6 YouTube SEO Pointers to Get More Views (Part 2)

We all know that YouTube is a dynamic search engine that features video content and how it observes the SEO methods. In part 1, I discussed two of the important guide to gain a bigger traffic, which are adding descriptions and timestamps.

Today, I shall continue to discuss 2 more methods to optimize YouTube content. Also, I will share tips in increasing engagements on YouTube.

  1. Title and keywords
  • Now, YouTube allows clickable keywords. If you add certain keywords, viewers can easily click them on the video description. This will help you in ranking for keywords. As long as your titles are interesting, then your increasing the chances of developing your SEO.

A YouTube video with transcripts and closed captions

  1. Video transcripts
  • It is the text version of the words used in your video. So, when you upload your video without the transcript, YouTube will have to guess what it is all about. Google can only see tags, keywords, and descriptions. So, it will be a waste of money, time, and effort to come up with a brilliant video that no search engine can understand.
  • Video transcripts makes your videos reachable. It allows the search engines to grasp the content of the video. Thus, making crawling your content simpler. Just search for tools you can use. For sure, there many choices out there to do your video transcripts.


The game is not just numbers, it is engagement! No matter how many views get if your viewers do not engage with your videos, then it doesn’t help your SEO ranking. How the users react to your video is crucial on how the search engines will gauge your video content.

These are the benchmarks you should observe:

  1. Watch time – If your viewers spent time viewing your video, it tells you that they like what you have uploaded. Meaning, it gave them satisfaction because they watched the video from start to finish.
  2. Comments, Likes, and shares – Find out the likes, the shares, and the comments. It is easy to like a video or a content but to comment and share it to others means a lot more. It could bring more viewers to your videos. So, go ahead and ask your viewers to share.
  3. Subscribers after watching a video – When people start subscribing to your channel, it’s a good sign. Of course, if a lot of people subscribe to your channel, you are becoming famous. It also tells you that what you are showing are engaging and interesting that people are asking for more of your videos. You have now reached a certain dependability that people can trust.
  1. CTR – If you videos had only a few clicks, this means that it is not interesting to your audience. It could be your content, thumbnail, or title. To improve click-through rates, enhance these 3 factors. Just a reminder: do not make a title or thumbnail that will deceive your viewers because you may gets clicks. However, in the future, people won’t trust what you say anymore. They won’t bother clicking any of your videos.


A great way to learn YouTube SEO is from looking at popular channels and videos. Look for topics that are compatible to your channel. Lastly, study what the other channels are doing to their thumbnails, titles, and descriptions.

6 YouTube SEO Pointers to Get More Views (Part 1)

More than just a social media platform, YouTube is a dynamic search engine that features video content. Do you want to know how to use this for your SEO?

An astounding 1.9 billion of users access YouTube every single month, which means people would spend hours on YouTube! This is a platform that gives a huge chance for content creators to widen their usual target audience.

Search optimization is not exclusively just for text content. YouTube also observes the SEO methods as well and you should be able to catch up with the important ones that can help boost your ranking. But then, how do you do it?

Youtube home screen on a laptop

Here is an important guide to gain a bigger traffic and enhance the ranking of your SEO:

Keyword Research

  • Good content is awesome, but if you don’t have new visitors to watch them, it will do you no good. The answer here is keyword research. It can assist you to know the perfect words to illustrate your content.
  • Keyword research can make it simpler for the audience to find your content. It also aid the search engines to find the right content from the search queries. Likewise, it can find content possibilities.
  • An easy way to do keyword research is to check YouTube search bar. Once you type any keyword, YouTube will suggest to you the most typed keywords.
  • You can also utilize online tools for your research. If you are interested, I’ve listed some keyword tools here.
  • Additionally, YouTube is making a huge effort in deciphering your videos. So, if you want YouTube to know your target keywords, cite them on your videos. This will let YouTube know that this keyword plays a crucial role.

 Just to summarize:

  1. Do a Google search to know to get keyword ideas.
  2. Utilize the YouTube search function to discover top keywords.
  3. Utilize SEO tools for other keyword options.
  4. Mention the keywords on your video.

