • Even though Google has not considered social signals as an important ranking factor, it can somehow tell Google you are doing a good job. Of course, an article with shares, likes, and mentions is a positive indication that you are something great for your readers.
  • If you have read the Google’s Webmasters Guidelines, you know that the social media is one of the ways to advertise a website. Plus, the public usually are spending more of their time on social media. So, why not take advantage, right?
  • Remember, social media is a two-way street. You are NOT there just to promote your content; you also need to interact with your followers. It is important to know the 4 Things You Should AVOID Doing on Social Media.

Scottsdale Web Design – 3 Tips to Follow for You to Gain Google’s Favor (Part 2)

Okay, it’s time for another set of tips that will get you Google’s approval. Last time, I talked about the importance of having exceptional and engaging content. For this post, I will still continue discussing the same topic.

Google Search Reflected on a Black Samsung Tablet

Hopefully, by using these SEO strategies, you will be on Google’s good side. You will learn how to keep both the users and Google satisfied. After all, Google is the leading search engine and you would surely want to gain an upper hand.

  1. Show what you know.

  • When we talk about  content, it should reflect utmost quality. It helps if you show your expertise. Blog about the things you are knowledgeable about!
  • If you know something that others do not, then show it on your website. That will be your advantage and use it as a leverage. (Read more on: E-A-T And Why Website Owners Should Care)
  • Google is always searching for trustworthy websites, and if you have the expertise, you will surely gain Google’s attention and respect.
  • Take time to show everyone about your professional background, share about the events you have attended, and talk about your high-profile clients. If you discuss about these things, your website will be synonymous to reliable. Thus, people will depend on your website for information.
  1. Optimize your website’s on-page SEO.

  • Yes, there are things that you CANNOT control. However, there are things you can use to your advantage: on-page SEO factors.
  • What are these on-page SEO factors? These are the things you can tweak on your website. It includes the following:
  • If you want to learn more, refer to this blog post: How to Increase SEO’s Effectiveness. To be honest, it’s not that tough to optimize on-page SEO elements. Even changing the title could go a long way!
  • So, consider all the little things on your website, and edit them if necessary. Once you have improved these page elements, then it’s easy to please both users and Google.
  • Don’t ever think that these little details won’t make a huge difference. It really does! Think of it as building your dream house. For it to be the best structure, it needs a strong foundation. These on-page SEO elements will strengthen the foundations of your website.
  1. Abide by the webmaster guidelines.

  • Lastly, you need to remember that Google sets the rules. Whether you like it or not, you need to abide by the Google’s Webmasters Guidelines.
  • If you do not, then expect a dreaded Google penalty in your inbox. (See: Let’s Define a “Google Penalty” and What to Do When You Are Given a Google Penalty?)
  • Remember, it is better to avoid committing mistakes. Whenever you are confused on what to do next, always go back to the basics and read Google’s Webmasters Guidelines. You might end up doing something that violates the rules.
  • To escape any headaches in the future, always read the rules of the game. Lastly, I wanna stress the importance of patience. You might be tempted to do things your own way because you don’t see immediate results. In SEO, there aren’t any shortcuts. You follow the rules and you get good results.

Next? 3 Tips to Follow to Gain Google’s Favor (Part 3)

Scottsdale Web Design – 3 Tips to Follow for You to Gain Google’s Favor (Part 1)

In the vast word of SEO, we all can’t deny that Google makes the rules. Of course, we want to make our customers happy. When we design a website, we always look out for their interest. How about Google? How do we stay on Google’s good side?

