Scottsdale Web Design – How to Rob Organic Clicks from Massive Brands?

Frequently, big companies – like Amazon, Walmart, Apple, and etc. – control the searches because they have a huge team, a hefty budget to work with, and of course, a popular brand.

To be honest, not everyone has that luxury. So, the question is, how do you compete and stand out if the Goliaths in the industry have all those assets within reach?

GIANT signage

How do you ever compete with big brands like Amazon?

In this post, I will show you the means to win organic clicks and conversions from these huge brands.

The best way to beat the more powerful brands is to look into the following:

Content Gap Examination

First, you gotta fill in the gaps. Study their content carefully, and try to identify the keywords that they are ranking for. For sure, there are keywords they have not used. (More on: 5 Free SEO Tools That You Should Use)

Take time to do a competitors research and analyze who are the leading brands in the field.  This will tell you the keywords that the behemoths aren’t ranking for. Then you will know where your advantages lies.

Content Format Break

Next, look into is the structure of the content that are not being used by your opponent. Videos, audio files, and diagrams add to the means of how your website can be spotted. The minute you know what content others are not using, then you can bridge the gap. Read more: 6 Steps in Developing SEO-Friendly Content for Your Website

Show Your Power

Developing how you show your content is a good step to counter a giant opponent. Most of the time, because of the voluminous products and pages on a website, companies depends on the template page titles and descriptions instead of doing it by hand. Now, that would be your advantage.

Creating a fascinating meta description to get more clicks is the essential of SEO. More on: Tips on Writing Compelling Product Descriptions

Increase your Exceptional Content

The next strategy is making use of is schema markup. This approach will allow search engines to gather data and show it in the SERPs in a more exquisite manner.

For instance, if add videos on your website, you could mark it up in a way that Google will decide to fill the video carousel. So, even if the Goliaths of your industry has an awesome content, they can never outrank the video you have made. This is because a video is far more interesting and visually satisfying than mere texts! More on: 4 Quick Tips to Improve Content

Utilize Other Means

Having a budget for paid search accounts is already a huge accomplishment in itself. No one is that fortunate to have the resources to advertise and promote a content.

So, if you are using paid advertisements, collect all the necessary information. Study the converting terms that are pertinent to your campaign. Know that the giant brands may be outsourcing essentials in their campaign. Try to use the data you have gathered. Read more: 3 Amazon Strategies You Can Apply on Your Website

These are only one of the many methods you can do to rob organic clicks from the behemoths. However, this is a good starting point. I hope to discuss more next time.


Scottsdale Web Design – 4 Easy Tips in Optimizing Your Online Store

Have you optimized your online store? Well, if you haven’t, you should start doing it now. You see, when you have a business, you are also caught up will the various tasks that you don’t have time to check other recent trends. If you want your business to have more revenues, you should level up and start making a change.

Yes, We're Open sigange

The truth is, when you decide to finally make a change, it doesn’t take that long to operate in perfect shape. After making improvements, you can lessen your bounce rate, and develop a loyal audience. All it takes is hard work and a few alterations.

  1. Make use of the strength of product images.

If you look at the study done by Invodo, 92.6% of the consumers said that visuals are the greatest effective element when they make a decision to buy. Thus, make sure that your images should be top in quality to optimize the effect of your product page/s.

True, you need to have an image that is top quality. However, users are also upset with a slow page load time especially on mobile devices. These days, there are more people using their mobile to purchase.

It is either you learn to use a camera. Make sure you buy a high-caliber camera and learn to use it properly. If not, go get a pro to do the job. The song nailed it when it said something like a picture can paint a thousand words. So, use vivid photos and you are off to a good start!

  1. Look into the abandoned carts.

When was trying to find ways to make their website better, they focused on abandoned carts. They knew that these customers were only a step away from making a purchase! So, they took this as a chance to give their customers a nudge. They gave their customers a reason to finally complete that purchase.

So what did do? Well, they figured that delay is not so bad. All they need to do is send a follow-up email to remind the customers that they left something on their cart. In the end, it garnered a surprisingly 40% conversion rate. This shows us that abandoned carts are not bad for business. In fact, it can open doors for business opportunities. Take advantage of it!