Content optimization

There are various ways to optimize your content and enhance it as well. Here are a few of the suggestions:

  1. Provide a description

  • Your video description will expedite the search. When you use a long illustration, it adds to the extra context to the video. It tells the viewers what you are going to show.
  • Think of your video descriptions as the start of the topic. You will put an intro, and then, you can even add supplementary details. This helps the viewers to know some important details without the need to replay your videos over and over.
  1. Add Timestamps

  • YouTube supports timestamps, meaning a viewer can specifically jump to a time frame. Skipping the unnecessary content and going directly to the main point. It really helps in making the video viewing uncomplicated.
  • So, add timestamps on the video description section, and your viewers can effortlessly move to a specific time frame. For example, when you type say 3:00, the link will allow viewers to go directly to the 3 minute mark. If videos have timestamps in the description, for sure, it helps in achieving a great user experience.

More YouTube SEO tips will be discussed on 6 YouTube SEO Pointers to Get More Views (Part 2)

7 Link Building Myths that You Should Disregard in 2019

Mostly everyone is aware that Google is after high-quality links. If your website is able to gain the proper links, then it would gain the highest ranking possible.  Having said that, you need to take your link building efforts seriously. Should you decide on enforcing links, do it well and do not easily believe baseless myths!

Man Standing While Discussing Things on His Gray Laptop

Believe me, link development has a lot of tales that could mislead you. Here’s a list that you should be aware of.

Myth #1: Guest posting is no longer alive.

  • It was in 2014 that this approach surfaced. Matt Cutt, an American Google software engineer warned people that doing this has become a spammy practice. Most people think guest blogging is irrelevant!
  • He clarified that it was the spammy blog posts that was a dead practice. Up to this day, guest blogging is still efficient. Just make sure your posts are helpful and informative!

Myth #2: Links that are not related to your field are of poor quality.

  • This is definitely not true. In the end, content, that is appropriate or not, to your niche will still enhance your ranking. To have good ranking, you got to have the finest sites that could link back to your website.
  • To do this, of course, you need to make content that is helpful content for your audience. If you do that, people will see your site as link worthy and an excellent source of information.

Myth #3: Adding too many links in one content is bad.

  • A lot of people have this idea that it is not good to add many links to just one content because it could result to a low keyword rank. No, not true.
  • If your links are poor in quality, for sure, Google could give you a penalty.

Myth #4: If you rank high in the search queries, you do not have to develop your link profile.

  • This is so false! Despite the high rank, you need to be consistently developing your links. It is not just because of maintaining to be on top but because of various reasons such as:
    • Boosts web traffic.
    • Builds up your online visibility.
    • Displays your product’s worth and influence.
  • Link development is not all about increasing the number of links to your website, but it is also showing your business to your would-be customers.

Myth #5: Google will give more importance to websites that has a substantial amount of back links.

  • There are more or less 200 ranking factors that Google considers for ranking. True, link development is essential in ranking.
  • However, saying that it is the basis is totally wrong. Google algorithms value other factors such as user experience, relevance, content quality, keywords, performance in fulfilling users’ intent, and many more.

Myth #6: All the contents of your website have the same worth in ranking

  • People conclude 2 things when this point:
    • That all your posts have an identical authority or
    • All the links have the same value.
  • These conclusions are incorrect. As for the links, Google algorithms consider the position of a link on a page. SEO experts tells us that you should put your links in the higher part of a page because it carries more weight.

Myth #7: Internal links are useless in ranking.

  • True, external links is vital, but it does mean internal links aren’t helpful. In fact, internal links can assist you in achieving a higher website rank.
  • When you link to your website’s “weak” pages, internal linking gives these pages a much needed boost.

Useful Pointers to Increase Website Speed (Part 2)

In part 1, I discussed how to increase your page speed. I also talked about the 7 methods to speed up your website. In fact, I already shared 2 ways, which are compressing files and lessening redirects. Today, I shall discuss the other 5 tips. So, if you are ready, here they are:

  • Take off the unnecessary JavaScript

    • Try to stay away from utilizing render-blocking JavaScript in your website structure. Should there be scripts that does not have to render right away, they should be put off just after the first render is done. To have a swift page speed, the content has to be little in volume and perform at a speedier rate.
  • Capitalize on browser caching

    • Every time a visitor goes to a site, it gathers cache that results to data about images, style sheets, JavaScript and a lot more. When a user visits again, there will be no more reloading of the whole page.
    • There are many advantages of having page speed is that you save a lot of time in sending numerous HTTP requests to the server. Also, there is a decrease on bandwidth and lesser cost to pay your hosting site.
  • Enhance the server response time