Google search logo

In this blog post, I will tell you the SEO practices will make Google happy. For sure, you will be able to grab not just the users’ attention, but also Google’s favor. Here are the 3 rules to follow:

  1. Exceptional content

  • It all starts with content. No matter how cliché it sounds, but it is true. Content is the first thing Google will check. In another article, I talked about the top ranking factors. (See: Google Webmaster Martin Splitt Shares the 3 Most Important SEO Factors)
  • However, it shouldn’t just be any content. It should be distinct, extraordinary, and unlike any other. To be honest, it is easier said than done. For me, for you to be different, you need to show your own personality. Do not try to copy another just because it’s popular. Dare to different from the rest and you will surely stand out!
  • You will surely catch Google’s attention with a unique article. Of course, it can be about an already popular topic, but try to add your opinion. Do your own research and share what you know. For sure, Google will reward you with high rankings.
  • Thus, it best to allocate more time on content creation. You can take advantage of the free tools available online, or you can subscribe to paid tools.
  1. Captivating content

  • Content should not be only unique, but it also has to be captivating to the audience’s eyes. It should compel them to click and to take action!
  • A good measure of a content that captures the readers is through user engagements. Moreover, it can be assessed through the number of likes, shares, comments, replies an article has gained. For more details, refer to 7 User Engagement Tips and Why User Engagement is Important for SEO.
    • Why is it important?
      • In essence, it is a clear indication that people are interested in a topic. They allocate their time to comment and share an article.
      • Goggle can see this as a positive sign
    • For example, 2 contrasting sites talk about 1 same topic. So, they compete for the same keyword. Google will now asses which one should rank higher. Of course, Google will pick the one with 56 likes, 27 comments, and 14 shares over a website that did NOT get any engagements.
  • How about you? How would asses these sites? Social media shares may not directly influence rankings, but it is a clear sign of user engagement. We all know how important user engagement is for SEO.
  1. Adequate page titles and meta descriptions

  • Here are some tips to improve your titles and meta descriptions:
    • Keep titles around 60 characters maximum, and do not go over 70 characters.
    • Meta descriptions should be around the length of a standard tweet (140 characters.)
    • Strive to make your page titles and meta descriptions distinct for every web page.

Next? 3 Tips to Follow for You to Gain Google’s Favor (Part 2)

Scottsdale Web Design – A List of Premium Tools for Content Creation

At first, writing seems very easy. There’s an abundance of ideas. However, things start to slow down, and ideas aren’t overflowing anymore. You see yourself stuck and you have NO idea what to write next. Sigh, we all can relate to this dilemma.

Where do we find untapped content ideas? Writing for a website can be difficult especially if you are doing the same task for years. For sure, you are desperate to scour the internet for the ideas you want to appear in front of you.

blank notes beside an iPhone 6

Out of ideas?

On the last post, I talked about the FREE content curation tools. This time, I would like to focus on the premium tools available online. If huge businesses would like to invest on an advanced tool, then this list would be something helpful. Below are 3 premium tools:

1. BuzzSumo

  • With BuzzSumo, you can do your content research and content discovery. Not only that, it also helps with finding digital influencers and tracking trending topics.
  • It can evaluate online articles and social media posts found on the internet.  You can filter your search by mention particular words and phrases.
  • Plus, you can mention specific domains to search. This feature is specially helpful when you are scanning your competitors’ sites. You will have an idea on what their most clicked articles are. So, you can also generate something similar for your own website.
  • BuzzSumo has a 7-day free trial and their paid subscription starts at $99 per month.

2. Answer the Public

  • Next, you have Answer the Public. This tool focuses on the questions that people are asking. Once you type in a keyword, you will see the questions related to it.
  • Answer the Public will come up with a creative visualisation  of the questions – such as how, who, where, when, what, and why – that people are typing on the different search bars.
  • With this tool, you will have an idea on what the users are searching on Google, Bing, and other sites. The pro version is available for only $99 /month. However, you can use the free version to look for a handful of ideas.