  1. Create your site and increase its mobile-friendliness.

Mobile e-commerce sales in the U.S. are estimated to a whopping $338 billion by 2020 says Therefore, if your site is not optimized for mobile, then you will be losing a lot of sales. To check the mobile-friendliness of your current site, be sure to visit Google’s Mobile Friendly Test.

Do not put aside mobile phone; Recalibrate your plans and include the mobile sector. If you make it faster, it will surely give your conversion rate a much needed boost.

  1. Create your product descriptions.

If you are a reseller, never just copy the description given to you by the manufacturer. To begin with, it could be wrong; if not, it’s badly written. If you do not do something about it, then that poorly written description will pull you down. Write your own description of the product and see how it will magically turn your product into something that people would want to buy. More on: How to Write Compelling Product Descriptions.


Scottsdale Web Design – 8 Things to Check When Evaluating Crawl Hygiene

Our prime objective when it comes to optimizing a website is for its crawlability. The aim here is to be certain that all search engines are in our most vital pages so they be constantly crawled on a daily basis and would find new content easily. You have to be aware that Googlebots always visit your site, but it has a limited window to crawl. When the limit is over, it will stop.

person using laptop computer

Limited Budget to Crawl

Just remember that Googlebots won’t have all day. They will visit only for a limited time and that could be sporadic. So, make sure it is worth the time.

It is very difficult to know where to begin examining. Thus, this becomes harder when you have a huge site. Ultimately, you need to know how hygienic your site is for the search engine crawlers. If you are beginning to worry about it, check the items listed below:

  1. The number of pages being indexed.

This is so vital because you will now know the number of pages that are accessible to the crawlers. Also, you will be aware of the many pages Google has found and if they are even worthy to be indexed.

  1. The total number of pages being crawled.

 This carries weight as well because when you compare Googlebot’s activity versus the many pages you have. Then, you will know the number of pages Google cannot scan.

  1. The number of pages that are not indexable.

The time and budget of Google in crawling pages that are not indexable will just be wasted. Better allocate in pages that are indexable! You have to find out the pages that are being crawled, and decide if you really need it for index purposes.

  1. The many URLs that are disallowed from being crawled.

You will know the many pages that are blocking search engines from entering your website.  Hence, you have to be 100% sure that these pages aren’t vital for indexing; if not, then it will determine the pages that can be crawled.

  1. The countless low-value pages that are being indexed.

The reason why this is vital is because it identifies the pages that Google had indexed on your website.  This means, the crawler was able to gain entry. It could be pages that you did not include in your sitemaps because it is not as good. Nevertheless, it was discovered and indexed.

  1. The 404 error pages that are being crawled.

Googlebots will consistently crawl 404 error pages to check if it is still there. You have to use the 410 status codes the right way so crawlers will know that the pages are no longer there and there’s NO need to be recrawled.

  1. The many numbers of time that the internal redirects are being crawled.

 You have to aid Google crawl competently and preserve the crawl budget. This is by making certain that only pages that has 200 status codes are connected in your site and lessen the requests to pages that are not final destination URLs.

  1. The number of canonicalized pages.

 The many canonicalized pages present in your website shows how many duplications there are.  On the other hand, canonical tags unify link worth within sets of duplicate pages. Crawl budget will be affected Googlebots will need to crawl all the have to crawl all of the canonicalized pages first.

Aside from the above mentioned, you also have to consider the number of paginated that are being crawled and check if there are mismatches. So, there you have it. The list should give you enough knowledge of your site’s crawlability.


Scottsdale Web Design – 7 Crucial Assets of a Great Website

A great website can do the following:

  • Makes users happy and satisfied.
  • Provides search engines what they are looking for.
  • Gives traffic and sales to the website owners.

To fulfill all motives, a site needs to have some distinctive qualities that sets them apart from the rest.

two women talking while looking at laptop computer

7 Crucial Assets of a Great Website:

  • Content first!

After all, content is the groundwork of every good site. Search engines, Google most especially, have been keen in finding sites that has superior content. So if your content is not good enough for the search engines, you can never make it online. It has to be something that users are so craving to read.

