Tips when You Are Ranking for Keywords in Google (Part 4)

This is will be the final post on the 4-part series on improving your keyword rankings. If you need to recap the previous blog posts, I’ll list them below for you:

Below are the last 3 ways to enhance your keyword rankings in Google.

  1. Get more inbound links.

Encourage people to start talking about your website. For you to get links, start linking external websites on your own website. If you link other people, they will link you too! It’s really about give and take. If you don’t link other websites, they won’t get motivated to link you back.

Without links, your SEO strategy won’t be complete. Of course, it’s all a collaborative effort from content, links down to the technical side like the website structure, and page speed.

It can be too much sometimes, but you just have to digest it little by little.

Here are some tips to remember:

  • For you to gain links for your website, you need create a pieces that’s link-worthy. Do your own keyword research and see what your audience are searching.
  • Next, you need to monitor all your brand mentions. Get on social media and listen to what people are saying about your brand. If they need help, be a friend and offer a helping hand. If they praised you, don’t forget to say thank you. This will you gain inbound links from different people and websites.
  • Whether it’s a positive or negative review, acknowledge the efforts of your users to give you a constructive feedback.  Use social media as a means to boost your link building efforts. Lastly, don’t forget to interact with people whether they are your customers or not. This helps build relationships and it is to convert people once they have formed a bond with your brand.

These are some of the basics to give you a head start. To know more tips, refer to this post: 5 Link Development Tips to Help Build Backlinks (Part 1) and 5 Link Development Tips to Help Build Backlinks (Part 2).

hands formed together with red heart paint

  1. Advertise your content.

After all your efforts, you should also learn to promote them. It will all go to waste if you do not link social media and SEO. You see, the more content you have, the more opportunities for you to:

  • have a higher website rank,
  • get more social media interactions,
  • and be more visible online.

While there are many different ways to advertise your content, applying these basic methods will help you go a long way.

  • Be on different social media sites.
  • Advertise your content on social media.
  • Encourage people to subscribe to your email list.
  • Let your web team know how to inspire social media shares.
  • Set up your Google Alerts to monitor brand mentions.
  • Help answer questions on forum sties like Quora or Reddit
  1. Continue to develop new content.

Once you got the hang of it, don’t stop. Just continue to make something new stuffs for your audience. If to strive to make helpful and original content, your rankings on certains will surely increase.

If you don’t have anything in mind, try updating old content so they will become new again. Because if you have outdated content, your website rankings will surely go down.

For you to optimize content well, you need to consider these things:

  • the relevance of your content to the readers,
  • the purpose of the searchers on why the searched a particular keyword,
  • and the readability of your content.

Your goal is always the users. How can you help them? How will you satisfy their needs? Optimizing on-page elements will surely convert them into avid fans. Thus, they will stay longer on your website.


Tips when You Are Ranking for Keywords in Google (Part 3)

Now, congratulations because you have reached part 3. If you want to jump to the previous 2 blog post, use these links: Tips when You Are Ranking for Keywords in Google (Part 1) and Tips when You Are Ranking for Keywords in Google (Part 2) .

So, are you ready? Below are 3 more ways to have better keyword rankings in Google:

  1. Create Noteworthy & Inviting Titles

What do people see first when they start browsing the web? Yes, it’s the title that they first notice. Whether it’s on social media or the search results, the title is displayed first.

In the title, they know what the web page is all about.  Without a clear title, your audience wouldn’t know what to expect upon landing on your website.

So, I can really say that the page titles are far more important than they seem. Most people just tend to ignore it, but it will the first thing to catch the users’ eye. Find ways for your page title to stand out from the rest. If possible, your target keywords should be added in your title tag.

When BuzzSumo studied 100 million headlines, they concluded that:

  • Emotional headlines are what drives the users.
  • Curiosity brings in more engagements.
  • List post works really well especially when you list 10 items.

Aside from title tags, meta descriptions also help boost your web page. Meta description may not directly affect ranking, but adding it will help trigger an emotion.

Both the title and the meta description should work hand in hand in order to make users click your page, and increase user engagements.

Finger pointing at the laptop users.

Always strive to guide your users

  1. Be Updated on the Latest Google Algorithm Changes

SEO professionals should abide with the latest updates in oder to preserve their website rankings. Just because you have good rankings now, it doesn’t mean it will be forever maintain the ranking.

No, rankings fluctuate depending on the algorithmic changes. If you apply outdated SEO tactics, expect your rankings to drop. To stay updated, you can follow the official Google blog, the webmasters blog, and watch their hangout videos on Youtube.