    • When you take a look at the response time, there are many things that may influence its rate like the number of traffic of your site and the kind of software that your server uses.
      Approximately aim for a time below 200ms. It also helps to examine the deficiency or slowness of database requests and slow routing.
  • Guarantee that images are optimized

    • Use the right size and file format. Before you import your images to your site, make sure they are really compressed for web purposes. The numerous images you use in your site will surely have an impact to the page loading time.
    • Should you have many heavy images in your site, put them all in one output file. This will aid lessen the delay and the outcome in the development of your speed page.
  • Decrease the useless white space

    • White space, line returns, comment tags, HTML and text can altogether gather and develop the page size from 10 to 20%. This will have a negative effect on your page load time.  It is smart to analyze your pages and codes to the appropriate length to ensure faster speeds.
Trains moving fast

How do you know if things are fast?

Measuring Success

If you have considered doing the above suggestions, it is good to observe the overall site performance of your site so you will discover what else you have to improve. Below are some suggested tools you can use to help you:

  • Pingdom Speed Test
    • This tool will assist you in a basic speed check and overview including metrics like size per domain, size analysis, what kind of content that has multitude of requests. Most importantly, you will learn which of your pages are doing a good performance.
  • Google PageSpeed Insights
    • This was made available to us to give you page insights to know how your site is doing when it comes to speed. Websites are going to be scored from 1 to 100. If number is 85 or above, that means good performance. Of course, anything below that would mean improvements should be made.
  • GTmetrix
    • It is another useful but free tool. With GTMetrix, you will know 5 things: YSlow, page speed, video, history, and waterfall breakdown. The difference of GT metrix compared to the other tools is you can see the difference in performance against various connection set-ups.

Useful Pointers to Increase Website Speed (Part 1)

This is a fast-paced life and online users would like to find everything they are looking for in a snap.

It was in 2010 when Google made public the PageRank algorithm and page speed is the biggest ranking element. Not only that, there are also studies that states: 53% of mobile users quit if the page cannot load within 3 brief seconds.

Car running at a lightning speed

There is an obvious connection between visitor retention, the speed of your website, and the bounce rate. The speed of the website helps to gaining more visitors.

This is the reason why page speed should be the top concern for your site. If you have a slow loading time, the search engines cannot crawl the pages. There are a lot of advantages of increasing your page speed.

The 3 main reasons are listed below:
  1. Boost user experience
  • Google studies show that even just a tiny problem in terms of loading time of will affect the users’ satisfaction by 16%. Meanwhile, 79% of users will not purchase your service or product if your whole website is slow.
  • Users will leave the site specifically if the loading time is too long. Having a swift loading pages can allow users to lead and search the content of your website.
  1. A finer and complete marketing performance 
  • There was a study that reported that 67% of online shoppers will leave their basket if loading takes time. Nevertheless, if there is a one second improvement, your conversion rate can go up between 10 to 20%.
  • If you want to have a huge traffic, then your page speed should be fast enough. The studies done by Google tells us that a deferment of only one second can decrease your web traffic by 20%.
  • More than ever, you need to improve the speed of your website if you want to enhance your site’s conversion rate.
  1. A better SERP positioning
  • Let’s go back to the improved Google’s PageRank algorithm. As discussed earlier, the entire website speed and the page loading time are all important.
  • Additionally, website speed will be influential in the number of views a site gets. Considering all these factors will surely give you a better rank in the search results.
  • The great thing about fast web page loading is that Google’s crawlers can look at your site faster. Because of this, a lot of individual pages have an opportunity to rank in SERP.

Numerous Ways to Speed Up Your Website

There are many ways of speeding up your page for you to see the real possibilities of your business site.

  • Compress Files:

    • For you to accomplish this, try using the tool Gzip. This could lessen the size of HTML OR CSS files. Take note, you should not use Gzip when it comes to images as the quality may not be retained.
  • Lessen Redirects:

    • Do not allow a great number of redirects on your website because there will be more HTTP requests. In turn, this will slow down your page speed. Also, repair your broken links because this will affect your users’ experience.

That’s it for now. I will cut the discussion short and I will share more tips on Useful Pointers to Increase Website Speed (Part 2)

Why Is Your SEO Strategy Ain’t Working?

With the many people desperately working on their online presence and ranking, competition has become very hard.