This is crucial element of success. Once users get into your site from Google or any other search engine, you can easily tell if they love your content. Check on your Google Analytics report and start on checking on barometers like:

  • Bounce rate
  • Exit rate
  • Time on site
  • Average session time
  • Pages/sessions

If you received good numbers of comments, shares, and backlinks, this means you have just fulfilled the user’s intent. If it is otherwise, rethink your strategy.

  • Should be SEO optimized.

Although your content has high-quality, you still need to build an SEO friendly website. It should give the correct signals for the search engine crawlers to find. More on: Important On-Page SEO Factors to Optimize

  • Trusted by users.

You just don’t win over Google. You’ve got to win the users too! And this has something to do with the kind of content you have and treating your users with utmost respect. You have to be on-point and never lure them to click on ads. Your aim is for users to have a wonderful experience in your site.

  • Optimized for mobile usage.

People use mobile devices more often especially when they are outside their homes or offices. It is an advantage if people can continue their search using their mobile device. This is the reason why you should optimize your site for mobile usage. If you want to check the mobile-friendliness of your site, go to Google’s Mobile Friendly Test.

Google has created a mobile-friendliness as one of the search engine ranking factor and if you don’t optimize for mobile, it will really ruin your Google rankings. Now,  focus on the users’ interaction here so as to make certain that they find what they want in the fastest means you can manage.

  • Should load swiftly.

When visiting a site, the people (and search engines too) do not want to wait long. This will result to the low Google rankings because if it takes more than 2.5 seconds to load on a device, this is considered slow. Further reading on: Useful Pointers to Increase Website Speed

  • E-A-T wins.

This means Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness. These are the essential factors that has been gaining grounds in the past months. This is what Google has reiterated because this is the type that is worth showing in the search results. If you fake it, you won’t make it. That’s how it works!

  • Gain reference links from other sites.

Great website links with equally great websites too. In short, you need a lot of incoming links. Think not of just quantity but quality as well! More on: 5 Link Development Tips to Help Build Backlinks



Scottsdale Web Design – 6 More Factors That Can Contribute to Your Towering Bounce Rate

Previously, I talked about 4 Factors That Can Contribute to Your Towering Bounce Rate. This time, I will take up more causes of a high bounce rate.

Several white arrows pointing upwards

Are you ready? I listed 6 more below:

  1. Blank Page or Page Not Found

 Should your bounce rate become surprisingly high, one reason could be that a page is actually blank or going to a 404 error.

Check out the page from your user’s chosen browser. They could use Safari, Google Chrome, Opera, and many others. Try to reproduce their experience and go to the Google Search Console. Under Coverage, check the issue. You can repair it yourself or ask someone you know.

  1. Some Terrible Link from Other Websites

From your website itself, you could have a low bounce rate. However, from your referral traffic, there could be a high bounce rate. Well, it could be that the referring site has been giving you unfit visitors. If not that, then it could be that the anchor text that caused unnecessary confusion. The culprit of which is the outcome of  careless writing.

It could also be that it was not meant to be link to your site. Hence, you should be alert on the sites mentioned your website. They could be destroying you with those negative SEO schemes for whatever reason. Tell them to take out the link; if not, disavow these links immediately.

If it is from someone you know, communicate with the writer of the content to update the post. If the writer has no capacity to do it, then talk to the editor or webmaster.

  1. Associate the Landing Page or Single Page Site

 If you are an affiliate of a website, then the reason for your page is to intentionally redirect the users to the linked website. In these cases, that’s fine.

An identical situation is when you redirect people to your portfolio or your download page. Usually, for these cases like what I mentioned, it’s expected to have a high bounce rate. Do not forget that Google can definitely tell if you can satisfy the user intent.

  1. Underdeveloped Content

 Users could be bouncing from your site due to bad content. If that is the case, then get a friend who has a writing background. If not, ask someone who is part of your preferred audience.

Remember, web writing is not the same with publication writing. Hire a writer or someone who could help you with your ideas and turn it to something brilliant and interesting.

  1. Terrible Interface

If you have a lot of pop-ups, ads, and email subscribe buttons, then these things will drive away potential visitors.

CTA buttons are good for the sales, but not for your visitors. Perhaps, your website is also difficult to navigate or it does not have a search options.

These features may seem trivial, but in the end, it could be the cause for people to leave. Do not commit these mistakes and pay attention to every little detail. If you must, then hire a web designer.