If you will monitor closely the algorithm updates, you can easily pinpoint the root cause of the ranking drop. So, don’t just ignore any changes because it could negatively your website!

  1. Know What People Are Asking

Search engines, like Google, are always after the well-being of the users. Their mission is to satisfy the users’ wants.

If you look closely, search results have changed. In Google alone, they now have: Just look at all of the new and increased SERP features we have seen over the past couple of years:

  • Dictionary definitions: you can now look up a word on Google.
  • Answer boxes: Google now answers questions without going into a specific site. It will select the best answer and display it on the answer box.
  • Related questions: Aside from the answer box, you will also know the other questions that people asked.

… and there are still more! Google is formulating ways to make search easier and faster. Learn how to optimize your FAQ pages so that Google will feature it on their answer boxes. Update your SEO strategy by considering the latest in Google search. More will be discussed on Tips when You Are Ranking for Keywords in Google (Part 4)

Tips when You Are Ranking for Keywords in Google (Part 2)

Welcome to the second part of this 4-part series of blog posts. If you missed the previous post, I’ve linked it for you, Tips when You Are Ranking for Keywords in Google. In part 1, I discussed the most important step is checking up on your current keyword ranking(s). Next is understand your users’ intent.

Graph on the Customers & Users

For part 2, I will add more tips when you are ranking for different keywords. Below are the 3 additional tips if you want your website to rank better on certain keywords in Google:

  1. Solve the technical problems.

For any website to work, it needs to function smoothly. Any obvious technical issues might affect overall website performance. For one, if you users cannot move effortlessly from one web page to another, then you have a problem.

Both users and search engines should be able to find your contents easily, and navigate your website without any difficulties. If your website is tough to navigate for your users, search engines will automatically encounter the same problem. Thus, it will be difficult to rank for keywords if you can’t even solve simple navigational issues.

Some of the issues you need to resolve are the following:

The more content you website has, the more chances of having duplicate content. So, do a comprehensive audit on the technical SEO side of things to make sure the backend problems are resolved.

  1. It’s all about the user experience.

Without your users, your website is nothing. Let’s face it.

Everything is dependent on how your users’ will react to what you publish online.

After all, search engines care for the welfare of the users. If the users are satisfied, they will be too! Thus, focusing on user experience  will give you an advantage. When searchers will choose to clcik your website more, of course, it will have a higher ranking in the SERPs. You should make it a point to fuse user experience and SEO harmoniously.

Here’s a list of things you can do to give a better user experience to your audience:
  • Keyword research: Do your own research, and know the keywords your users are typing on the search bar. You can do this manually and conduct a simple Google Search. Google’s autocomplete suggestion should be able to tell you the top keywords and the related keywords to your search. If not, there are also keywords tools you can use.
  • On-page SEO: On your end, make sure that the elements such as page titlesmeta descriptions, and headers are optimized.
  • Page speed: Speed is quite obvious. In this day and age, everyone wants fast results. So, if your website is fast, your users are definitely happy. Follow this link to check your website speed.
  1. Consider both search engines and users.

Search engines wants us to simplify our sites so that people will get what they want immediately. When editing, consider how you can expedite the process. Remember, our users are important. Search engines also want to satisfy the users.

So, you are creating new content consider the users and  the search engines. If search engines can’t navigate your website and identify its content, then the users will have the same problem!

Search engine crawlers and users want:
  • a clear website,
  • a website that gives accurate information,
  • uses plain language (because no one wants read jargons!)

It is important to keep this in mind when writing new content for your website. Also, read 10 Secrets In Writing Content.


Always find ways to make it easy for your users. Your website performance depends on them. Need more? Go to Tips when You Are Ranking for Keywords in Google (Part 3)

Tips when You Are Ranking for Keywords in Google (Part 1)

In SEO, it’s been always a tip to do your own keyword research. There are free (and paid) tools that you can use to conduct your research. The next step is to improve the rankings of these keywords. However, it won’t be that because of the ever-changing Google algorithm updates.

These algorithm changes are responsible for the way we look at links, on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and keywords. For example, 7 Link Building Myths that You Should Disregard in 2019 or the Ineffective SEO Strategies That You Need to Discard Now .

On top of that, you have to remember that every website has its own distinctive qualities. Just because a strategy worked for this website, it doesn’t mean it will work for your website. That is why there is a need to monitor changes because the changes could have different effects on websites.