3. CoSchedule

  • Last but not the least… you can choose to research with CoSchedule. It has an all-in-one marketing suite that includes a content organizer, social organizer, and several other tools.
  • You can individually purchase these tools, but the complete tool will require you $150 a month. Other than that, CoSchedule has a FREE Headline Analyzer for everyone to use.
  • Once you enter a headline, you can get a constructive feedback on how to gain more traffic, clicks, and sales.
  • Basically,you will know what headlines that people actually click. You will get an idea on what grab the public’s attention. Thus, you will be able to use the right words to appeal to their emotions and their needs.

Summing up

At the end of the day, Google is will judge whether your content is valuable or not. Of course, it will evaluate if your content is indeed worthy of high ranking. It is crucial for you to always prioritize quality more than quantity. What the use of hundreds of articles if it is not able to stimulate and help the readers? Write for you audience, and always strive to help them at all times. Provide answers to their questions.

(Disclaimer: This is NOT a sponsored post. I am just showing you the paid tools available.)

Scottsdale Web Design – Out of Ideas? Use these Content Curation Tools! (Part 3)

So, I already tackled The Content Curation Tools (Part 1) and The Content Curation Tools (Part 2). Do you want more suggestions? Yes, I hear you.

Don’t worry because you won’t ever run out of ideas ever again. I know it can be very difficult to conceptualize new ideas for your website. Honestly, new content ideas does not come easy. You need to extensively research, right?

black retractable pen on a blank notebook

Well, with these tools, looking for content suggestions will be easier. Hopefully, this can help you create your BEST content yet!

  1. Google Trends

  • The world of Google Search is heavily influenced by the keywords people use to search. Thus, it is crucial to write about these keywords. That’s the only way for Google to see your website as reliable, useful, and worthy of higher rankings.
  • With Google Trends, you will understand the search results better. Plus, you get to dig deeper and figure out the intent initiating these online searches.
  • The great thing about Google Trends is that you will know the TIMELINESS of the topic. You will have an idea if it’s already a popular topic or if it’s just starting to gain popularity.
  • You will also know the following:
    • The popularity of keywords month back. You get to monitor its ups and downs over time.
    • You will recognize if the keywords is merely a seasonal topic. If it is indeed a recurring keyword, you will learn exactly when people start searching for it.

PRO TIP: Since you get to see the progress of a keyword over a certain period of time, you can easily discern if you need to write about the topic or not. Additionally, you get to realize the best time to post about a seasonal topic.

  1. Google Search Results

Next, you have your good ole search results. Yes, doing a manual search on Google can help you. To discover content opportunities, try typing in keywords and you will see that Google will suggest popular topics. Google’s autocomplete feature will give you a heads up on what people are searching online, and this will be a chance to address these queries.

Here to questions to ask yourself:

  • When you are doing a Google search, what specific keywords are ranking?
  • What websites are part of the top results?
  • Do you see a common denominator among the top search results?
  • If so, what are they? Similar title, content, or meta description?
  • How comprehensive are the search results?
  • If so, do the contents cover specific subtopics?

Once you analyze the search results this way, you will have topic ideas basing from the popular keywords. Thus, you can publish something similar, and Google can see your content as related to the top results. Moreover, Google can easily see its connection and it will conclude that it is worthy of ranking.

PRO TIP: Remember, the top search results on Google are those that are helpful and educational to the users. If you see an opportunity to create something useful for the audience, then grab it! Your blog post might be something they are looking for.


So, there you have it! That ends my 3-part series on the different content curation tools available online. If you are interested in knowing the paid tools, I have wrote about the premium tools for content ideation right here.

Scottsdale Web Design – Out of Ideas? Use these Content Curation Tools! (Part 2)

Thinking of new ideas is a MUST for every website. In order to gain a steady number of web visitors, your creative team should think of fresher and newer ways to present information. Previously, I already shared 3 FREE tools for content creation.