Now, websites need more than basic SEO repairing. When will you know if the SEO tactics are good enough? Give it more or less three months. So, if it doesn’t work, then you need to find out why. Perhaps, you have overlooked some things. Walk with me to know which one you did terribly wrong.

Man Looking Frustrated While Staring at his Laptop

  1. Your site does not have a good content

  • If your content has no meat in it, then that will cause your SEO failure. The percentage of the viewership from your audience is a major determinant factor. If your content is worthless, do not expect your site to be visited.
  • A well-written content is worth reading. People will keep on going back to your site because what you are offering them something that has value.

Related: 10 Secrets In Writing Content

  1. Your web host is not capable

  • The host provider establishes the search engine performance of your site. So, if you selected a provider that is not capable, then expect a sudden death of your search engine ranking.
  • It is wise for you to check the best host provider you can find. Deciding hastily could only cost you damage.
  1. You have an error on your link profile

  • The link profile is a big factor for your website’s existence due to the changes. Developing the correct link profile and possessing hyperlinks that can engage the users to come to your site.
  • Also, having backlinks from authoritative websites will surely bring you success. However, stay away from buying backlinks because Google will surely catch you using such schemes.

Related: 3 Backlink Tools to Assess Link Quality

  1. You are not abreast with the latest updates on Google’s algorithm

  • There are too many changes on Google’s algorithm that will leave SEO professionals perplexed. However, we all can’t do anything about. If we don’t follow, our SEO schemes will not be successful.
  • Just make sure that you follow the guidelines of the major Google Algorithm updates like Penguin, Hummingbird, Panda, and many more.
  1. You have a huge bounce rate

  • If the bounce rate is high, then it could contribute to the failure of your SEO campaign. Check Google Analytics and see your page metrics. If people leaves your site page immediately, that is an indication of a huge bounce rate.

Related: Tips in Reducing Your Website’s Bounce Rate (Part 1)

  1. You are using an old-fashioned SEO approach

  • If you are using flat URL structure, reciprocal linking, link and article directories, keyword stuffing, you are still using the old-fashioned SEO approach!
  • That is the reason why your SEO campaign is not working. Start using the current SEO strategy and see how your SEO improves.

Related: Ineffective SEO Strategies That You Need to Discard Now (Part 1)

  1. The time spent on your site is low

  • If your website visitors does not stay for a period of time, then something is wrong. If they leave the moment they arrived on your site, your SEO campaign is not good. Remember to check the duration a visitor stays on your site.
  1. You are impatient to wait a little bit more

  • Everybody knows that SEO success takes time. To gain noticeable results, you need to give it three months or so. So, if you are too eager and raving for results in just a month, then you need to be more patient.

6 Steps in Developing SEO-Friendly Content for Your Website

SEO is pretty much about helping crawlers to find web pages and carefully linking it to authoritative websites.

There are other factors why content does not rise in ranking, but let us not go to that first. Take away those keyword research and content optimization tips. First, let’s discuss about the mechanics of SEO-friendly content.

If these will be executed properly, your content has the possibility to be in the no. 1 spot. Now, read the things you should do:Computer, Pc, Workplace, Home Office, Desktop Computer

  1. Increase the Variation of Your Content
  • Searchers are people with different preferences. There are some searches that prefer dense text. Meanwhile, others just needed interesting reasons. Majority would like images, videos, and audios. However, a few may find it bothersome.
  • At the end of the day, it is still good to have images and videos along with some text. The point here is “variety.” Reminder, do not fill your page with unneeded files. The more variety you have, the more you will target a wider audience.
  • A grander standard time on page is a good sign that you have been producing great content that people stay in your site. Therefore, giving them a wonderful search experience.
  1. Your Writing Should Be Refined
  • On average, people will only read 20% of a page. This is why your word choices should be appropriate.
  • Of course, this is not easy but you do need to edit well to have that SEO-friendly content. Use programs that can edit your work like Grammarly or Hemingway Editor.
  • You can consider loosening up and put an extra confidence. Also, you can do the following:
    • Instead of paragraphs, utilize bullets. It is easier on the eyes.
    • Unrestrained and vibrant prose.
    • Look for an exceptional appealing voice that characterizes the statistical language.
  1. Adjust Your Content
  • While it is true that there is a bigger opportunity that an article containing 2,000 words has the likeliness that can gratify the searcher’s intent. However, there are times that a 250-word article can address the issue.
  • Well, it would be wise to see what works depending on the situation. Run through your content and add (or subtract) words if needed. 
  1. Find the Balance Between Originality and Authority
  • You were always told to value a lot of things like authoritative links, expert advices, original research, and many more. That is good, but don’t just elaborate research and links.  Instead, throw in something that is fresh and original that your particular audience would like.
  • A handful of great links and a captivating story will assist your content to mark the boundary between originality and authority.
  1. Mobile First, but Don’t Forget the Desktop Users
  • Bear in mind that the mobile traffic is a huge business. The searches on mobile are more definite and planned as compared to the searches in desktop. Why? Because the searches in mobile are more cohesive in the users’ lifestyles and their day-to-day activities.
  • If people enter the desktop, zero in the long-form. Do the short, but educational answers for the mobile users. You just have to serve both well.
  1. The Form Should Complement the Content
  • Form is about the:
    • Word count.
    • HTML tags.
    • Title and meta tags.
    • Style and structure of the piece.
  • Take Google’s recommendation seriously, which is to “make web pages for users, and not for search engines.”
  • Developing a great outline before creating the actual post will make sure that the cohesion is still there.