Nowadays, you should go beyond the application of the usual keyword strategies and look at the website project as a whole. There are other factors to consider like content optimization, user engagements, link building, and many more.

Person climbing up the stairs.

For now, I will focus on the different ways to enhance keyword rankings in Google. Read the 3 tips below:

  1. Check Your Existing Rankings

Of course, before changing anything, you need to know your current standing. By measuring your current rankings, you will know where to stand and know your keyword performance so far.

On this stage, you should clearly know your journey so far and how much can still improve in terms of keyword rankings. Next, export your keyword data and store it in a safe place so that you have something to compare your future keyword data with.

It’s important to have a copy because the truth is that you will know exactly when things will change in your website. So, you better keep a copy of all your keyword data before applying any changes.

From your Google Search Console dashboard, you can export the data regarding all your keywords. On your Google Analytics account, you can learn all the organic landing page traffic and the total website traffic.

Evaluating both sets of data will tell you the following:
  • Your top keywords and landing pages, and
  • The areas you need to improve on.
  • Lastly, you will know what keywords and landing pages that did not perform as expected.

For the areas of improvement, you can start on the bottom of Page 1 until Page 2. Assess on how you can still make them better so that it can compete with your most valuable keywords and pages.

  1. Focus on the Right Keywords

In any business, you should fully understand the intent of your users. To know whether or not certain keywords are right for your business, know your customers’ intent and the difficulty of each keyword you want to rank.

Know the particular intent of your users. Are they on website to make a transaction, learn something new, or just simply browse your items? This will let you know where your customers are in the sales funnel.

Do a Google search and know what the top search results of the keywords you are ranking for.

You will also these important information:
  • The Google autocomplete suggestions,
  • The related searches that people type,
  • And the other questions that people ask.

On the next post, I will discuss more tips. So, head to Tips when You Are Ranking for Keywords in Google (Part 2)

SEO Concerns when Owning a Retail Website (Part 2)

When it comes to SEO, you are not 100% sure of the outcome. It could fail or it could flourish! Search engine optimization is a gamble and if you aren’t ready to give it your all, it’s not for you. It takes tremendous time and effort to see noticeable results in your SEO campaign.

person shopping online using his credit card

Before reading the tips below, be sure you have read SEO Concerns when Owning a Retail Website (Part 1).

Page Speed

Speed is not just a ranking factor provided by Google, but it is also what your customers demand. Of course, no one would want to shop on a slow website. You want to your purchase journey to be accomplished as soon as possible.

Last January 2018, Google emphasizes on page speed as an important factor on both desktop and mobile devices because they realized that people care about how fast a website is. A fast website is equals to a better user experience.

Google recommends the following tools to assess a website’s speed:
  • Chrome User Experience Report – This will show you the real-world experience of Google Chrome users when browsing popular websites.
  • Lighthouse – This is an open-source tool that will assess the website in terms of accessibility and performance. You can access Lighthouse in Chrome DevTools of your Google browser.
  • PageSpeed Insights – The PageSpeed Insights (PSI) will let you know the desktop and mobile performance of your website. A PSI score of 90 or above would mean your website is fast, and a score from 50 to 89 is just average. Meanwhile, a PSI score that is below 50 would mean a slow website.

Remember, speed is not just a ranking factor. Website speed also increases your conversion rates. If pages load within the 3-second threshold, your customers will interact with your website more. If not, then expect that customers will immediately leave your website.

The Page Title and Meta Description

These things will not directly affect ranking, but users will depend on the page title and meta description whenever they need to decide whether they click a search result or not. If the page title and meta description do not appeal to the searchers, how will your website get enough clicks then?

Of course, if the searchers find the title interesting, then they’ll read the meta description to get more details. Find ways to make your titles grab the attention of the searchers. If you need tips in optimizing your meta description, I’ve listed 3 Unique Ways to Present Your Meta Description.

For example, someone searches for “buy maxi dress” on Google. Most likely, web pages with title “maxi dress” will appear in the search results. Now, it is all in the hands of the meta description. If the meta description is vague, the searcher will skip to the next result.

You also have to take into consideration that Google will not include the whole description. It will only show the first 160 characters of the given description. So, if you are not direct to the point, then the searchers will be confused on whether or not your website is an online store.

What is the ideal product description then?

In an ideal setting, it would be the search result that addresses ambiguity and assures the users of its validity. Of course, adding the magic words free shipping can also increases the chances for your website to be clicked.