  1. Not Mobile-Friendly

 True, you need your page to be mobile-friendly. In 2018, a quarter of the best sites were not mobile friendly. Although you used all the functional design, it may not be as usable to your mobile audience. People will bounce back to the search results because your website is hard to navigate on mobile. To know where you stand, use the Test My Site tool found on Think with Google.


Scottsdale Web Design – 4 Factors That Can Contribute to Your Towering Bounce Rate

For websites, you want a high traffic, high conversion rate. However, if you have a high bounce rate, that is not good. This is a stressful time for online marketers.

an arrow showing an upward trend.

So, what is bounce rate?

Bounce rate simply means the number of visitors leaving your site after only a few seconds of looking at a page! One study shows that a lot of websites have towering bounce rates ranging from 26% to 70%.

According to the study, here is the bounce rate grading system:

  • 25% or lower: Not good!
  • 26-40%: The ideal rate. Brilliant if it’s around this number!
  • 41-55%: Average
  • 56-70%: Higher than the usual numbers; it really depends on the site.
  • 70% or higher: Definitely poor! Something needs to be repaired.

The bounce rate of your website will be seen on Google Analytics’ Audience Overview tab. For individual channels and pages,  refer to the Behavior column.

There are many causes of a towering bounce rate. Interested to know some standard reasons?

  1. Slow Loading Speed

 Visitors tend to leave if the loading takes a few seconds. Therefore, it is imperative that you fix your site speed. A gradual fix means a gradual improvement in your speed.

Analyze your page speed not just individually, but as a whole. Use tools to assess the speed like:

These are the tools that will give you the right suggestions to your website like compressing huge image files. More tips on: Useful Pointers to Increase Website Speed (Part 1)

  1. Self-sustaining Content

 Check the Time Spent on Page and Average Session Duration metrics on Google Analytics to know whether you should worry or not.

Should the visitor stays for quite some time on a certain page, it is an assurance to Google that your page is regarded as a highly applicable to their search.

Now, if the visitor stays less than a minute on the page, contemplate on attracting the users to read a few of your correlated blog posts. Suggest some related articles on the side!

  1. Unequal Contribution of Some Pages

 You might have some pages on your website that are participating in unequal contribution to the general bounce rate of your website. Google is very sharp on detecting this.

If you want to be really, really want to be so sure, open your Google Analytics account, click on Behavior > Site Content > Landing Pages, and sort by Bounce Rate.

Think of adding extra advanced filter to take away. The rule here is to decide on what is sensible for your website, irrespective of whether it gains a mere 500 visits or 10,000 visits.

  1. Deceptive Title Tag and or Meta Description

Why don’t you ask yourself this question, “Is the content in this page exactly encapsulated by the title tag and meta description?”

If your answer is no, then, the users may go to your site expecting your content to be what they think it is. When they realize it is not, they will definitely leave. So, they hit the “back button” and go back to the place where they came from. To remedy this, scrutinize the content of your page and then alter the title tag and meta description.

Next? 6 More Factors That Can Contribute to Your Towering Bounce Rate




Scottsdale Web Design – Creating a Web Design That’s SEO Friendly (Part 2)

If you read Creating a Web Design That’s SEO Friendly (Part 1), I have presented tips such as inspect crawling errors and submit a sitemap. In this post, I will continue discussing tips like website structure, internal linking system, on-page SEO, and a lot more.

Low Angle View of Laptop Keyboard

  1. Website Structure

Everywhere you go, there’s a certain framework to follow. The same is true for websites. In order to be organized, there should be a structure. Search engines will start from your main page down to the last bit of page it sees.

Any important data should only be just 3 clicks (or less) from the homepage. Another practice is to categorize your site in the hierarchical way.

  1. URL Framework

After website structure, there should also be a URL structure. Hence, the application of permalinks.

These permalinks (or slugs) help users identify the content of link. Here are the attributes of an effective URL slug:

4. Internal Linking System

Remember, your website is composed of different pages. That is why you need to link all the related pages together.

Why is adding internal link important in SEO?

  • Improves in indexing and crawling
  • Assists you in think of other topics to discuss
  • Helps users to get to other important pages of the website.

How to enhance internal linking system? Be certain that all the vital pages are connected to other pages of your site. To help you manage your links, there’s an internal links report on Google Search Console.