The Different Content Creation Tools

blank notebook beside a macbook

Now, I will give more content tools that are freely available online. Because I know how conceptualizing can be a challenge, I hope these tools will make your lives easier. Here are 3 more suggestions to make sure you will get new topic ideas for your next blog post:

  1. Google Ads Keyword Planner

  • When you choose the right keywords, your search result will stand out. Of course, people will choose to click your website. That’s the aim of Google Ads Keyword Planner! It’s there to help in selecting the right keywords.
  • With Google Ads Keyword Planner, you will surely discover the words and phrases that people are actually searching for in Google. This will be the base of your content ideas.
  • You can either scan your own website to see your highest ranking keywords or you can also search your competitors’ site to see what keywords you need to address. For sure, you will know more keywords to write about.

PRO TIP: Just because a keyword doesn’t get enough searches, it does not mean you won’t get clicks for it. Remember, little search volume does NOT equate to little traffic for your website. Actually, low search volume can be your chance to gain huge traffic! So, try ranking for these undervalued keywords!

  1. Social Media Websites

  • Like Quora, the different social media platforms are also a great place for you to get content ideas. You will know what people are constantly posting about and you can give more of what they want!
  • You can find ways to integrate your business to a popular topic online. For instance, you are selling clothes online and the trending topic is a famous celebrity. You can do a buying guide or you can try to create a mood board basing from the celebrity’s fashion statement.
  • For this approach, I feel like Twitter is the most useful. Since Twitter also publishes their own list of the top trending topics, you can get ideas from there. Plus, Twitter has an advanced search that will let search for specific mentions and keywords.

PRO TIP:  Use social media to know what the people talking about online. It isn’t just a tool for you to share your ideas. In fact, social media is also an excellent listening tool. You get to understand what people are asking, what keywords make them click, and what they want to see more online.


Lasty, there’s a free keyword research tool called To get new content ideas, all you need to simply type your desired keyword. You know what I like about it? It suggests longer keywords. No matter how short your keyword are, it will give you hundreds of long-tail keywords.

The advantages does not end there! Aside from being a FREE tool, it can also search multiple platforms such as Google, Ebay, Wikipedia, YouTube, Bing, Amazon, and other popular sites.

PRO TIP: When picking a long-tail keyword, select the ones that make the most sense for your business and your goals. Then, prioritize them according to your objectives.

Scottsdale Web Design – Out of Ideas? Use these Content Curation Tools! (Part 1)

Ideas don’t come easy! As a content writer, we all know that we’re sometimes stuck in rut. To be honest, crafting new content can be terribly difficult. Excellent ideas don’t just come in a snap. However, you need to persevere in thinking of content idea for your website to gain the attention it needs.

person brainstorming for ideas beside a laptop

The Free Tool to Generate Ideas

For this blog post, I will start by sharing 3 free tools for you to come up with ideas for your website. There are various tools you can find online so let’s deal with it one at a time. Below are the first 3 tools you can use:

  1. FAQ Fox

  • With this tool, you will have an idea of the numerous questions that people are curious about. All you need to do is type in a specific kwyword and list down the different sites to search. Then, you are ready to start searching!
  • That’s pretty much it and it’s very easy, right? If you want to narrow your search, you can add more websites to search or you add categories of the websites. Basically, FAQ Fox will help you know the most search questions – the what, where, when, why, and how – that people desperately wants answers.  FAQ Fox will scour for page titles and meta descriptions that match your keywords.
  • Aside from it being free to use, FAQ Fox proves to be helpful in the following:
    • Knowing what the public are looking for,
    • Identifying the language they are using,
    • Seeing the answers to the different questions,
    • And realizing the questions that needs answers.

PRO TIP: Other than searching popular websites for topic ideas, it is also helpful if you analyze all your competitors’ sites. By adding their URL on your search, you will know what questions they have already tackled.

  1. Quora

  • Before you criticize me of classifying Quora as a tool, still, it doesn’t take away the fact that it is a great avenue for you to learn actual questions that people are asking.
  • Quora is website where people ask anything under the sun. It’s a community of internet users that are ready to help each other for any questions that are bothering them.
  • So, with Quora, it is easy for you to identify the popular questions that are begged to be answered. This will give you an idea on what to talk about on your blog.
  • When you post on Quora, you develop your online reputation. Thus, your website gain more visibility through the thousands of Quora users.