At the end of day, take time to test what titles and descriptions work for your audience. Because page title and meta descriptions help you get page clicks and sales, it should be on your priority list. More clicks would also mean higher rankings for your website in the SERPs. That should give you enough reason to take your page titles and meta descriptions seriously.

SEO Concerns when Owning a Retail Website (Part 1)

The thing about Google is that it does not completely divulge algorithm details. Personally, I don’t think that Google is being secretive, but I think is playing fair. With everyone not knowing every ranking factor, it is everyone’s game.

Every website has a chance of ranking well in Google. It’s up to you to experiment on what works and what doesn’t. At the end of the day, it’s just a matter of figuring out the best and fastest way to get to the top.

Sometimes, searches on Google is just research and finding ways to get new information. On other instances, it could lead to immediate conversion. Users will immediate buy a product without hesitating. That’s the great thing about SEO, you surely cannot predict what will happen next.

Google are not exactly transparent with algorithmic changes and ranking details. 

All Google do is to give hints. Of course, it would not clearly point out that this is how you should do it! There is no clear formula on how much your website will earn or when you will exactly get your return of investment.

Automating shopping experience

Paying for goods using mobile phone.

With that being said, it is best to focus on these details when you have an ecommerce or retail website on your hands.

The Crawl Budget

Google sets a specific allocation for every website. The Google bots will stick to this crawl budget. As it analyzes a particular website, the bot will follow its usual routine in crawling. If there’s still any amount left of the crawling budget, it will also try to look for new web pages.

It was revealed that the more relevant a website is, the more bandwidth allocation it will have. Sometimes, pages of a websites are not indexed properly because you did not submit them to Google. Therefore, Google has no knowledge about these pages. You can ask Google to recrawl your website.

It can also be that the Google bot takes too much bandwidth to inspect your website. So, you better speed up your website in order for Google not to waste the allocated bandwidth for your website. For tips in enhancing website read and Useful Pointers to Increase Website Speed (Part 1) and Useful Pointers to Increase Website Speed (Part 2).

Upon knowing such details, you can opt to update pages with little value or choose to delete them completely. As an ecommerce website, it is important to minimize the number of web pages to avoid duplicate content. Yes, it may take time especially if you have huge website. Manually identifying what to delete and what to retain will require effort, but it will surely accelerate the crawling process.

Your Website and its Contents

Let’s not forget the most important part of your website: the contents. You will know if your contents are relevant and useful because you will get links to your website. These links from other websites will serve as an endorsement.

This does not mean that you should go around and buy links. Link schemes such as link buying are strictly prohibited by the Webmaster Guidelines. Google is not after the quantity of links your website will get, but it values quality more. Read 7 Link Building Myths that You Should Disregard in 2019 to know more on what to avoid.

Sadly, most retail websites do not strategize their content well because they often focus on the products. For a physical store, there are employees ready to answer questions. Your website should do the same and provide helpful FAQ pages.

SEO Tips for Bing (Part 2)

The Microsoft equivalent of Google isn’t that bad. If you read 3 SEO Tips for Bing, you would know Microsoft’s Bing has 500 million users per month. Well, it’s nothing to the 74.8% market share of Google. Then again, 500 million people is still a lot!

Microsoft Building

Ignoring this demographic would be such a shame. Bing may only be second to Google, but it still represents millions of users. With that, I will present 5 more SEO Tips for Bing. Read about it below:

1. Don’t forget social media!

I am emphasizing this because unlike Google, Bing added social engagements to their algorithm. More than any search engine, Bing values social signals to determine the quality.

  • So, make sure you are active on social media. Most people are on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter anyway!
  • To increase brand awareness, be where your customers are.
  • For instance, Pinterest and Instagram are more of pictures. If you have a photography business or anything that concerns interior designing, this is a great venue to promote your website.
  • To make it short: the more social engagements, the more chance you website will rank well on Bing.
Things to avoid:
  • Don’t even try to buy social media followers, and
  • do not fake your profile.

What I mean here is that your voice on social media should be authentic. If you can, handle the accounts yourself. If you can’t, assign it to a staff that knows the business well. You would not want someone to post inaccurate information of your business.

2. Apply the basic optimizations.

The thing about Bing is that it is less advanced than Google. So, you really don’t need to complicate things and just apply the following:

  • Add keywords on the title or page heading.
  • Use different heading tags (H1 to H6) to emphasize important words.
  • Subheadings usually take the H2 format.
  • Just make sure to not stuff too many keywords in one page.