  1. On-Page SEO Optimization

The pages on your site must be optimized for the search engines. Most especially the homepage and the landing page.

Here are the SEO principles you should follow at all times:

  • Improve your page titles – Optimization of the title page aids search engines and users to know what the page is all about. Further reading: Important On-Page SEO Factors to Optimize
  • Add headings –  This is good for long pages with many data. Each part should show its very own optimized heading, making it easier for users and search crawlers to read.

 6. The User’s Journey

Lastly, try your best that the proposed web design should be able to ensure a good user experience. This can be done by doing the following:

  • Website speed – Humans and Google alike would want a site that load quickly. This means it loads in less than 3 seconds on mobile. If you can’t do it, at least target to still make it faster than its current speed. If you need more tips, refer to: Useful Pointers to Increase Website Speed (Part 1) and Useful Pointers to Increase Website Speed (Part 2).
  • Mobile Friendliness – use mobile first strategy when you design your site since 60% of the searches happens on mobile devices. Hire someone who is great in doing this to make sure your users will be happier. If you want to test the mobile friendliness of a website, go to Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test.
  • Website Protection – your site has to be protected (https) and keep the user data secured in the best way you know how.



Scottsdale Web Design – Creating a Web Design That’s SEO Friendly (Part 1)

Web design is the method of building websites. However, you also need to consider the SEO side. You need to make sure that the website you are building is something that search engines can understand well. These search engines should be able to do their job of crawling, and indexing a website.

Search engine crawlers are not like people. They will not ask questions. Instead, they will look at how you constructed your  content, check the on-page elements on your website. So, why is SEO friendly web design vital? The answer is simple; your site must keep the users and search engines satisfied. If search engines cannot understand your website, it will have a negative consequence on both your traffic and rankings. That is something you wouldn’t want to happen, right?

colored pencils lined up on top of white surface

Google won’t look at your color choices.

Having colors in your SEO web design is great, but that is not the concern of Google. What it cares about is a site’s structure and how it can give search engines the correct solutions.

Your Website Needs to Be Accessible

It helps if your site is SEO friendly because then, it can be fully indexed by search engines without difficulty. This is the first fundamental rule and a very crucial one.

Correctly follow the steps below to be certain that your site and content is indexed correctly:

  • Optimize your Robots.txt

A file in the root directory of your site is Robot.txt. This specifies to search engines which pages of a site they can index. So, it is best to always check this!

  • Inspect for any Crawl Mistakes

Next, you should inspect for crawl mistakes. You can utilize Google Search Console, which can give you a data regarding crawls errors.

  1. Add your website link on Google Search Console.
  2. Locate and repair any crawl mistakes.
  •  Present an XML Sitemap

What is a sitemap? It contains all vital pages of a site. You should let the search engines know about the pages of your website so they can also do their job right. To make it easier for them, submit XML sitemap on Google Search Console. If you want to know how, refer to this help page on building sitemaps.

  •  Utilize Canonical URLS

For instance, you are showing different pages on the mobile view and desktop view. You have to let Google know that they are the same. The danger if you don’t is that Google will be puzzled on what to show on the search results. Thus, affecting your search engine rankings in the end. Below are some tips to remember:

Aside from the images in your website, you might want to consider adding videos, podcasts, and audio. While search engines can index these multimedia elements, they still need assistance in understanding their context. Enter schemas and structured data.

Structured data are unique tags that you can combine to the HTML section to help search engines in understanding the features of each web page element.

Next? Creating a Web Design That’s SEO Friendly (Part 2)



Scottsdale Web Design – 6 More Mistakes to Avoid When Doing a Keyword Research

In part 1, I already discussed quite a few mistakes to avoid when doing your keyword research. The truth is that keyword research remains to be one of the most challenging responsibilities ever. So, to perfect this task, you need to know what the other mistakes are.

red Wrong Way signage

Below are 6 more tips for you:

  1. Having NO Idea Where the Users Are Searching

Yes, you have to check the actual search results to know what the users are searching. However, you also need to the other places where people usually go to get information.