PRO TIP: Once you answered a particular question on Quora, don’t forget to share your blog post on the question. You can reply with your answer. Plus, add the link on your website!

  1. Google Search Console

PRO TIP: The moment you know the articles that gain the most clicks, then write more content pieces around that keyword. Publish something similar to it.


Audit your Local SEO to Boost Online Presence

Auditing your website is a great way to know your standing in search results. While you’re thinking that your pages are performing well, you might discover problems along the way. Your listings may not be showing up, or your page rankings have gone downhill.

Local SEO is an ever-changing field. As more and more businesses compete for the top spot on SERPs, it’s important to keep up.

Here are two things you need to know:

*Business listings or pages that rank on top of search results enjoy 33% of search traffic

*Internet users who searched for a business will likely call or visit high-ranking results on the same day, 88% of the time

That means the best time to perform an audit is now.

Local SEO audit and your rankings

Local SEO is a specific approach to optimization. Unlike general SEO, local SEO helps you rank locally, ensuring that your pages are showing up where your target audience is.

Also, ranking locally will help you target warm leads or internet users who are interested in using your product or service.

Moreover, it translates to higher conversion and click-through rates. Paired with a winning sales funnel, nothing can stop you now.

  1. Audit your content

Content is king in SEO and this is the reason why you should focus on it. Make sure that you have a quality copy with optimized keywords. However, avoid keyword stuffing as Google frowns upon this practice and your pages will be penalized.

Also, never spin, plagiarize, or publish aggregate content. All of these will sabotage your rankings.

  1. Watch your keywords

For beginners, optimizing and monitoring seven keywords is a great start. See to it that you optimize such keywords on the SEO title, meta description, and headers of each post.

Speaking of headers, you should remember that H1 is reserved for the main header alone. The rest of the headers on your website should H2, H3, and on.

  1. Check your backlinks

Google uses the backlinking profile of your website to gauge its authority and trustworthiness. To check what and how many websites link to your pages, you can use the Moz’ backlink analysis tool. This is free and you’ll get to see the anchor text used for linking, authority score of the linking site, linking source, and more.

  1. Prioritize your social media pages

When is the last time you posted an update on your social media page? If you can’t even remember, a lot of work has to be done here.

First, respond to customer messages and complaints. Also, you should post regular content, so your followers know that your page is still active.

If you have the extra time, you should engage with your followers through sensible comments.

  1. Check your website’s listings and citations

If you have a Google My Business account all set, you should now look up the keyword you’re ranking for. See if your listing or any of your pages are showing in the first page.

Remember, internet users who will click the second page of search results are very scarce.


Are You Damaging Your Rankings?

Is your SEO ranking not going up despite your efforts? There’s a chance that you might be ruining your chances.

Almost all website owners exhaust all SEO means to rank up and to earn money from their pages. So when something goes wrong and their rankings go downhill, it’s easy to assume that they are doing something that damages the rankings.

Remember: good SEO practices can be difficult, while bad ones are easy to fall prey to.

So are you ruining your rankings? Assess if you’re doing any of these:

*You resort to spammy content

The bad thing about some website owners is they use spammy content for the sake of gaining backlinks and organic traffic.

One notorious spot here is the comment section. Many brands and website owners post links of their pages that are not relevant to the thread, let alone the topic.

If you do this spammy practice, you’re damaging your Disqus account and the site will block you using an anti-spam plugin.

*You duplicate your content

Duplicate content is a no-no when it comes to SEO. Plagiarized content never goes unnoticed on the web, much so by web crawlers which index your pages.

It’s indeed quite challenging to write something that’s 100% unique. In fact, Raven Tools conducted a web crawl where they discovered that about 29% of 200 million pages actually contain 29% duplicated content.