Just a little reminder:

Since Bing uses a different standard, applying SEO tips for Bing may affect your Google ranking. Same goes for Google.

When a website is optimized for Google, Bing rankings will get affected. That’s why most SEO practitioners just choose to ignore Bing.

3. Add tags and categories.

Tags and categories make your website more visible. It widens the reach of the terms added.

It’s important to not only add tags and categories to blog posts, but you can need to add on specific pages.

4. Develop a link building strategy.

Here’s the tricky part: Bing emphasizes on the exact match anchor texts for the links. However, if you are doing too much of it, Google would not like that.

So, it’s going to be hard finding the right balance of Bing and Google. Be sure to read Bing’s rules and comply with their webmaster guidelines at all times.

5. Enhance website speed.

Of course, speed is important whether it’s Bing or Google. Anywhere you go, users of the different search engine want a shorter loading time.

Everyone wants lightning fast search results. For Bing, you can get suggestions on how to enhance the page load time when you check the Bing Webmaster Tools.

Related: Useful Pointers to Increase Website Speed

3 SEO Tips for Bing (Part 1)

Without a doubt, Google is the top choice in online search, but that does not mean we will take for granted the other search engines. Of course, for most of us, the focus would be still be Google. However, we have to remember that Yahoo!, Baidu, Ask, and Bing are part of the top 5 most used search engines today.

Being below Google, Bing is unnoticed most of the time. The public would often focus on the 74.8% market share of Google. Bing gets the second spot, but its market share is nowhere near Google. With only having a market share of 8.08%, Bing seems irrelevant, but it represents roughly 500 million monthly users.

In this blog post, I will help you get most of the 500 million users. Here are 3 tips in optimizing your website for Bing:

1. Add your business on Bing Places

Bing Places for Business is the Microsoft equivalent of Google My Business.  When you use this, it allows your online businesses to be listed on Bing. With an account, you can claim your business listing, update business details, add photos, location, and other important information.

Microsoft Building

What sets Bing apart? Its algorithm considers social signals as a ranking factor. So, social engagements from websites like Facebook will surely affect rankings. You just need to do 3 steps:

How to add your business?
  • Don’t worry, Bing is not totally different. Beside, even if you haven’t listed your business, it’s probably listed by someone else already. All you need to do is to claim that you are the owner. Then, you can update and edit it to your own preference.
  • If need a step-by-step guide, Bing provided a detailed instruction here. You will know the proper way to add and complete your business listing.
The verification process
  • Next, you need to verify your identity. According to the guidelines, Bing has numerous ways of verifying a Bing Places for Business listing. It can either be through: postcard, email, phone call, text message, and Bing Webmaster Tools.
  • Once you have entered the authorization code, you are the official owner and no one is allowed to unauthorized changes.
Publishing Your Business
  • Finally, you can publish your business listing on the Bing Place for Business website.

2. Provide a Variety of Pictures

Like any search engine, Bing also emphasizes on the importance of images. It gives your potential customers an idea on what to expect.

So, be sure that the pictures you upload are high resolution images. Most importantly, these pictures are an accurate representation of your business. This is your chance to make a good impression. Don’t disappoint your customers by uploading deceiving photos.

Related: How Images Help in Boosting Your Conversion Rate

3. Ask Customers to Send their Reviews

Lastly, a business would not thrive without online reviews. Nowadays, people will not transact online without reading the reviews first.

  • Encourage your existing customers to share their shopping experience.
  • Do not resort to buying online reviews.
  • Welcome negative reviews too! If you only feature 5-star reviews, your business will surely seem shady.

Read how an unfavorable review actually helps your business. Showcasing the flaws makes your business believable. For many, a perfect profile may seem too suspicious!

More tips will be posted on SEO Tips for Bing (Part 2)

Interpreting ‘Quality’ According to Google (Part 2)

Out of all the ranking factors, we read about “quality” a lot. It’s in content, in links, and practically everywhere. Google always mentions “quality” numerous times, but what do they mean by it? According to Google, content has to be “high-quality.” Also, “quality” of links are more important than the quantity.

So, how do we really define “quality” basing from Google’s standards? In this post, I will try to explain what Google meant on “quality.” Luckily, Google addressed this issue on blog post that they just recently published.