Where do people go? Nowadays, people hang out on the different social media accounts. They go to Youtube whenever they need tutorials. Then, Twitter for the latest news updates. The point is to go beyond the usual keyword research tools. Go find inspiration on the other parts of the World Wide Web because you will see how people search for answers.

  1. Concentrating on Exact Match

Because Google is not something you can outsmart, you can’t just put the keywords and (viola!) you will end up with high rankings.

That’s not how it works. You do not have to bombard your content with all related keywords. Often times, people focused on putting the exact match of a particular keyword. Hence, every single keyword variation is incorporated in an article. No need to exaggerate it that way.

Remember, you know you don’t want to say the same words over and over. In the same light, you should not write that way too.

  1. Overlooking Localization

Let’s say you would want to buy a couch or bookshelf. Google will show the users results on where they could buy a couch. These search results are depending on what stores are located near them. Google considers many elements to get the correct outcome for searchers such as location, availability, seasonality, search history, and a lot more. So, don’t ever ignore local searches. Try add specific locations to your pages.

  1. Not Interested on a Wider Subject Matter

I already warned you about exact match, right? It is likewise important that we get the broadest view of our research. Take a step back and look at it with wider perspective.

Centering on wider subject matters in can assist you to conjure fresh ideas. This will assist you in creating pieces that are more than your usual run-of-the-mill type of content. So, widen your research and link related topic together through a powerful internal linking system.

  1. Not Knowing Your Competitors

All businesses should know their competitors. You can’t go to battle blind. Remember the words of Sun Tzu:

If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. ― The Art of War

It is critical to learn this because you will then understand how search engines work and you will know what the users want. Always include on your research all your main competitors.

  1. Not Analyzing Each Keyword Correctly

Lastly, you should treat keywords depending on their level of difficulty. If it has a lot of competition or not.

This is especially important if you have a fairly new site. It will be more different to rank on particular keywords since you don’t have the E – A – T!


Scottsdale Web Design – 6 Mistakes to Avoid When Doing a Keyword Research

A fundamental part of an SEO practitioner is to do keyword research. Sadly, not everyone likes doing this. According to the SEO experts, it is ranked as one of the top three biggest challenging responsibilities. One reason is the fact that 66% do the research without any help from an expert or a third party.

It is also a discouraging responsibility, and the remaining 44% will do the research if there is no other choice. And if that is the case, finally doing the keyword research could be such a humongous project. Hence, this blog will help you deal with keyword research.

book on failing beside macbook pro

To help you, here is a list of research errors you should keep away:

  1. Failing to Recall Search Intent

The largest error is failing to really analyze the searcher’s intent. It is pointless to rank if you do not know what the user is searching for. Unfortunately, a lot of marketers are focused on driving traffic.

No, it is should be about conversion. Hence, you should consider what people are search. Moreover, you should link your content to what visitors are searching for or at least guarantee a topic they are looking for.

  1. Not Focusing at the Real SERPs

A portion of identifying the searcher intent is to really focus on the search results. Stop looking at the tools and forget about what is ranking for keywords. Instead, do a Google search and look at what appears on the search results. Likewise, study the content of the top search results, and use this as a pattern for your content.

  1. Not Considering the Past Results

While it is true that we go after conditions that will give the largest traffic, you don’t have to choose the keywords with the most volume. Instead, you should know what kind of inquiries your searchers will utilize to get the answers they want. The concern here is not just the volume.

  1. Ignoring of Long-Tail Keywords

Honestly, people tend to ignore longer tail keywords. They think no one would search for these keywords. However, you have to remember that long-tail keywords equates to less rivalry. This means NO competition for you. You are the only one (or part of the few), who can provide the solution to the user’s query.  Thus, this will make the users trust your brand easily. Additionally, the users will you as a “master” on the given topic, and they will not hesitate in purchasing online when they need to.

  1. Not Conversing to Actual People

When doing your keyword research, you might want to consider talking with people in the same industry. Find out what language they utilize when researching, what problems they are experiencing, and what queries they are asking.

  1. Putting in Keywords After the Content is Created

The sad part is that keyword research is accomplished only after the content has been created. People just tend to repeat the same keyword over and over. Remember, research should not be a second thought. Do not just add keywords to your content. Instead, you must search a keywords and develop a content around it.

Next? 6 More Mistakes to Avoid When Doing a Keyword Research