Of course, you can’t have a purely original copy since the vast world of the internet will use the same words. What you have to abide with is the definition of Google of ‘duplicate content’.

*Your keyword stuffing is rampant

Keyword stuffing is one of the common faux pas of newbie website owners.

SEO plugins like Yoast recommend that each copy contains at least 0.5% keyword density. Meanwhile, it still tolerates up to 1%.

However, many website owners think that this is a numbers game. The higher the percentage is, the more edge they get.

This is awfully wrong for one big reason: keyword stuffing.

Aside from being penalized by Google, keyword stuffing also makes your content unappealing to readers.

The rule of thumb here is to integrate your keywords as natural as possible. Don’t overkill the optimization.

*You use too many H1 headers

This may seem harmless, but using too many H1 headers will also damage your rankings.

You should know that H1 headers are reserved for the main heading alone. Peppering your pages and posts with this header will confuse crawlers and give your SEO a big disservice.

So the rule of thumb is to use just one H1 header on your website. The rest can be in H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6 as it merits the hierarchy.

* You’re placing too many ads above-fold

Like newspapers, web pages also have an above-fold part. It’s the visible portion that internet users see without scrolling.

Placing ad banners here will have a huge blow on your rankings. Soon enough, you’ll notice a decrease in traffic as more and more site visitors get put off by your pesky ads.

The key here is to check the page layout algorithm. It will give you an idea about what you’re doing wrong with the ad placements.


Consider Your Mobile Presence for Local SEO

In this era of the internet, mobile devices rule the traffic. In fact, more than half of the web traffic came from mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, and phablets. Mobile search is overtaking the internet that by the end of 2016, about 60% of all searches are mobile-based.

Ever since, mobile traffic has been skyrocketing. It doesn’t show any signs of abating and it’s expected to soar further by 2020.

Why you should focus on mobile SEO

Mobile-based searches are so profitable that advertisers and website owners have spent $65.8 billion for mobile advertising this year alone. That’s more than double the recorded $28.7 billion back in 2015.

As much as advertisers and marketers know fully well that mobile is king, small businesses tend to forget how committed Google is to this algorithm.

Recently, the biggest search engine in the world rolled out the mobile-first indexing algorithm. Simply put, it will prioritize mobile versions of websites when indexing while the desktop version comes second.

Boosting user experience

Aside from the indexing part, mobile-responsive websites also transcend their benefits to user experience.

In fact, 88% of internet users who searched for a local business online will likely visit or call that business on the same day. Just imagine what your local business might be missing if you don’t migrate to the mobile standard.

However, you should know that the mobile-friendliness of a website isn’t just about how it renders its appearance on mobile devices. It’s also about using mobile-compatible SEO practices.

It’s more than just the top 10 results

Years ago, Google was only displaying the so-called “10 blue links” on its first page. These are the top ten search results for the entered query. But after many changes, the search engine has moved away from this outdated practice.

True enough, they introduced the Knowledge Graph, rich snippets, Google Posts, Google My Business, Local Packs, answer boxes, video clips, and more.

All of these give local businesses more space and opportunity to show up on the first page of SERPs.

So how does this translate to your mobile SEO efforts? Basic: don’t focus on the top 10 results alone. You should also factor in other elements on the page that you can exploit to increase your visibility on the web.

Content is king, always

In a mobile setting, marketers would have to deal with a smaller screen, shorter attention span, and limited space.

With this, they need to leverage their content in a way that uses the least scroll and one that uses anchor links so readers can navigate through the post with ease.

Also, when we talk about content, it’s more than a sea of text. You should use videos, images, and other forms of multimedia. In this era of mobile and viral culture, you simply can’t rely on traditional blogs and hope that internet users will take the time to read.

In case it’s unavoidable to publish long posts, a TL; DR summary on top will go a long way for readers. It will also help them pick the section they are most interested in; thus, reducing bounce rates.