Google Home Screen Reflected on a Tablet

Google listed various questions in order for us to determine the quality. If you missed it, I already discussed 2 out 4 on Interpreting ‘Quality’ According to Google (Part 1)

When you read the questions below, put yourself on the shoes of the shopper who has NEVER been to your website? Will you answer positive responses? Let’s see:

Presentation and Production

For this part, Google cam give penalties that will affect your website rankings. So, carefully assess these questions:

  • Does the content contain any spelling or grammatical errors?
  • Was the content hurriedly produced or does it seem well-researched?
  • Do the ads distract the readers from the article’s main point?
  • Is it viewable on mobile phones? If so, do the contents display well?

Presentation Tips:

  • The presentation and production can make or break your article. Of course, a website should aim that all its contents should be free from any errors. Whether it is formatting, grammar, or spelling, these things should be avoided as much as possible. For retail websites, how can you expect your customers to trust you if you can’t deal with basic grammar errors?  So, take time to read and edit your content pieces before you publish them.
  • Another thing to consider is the website’s mobile-friendliness. Most users are on mobile phones, and it would be sad if you don’t cater to the mobile audience. Make sure that your content is readable on different mobile devices.


In this area, Google posted these questions:

  • Are the contents verified? Do you have sources for the statements you wrote?
  • Upon reading, do you trust this content with your money or your life?
  • Is the content written by someone who clearly knows the topic?
  • Are the contents presented in a way that is trustworthy? Is their any evidence or a clear source cited?

Things to remember:

  • Google always website owners to show their expertise and authoritativeness on a topic. Before you discuss a topic, do your own research. Don’t just carelessly talk about something you don’t know about.
  • When evaluating quality, remember E-A-T. If you want a quick recap, I posted about the importance of E-A-T And Why Website Owners Should Care.
  • Another way to show expertise to provide buying guides, tutorial videos, and FAQ pages. Google values pages that aid users.
  • Lastly, don’t forget the word “trust.” When your customers trust your brand, they believe on whatever it is you post. For your customers, you are an authority. Let’s not forget that Google values authority and reputation. Take time to develop your reputation by asking for customer reviews. Whether it is a positive or negative review, it will surely impact your website’s ranking. Read: How Unfavorable Reviews Affect SEO


Interpreting ‘Quality’ According to Google (Part 1)

With over 200 ranking factors, it’s quite difficult to figure out the list of guidelines provided by Google. In the world of SEO, one of the words we often hear or read is the “quality.” We often read about quality content and links, but it’s vague, right?

Google sign

It feels like Google has some explaining to do. Well, Google took time to clarify the word “quality” on an August 01, 2019 blog post. Finally, they decided to release a series of questions to test your website in 4 areas: the content and quality questions, the expertise questions, presentation and production questions, and the comparative questions.

If you are the customer, will you respond positively to the questions? Assume you are answering from the point of view of the customers. Let’s check and answer the questions provided by Google.

The Quality Content

  • The first thing Google said is to focus on providing the best content. Google algorithms will definitely reward websites that are focused on creating high-quality content.
  • As a website owner, evaluate your website honestly if you are truly giving your audience quality content. These are the set of questions Google provided in terms of checking website content:
    • Is the content you provided an original piece, a detailed report, a research, or an in-depth analysis?
    • Does the content provide a comprehensive explanation of the topic
    • Does the content go beyond what is obvious? Is there more to it than meets the eye?
    • If the content inspired by another piece, does it provide more information and not just a rewrite of the original?
    • Does the given title or headline really describe the content or is it just exaggerating?
    • Would you recommend this to a friend or bookmark it yourself?
    • Can you see this piece printed on a book or magazine?

Content Tips:

  • For content, we can clearly see that Google is after the value and significance of the content you publish. So, do your own research of a topic and consider the expert opinions. Go beyond the source article and add your own findings.
  • Page titles and headlines are equally important. You shouldn’t just focus on the body of your blog post. Also, take time to assess the title, the headings, and the word choices. Most importantly, titles should not clickbait or deceive people.

Compare and Contrast

  • As for the comparative section, Google posted these questions:
    • When you compare your content to other search results, does it have more value?
    • Does your content answer the searchers’ questions? Are you merely testing what content works and what doesn’t? Will your searchers’ find your content satisfying? More importantly, did it fulfill the searchers’ intent?


So, there you have it. You also need to analyze your website and compare it with the other websites in the search results. You don’t have to aim to be the “perfect” website. All you have to do is to be better than those top search results. Focus on giving what your users want and provide valuable content than those other sites in the search results.

More questions will be discussed on Interpreting ‘Quality’ According to Google (Part 2)