Guidelines on How to Build an SEO-friendly FAQ Page

Both people and search engines loves the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) pages. For one, it is a pretty good way to show your customers how you care to address their concerns.

These days, voice search is continuously gaining popularity. Google tells us that 20% of searches use voice. This is because users are seeking for the simplest and fastest ways to have their questions answered.

Magnifying glass zooming in on FAQs

FAQ content can give you that aimed traffic to your site. In fact,  it is used as a successful approach. So, why is it important to develop an FAQ page:

  • It interests potential customers,
  • develops trust in your brand or service,
  • helps resolve customer service questions, and
  • it enhances your SEO rankings.

Google does put a lot of weight on sites assisting people. If you are up to achieving as much on your FAQ page, don’t sit on it. Yes, do it right now! Here are a few steps to come up with something that is extensive.

  1. Compile Pertinent FAQs.
  • Before you start with your FAQ page, it is important that you come up with the correct inquiries to inform your clients of your brand or service to enable you to create demands. You need to have an in-depth and consistent research on the questions asked.
  • If you ask your customer service representatives, you will know tons of questions that are frequently asked by your customers. This is a sure way of gathering the pertinent questions for your FAQ page.
  • Furthermore, it is a good practice to accumulate reactions of both visitors and customers to know how you could develop your business more. You can also seek the aid of an online survey. With that, you will discover where your customers need help. Then, you could add more details in your content to make it clearer.
  • To give you some idea, check out other websites’ FAQ pages. Observe what your competitor is doing and know what questions they have not answered. Learn from those things to develop your own FAQ page.
  1. Apply Structured Data.
  • To make your FAQ page more interesting in the search results, incorporate structured data. Luckily, Google made an additional support for FAQ data so that you could present inquiries and responses straight to the Google Search and Google Assistant.
  • Visit FAQ Action with markup to know how to execute details for Google Assistant.
  • Check report in Search Console to see the mistakes, forewarnings, and reasonable items regarding your FAQ pages.
  1. Consider the Visual Representation.
  • Don’t just think of the text; think visually! Pictures can explain things what words cannot. Use drawings, graphs, images, or videos to make your FAQ page more inviting to read. Make sure you make it simpler for your audience to get their answers.
  1. Navigation Is Important.
  • No matter how brilliant your FAQ page is, if your audience cannot see it or navigate to the FAQ page, then, it is useless. Having an excellent navigational structure will definitely improve and satisfy your customers. Thus, you will earn their loyalty.
  1. Inspect the Analytics.
  • Now that you have your FAQ page, inspect the analytics of your site to know the traffic and ranking. Are people visiting your FAQ page? Did they stay long? If they did, then what? Knowing these things can improve your FAQ page so check Google Analytics from time to time.

5 Link Development Tips to Help Build Backlinks (Part 2)

In part 1, I talked about the great advice on how to develop a non-spammy link. One is through advertising while another way is through social media. If you need to recap, just click on 5 Link Development Tips to Help Build Backlinks (Part 1).

Today, I am still going to discuss backlinks. After all, building the backlink authority is essential in achieving a higher ranking. You can’t deny that Google considers backlinks are one of the top ranking factors. Of course, you can’t just ignore content because backlinks and content work closely together.

Two People in Discussion with Papers on the Table and a Laptop

So, here are 5 more tips for you:

  1. Use the skyscraper technique.
  • This is courtesy of Brian Dean from Backlinko.com. He formulated a technique to develop link building. To summarize, he mentioned of looking for a “linkable content.” Then, you try to work around the idea. You create your version and you can even add more content if you want. The point is to make your own and share it your target audience.
  1. Interview an important person.
  • Look for a person who is prominent in the field and ask if you could interview him/her on your site. Most likely, the person will be honored to be chosen. Surely, that person will easily grant to your request.
  • The only qualification here is that they have great social media following. Once you have done the interview, share it on your social media accounts. Also, tell the interviewee to the link to their followers as well. Optimistically, you will have a few backlinks from the followers of the person you interviewed.
  1. Give away a free tool.
  • Once you give something for free, surely, it will return to you. If you try to make a free SEO tool, that will surely gain the attention of the public. They will try to use it and recommend it to other people since it is available for free.
  • See, you really don’t have to come up with an extravagant gift to give. Just as long as you have addressed the users’ needs, for sure, people will appreciate it.
  1. Do your very own research.
  • If you are worried on how to collect data, then, look up for online surveys. For example, there’s Google Surveys. This free tool will help you make your own survey form. Then, you can easily ask people their opinion. From the data you get, you can definitely come up with something interesting.
  • After, you could go to Reddit (or any discussion board) and see if someone would be interested. If not, go on social media and share your survey there. For sure, someone will somehow get to participate.
  1. Make video transcripts.
  • Video content is harder for Google to grasp. So, this is where you come in. Look for a current video, and then, come up with a transcript. This could be any video as long as it is from a famous person.
  • For the final step, flatter the influencer on Facebook, Twitter, or wherever. You can say that you made a transcript for a video and offer the link. If they respond to you, that’s like an indirect endorsement. Once they share you tweet, for sure, it will have positive ripple effects for your website.

5 Link Development Tips to Help Build Backlinks (Part 1)

Link development is something you can do without having to develop SEO strategies or worry about using old-fashioned SEO tactics. These 5 tips below backlink techniques that everyone can apply on their websites.

Group of People in a Discussion

  1. Advertising

  • The word simply means to let other people know about your site and to increase their knowledge of your site. Of course, there are ranking advantages after.
  • In one of the Google Hangout video posted online, John Mueller, a trend analyst, was asked to share is knowledge on links. He simply answered that you need people to know by advertising about your site. Let the people be the judge if they find your site as a truly good website to visit.
  1. Social Media

  • It has been proven time and again that social media is a potent way to develop traffic, sales, and attention. Establish yourself with the ones that are known online. There is no money involved just make sure that they will be interested in what you are offering and that could result to natural links.

Related: Social Media & SEO (Part 1) and Social Media & SEO (Part 2)

  1. Public Engagements and Business Happenings

  • Events are the perfect venue to meet leaders in other industries to have a chance to develop a good relationship with them. Then, you can always make a blog post about their notes. Interviewing these leaders is a good idea, too.
  • If you want to share something important, you can do public speaking. Start with a small audience first and as you grow in confidence so is the increase in the number of audience you can handle. As you gain respect, people would want to meet you. Again, you can use this leverage to ensure good traffic. Hence, a good ranking for your website.
  1. Podcasting

  • These days, podcasting is gaining popularity. Podcasts are widely available on streaming services like Spotify.
  • If a podcaster wants to interview you, grab the opportunity. Remember, you might gain a link from the podcaster. Not only that, just the fact that people will know your website. So, don’t miss the amazing opportunity to be part of a podcast.
  1. Developing Relationships

  • Why not connect with the people? Just make sure that they are not your direct competitor. The link could come from various ways like endorsements, testimonials or reviews. Yes, you might say that it is old-school practice, but hey, it does work.
  • Think of links as a friend; you first need to be a friend to gain a friend. So, before you get links, share links of businesses you personally patronize.

Free Links are not exactly FREE!

Of course, the methods discussed develop traffic, authority, and also, boosts the popularity of your website. These strategies assist you to make more natural connections because that’s how links should be: natural and organic. Thus, forcing it to be seems a shady and spammy approach.

Free links are not exactly free because advertising your website would need a lot of effort. Natural links won’t be there in a snap!

If you still need tips, more tips will be covered on 5 Link Development Tips to Help Build Backlinks (Part 2)